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Tämä on käännetty versio sivusta Template:HousingAddon/Pricing, ja käännös on 100 % valmis.
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Tälle mallille on sukulaissivuja tai alamalleja: Template:HousingAddon/Pricing


{{HousingAddon/Pricing}} will output a table that displays the cost of additional Housing Add-on purchases.


Field Accepted Parameters
start The base cost of the Housing Add-on
increment The amount that the cost increases for every individual purchase
increment2 The amount that the cost increases every increment_interval
increment_interval How many purchases until increment2 applies
maximum_purchasable The maximum amount of the Housing Add-on that can be purchased before getting Purchase Limit Reached
delay Delays the cost increase by an amount of purchases
delay_increment After the delay has expired, an initial cost increment


General usage

 |start = 2000
 |increment = 50
 |increment2 = 10
 |increment_interval = 5

Muiden rakennuslisäosien tavoin hinta nousee jokaisen ostetun Large Room -rakennuksen myötä. Hinta nousee aluksi Gold.png 50 Gold ja joka 5th oston jälkeen ylimääräiset Gold.png 10 Gold lisää.

1st Large Room Gold.png 2 000
2nd Large Room Gold.png 2 050
3rd Large Room Gold.png 2 100
4th Large Room Gold.png 2 150
5th Large Room Gold.png 2 200
6th Large Room Gold.png 2 260
7th Large Room Gold.png 2 320
8th Large Room Gold.png 2 380
9th Large Room Gold.png 2 440
10th Large Room Gold.png 2 500
11th Large Room Gold.png 2 570
12th Large Room Gold.png 2 640

50th Large Room Gold.png 6 700

With a maximum

 |start = 2000
 |increment = 50
 |increment2 = 10
 |increment_interval = 5
 |maximum_purchasable = 4

Muiden rakennuslisäosien tavoin hinta nousee jokaisen ostetun Large Room -rakennuksen myötä. Hinta nousee aluksi Gold.png 50 Gold ja joka 5th oston jälkeen ylimääräiset Gold.png 10 Gold lisää.

Korkeintaan Large Room 4 Large Room -rakennusta voidaan ostaa.
1st Large Room Gold.png 2 000
2nd Large Room Gold.png 2 050
3rd Large Room Gold.png 2 100
4th Large Room Gold.png 2 150

With a large maximum

 |start = 2000
 |increment = 50
 |increment2 = 10
 |increment_interval = 5
 |maximum_purchasable = 40

Muiden rakennuslisäosien tavoin hinta nousee jokaisen ostetun Large Room -rakennuksen myötä. Hinta nousee aluksi Gold.png 50 Gold ja joka 5th oston jälkeen ylimääräiset Gold.png 10 Gold lisää.

Korkeintaan Large Room 40 Large Room -rakennusta voidaan ostaa.
1st Large Room Gold.png 2 000
2nd Large Room Gold.png 2 050
3rd Large Room Gold.png 2 100
4th Large Room Gold.png 2 150
5th Large Room Gold.png 2 200
6th Large Room Gold.png 2 260
7th Large Room Gold.png 2 320
8th Large Room Gold.png 2 380
9th Large Room Gold.png 2 440
10th Large Room Gold.png 2 500
11th Large Room Gold.png 2 570
12th Large Room Gold.png 2 640

40th Large Room Gold.png 5 350

With a delay

 |start = 2500
 |increment = 100
 |delay = 3
 |delay_increment = 500

Muiden rakennuslisäosien tavoin hinta nousee jokaisen ostetun Kilima Bay Window -rakennuksen myötä. Hinta nousee Gold.png 100 Gold jokaisesta ostosta.

1st Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 2 500
2nd Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 2 500
3rd Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 2 500
4th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 000
5th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 100
6th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 200
7th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 300
8th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 400
9th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 500
10th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 600
11th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 700
12th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 3 800

50th Kilima Bay Window Gold.png 7 600

With a different currency

To see usable currencies take a look at the Template:Cost documentation
 |start = 2500
 |increment = 100
 |currency = Palia Coin

Muiden rakennuslisäosien tavoin hinta nousee jokaisen ostetun Potato -rakennuksen myötä. Hinta nousee Palia Coin.png 100 Palia-kolikkoa jokaisesta ostosta.

1st Potato Palia Coin.png 2 500
2nd Potato Palia Coin.png 2 600
3rd Potato Palia Coin.png 2 700
4th Potato Palia Coin.png 2 800
5th Potato Palia Coin.png 2 900
6th Potato Palia Coin.png 3 000
7th Potato Palia Coin.png 3 100
8th Potato Palia Coin.png 3 200
9th Potato Palia Coin.png 3 300
10th Potato Palia Coin.png 3 400
11th Potato Palia Coin.png 3 500
12th Potato Palia Coin.png 3 600

50th Potato Palia Coin.png 7 400