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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Template:AccomplishmentInfobox und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Diese Vorlage definiert die Tabelle „Accomplishments“. Tabelle ansehen.

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Erzeugt eine Infobox für Errungenschaften.


 |title   =
 |image   =
 |desc    =
 |type    =
 |obtain  =
 |skills  =
 |rewards =
Parameter Beschreibung
title The accomplishment title, if left blank will use the title of the page
image An image used for the accomplishment. If left blank, when a value for skills is set the first skill is used, otherwise will use the png sharing the same name as the page.
desc In most cases this will be the in-game description for this Accomplishment, may be generalized for shared-accomplishment pages
skills A comma separated list of skills that are related to the Accomplishment
rewards A list of rewards given for completing the accomplishment

