Siirry navigaatioon
Siirry hakuun
Mallin dokumentaatio
Huom. joitain osia mallin esimerkistä ei välttämättä näy ilman annettuja arvoja. |
Katsele tai muokkaa tätä dokumentaatiota. (Mallin dokumentaatiosta) |
This template adds rows to the table "Items", which is declared by the template ItemTable. View table. |
Muokkaajat voivat tehdä testejä tämän mallin sandboxissa ja testisivulla.
Tälle mallille on sukulaissivuja tai alamalleja: Template:ItemInfobox |
Creates an infobox to be used for most items.
You can remove any parameter that is not being used. (By default, any unfilled parameter will not show up in the infobox.)
|name =
|image =
|desc = <!-- Please enter the In-Game Item Description here. -- While desc does not appear in the infobox, it is used by scripts in the page and across the wiki. -->
|rarity =
|category =
|location =
|environment =
|group =
|time =
|focus =
|sqfocus =
|drops =
|requires =
|obtain =
|cost =
|crafter =
|cooktime =
|crafttime =
|harvesttime =
|buff =
|bait =
|ingredients =
|value =
|sqvalue =
|minxp =
|maxxp =
|needed =
|name = Chapaa
|image =
|rarity = rare
|category = Gatherable
|desc = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vel placerat quam.
|location = [[Kilima Village]]
|evironment = Bahari Caves
|group = [[Chapaa_(Species)|Chapaa]]
|time = All Day
|focus = 153
|sqfocus = 324
|behavior = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
|drops = {{ItemList
|Plant Fiber
|Sundrop Lily
|Chapaa Meat
|obtain = Quest Reward
|requires = {{Skill|Mining|10}}
|crafter = Glass Furnace
|harvesttime = 3 days
|bait = Glow Worm
|ingredients= {{ItemList
|Shell = 1
|Chapaa Meat = 3
|Spice Sprouts = 1
|Wild Garlic = 153
|value = 146
|sqvalue = 321
|needed = Used in ''all'' the quests
Katso myös
- {{Template:AccomplishmentInfobox}}
- {{Template:BugInfobox}}
- {{Template:CookingInfobox}}
- {{Template:EventInfobox}}
- {{Template:FishInfobox}}
- {{Template:FurnitureInfobox}}
- {{Template:GameInfobox}}
- {{Template:GliderInfobox}}
- {{Template:GuideInfobox}}
- {{Template:IconInfobox}}
- {{Template:Infobox Location}}
- {{Template:ItemInfobox}}
- {{Template:LandscapeInfobox}}
- {{Template:LiteratureInfobox}}
- {{Template:NPCInfobox}}
- {{Template:OutfitInfobox}}
- {{Template:PatchNoteInfobox}}
- {{Template:PetInfobox}}
- {{Template:QuestInfobox}}
- {{Template:RoomInfobox}}
- {{Template:SkillInfobox}}
- {{Template:StampCardsInfobox}}
- {{Template:ToolskinInfobox}}
- {{Template:UserInfobox}}
- {{Template:VillagerInfobox}}
- {{Template:WikiInfobox}}