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Siirry navigaatioon Siirry hakuun
Tämä on käännetty versio sivusta Template:NPCInfobox, ja käännös on 100 % valmis.
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Creates an infobox to be used for villagers/NPCs.


You can remove any parameter that is not being used. (By default, any unfilled parameter will not show up in the infobox.)

 |name          =
 |image         =
 |fullname      =
 |alias         =
 |occupation    =
 |group         =
 |gender        =
 |age           =
 |hair          =
 |eye           =
 |location      =
 |guild         =
 |personality   =
 |starpath      =
 |affiliations  =
 |relations     =
 |pronunciation =
 |va-en         =


 |name         = Ashura
 |image        = Ashura.png
 |occupation   =
* Innkeeper
* Former Soldier
 |group        = Majiri
 |gender       = Male
 |age          = Older Adult
 |hair         = Salt and pepper
 |eye          = Blue (injured left eye)
 |location     = Kilima Village
 |guild        = Foraging
 |romance      = No
 |shepp        = Yes
 |personality  = Fire
 |starpath     = The Watcher
 |affiliations =
* [[Ormuu's Horn Inn]]
 |relations    =
* {{Relationship|Reth|Employee}}
* {{Relationship|Sabine|Wife|-}}
 |pronunciation =
 |va-en         = ???

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