Social Studies

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Social Studies is a Lore tablet found inside the Aeroflow Overseer Station during the quest Quest Icon.png Keeper of Gales.


Social Studies

I had lunch with Galen today. Things were... AWKWARD.

I am not the most adequate social expert already, and our... shared connection with Hephaestus has made things a bit more uncomfortable than usual. Galen is beyond stressed about the goings-on with the Pyroflow generator and their communications.

I suggested Galen spend some time in the countryside and away from the front. He may have taken it... personally. VERY personally. He probably thinks I am trying to get rid of him. I give Hephaestus trouble about how finicky he is with his wording choices, but I am likely going to spend the rest of the day thinking about how that conversation could've gone better...


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Social Studies can be found inside found inside the Aeroflow Overseer Station in Bahari Bay. This tablet is on a table to the left of the Mysterious Device.

