The Epic of Mudan

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The Epic of Mudan is a Lore book found inside the Restricted Section of the Library.


The Epic of Mudan
 «  Translated from Late Human by Theo Jumah  » 

Once upon a time, there lived a great king named Mudan. The people loved him because he provided them with bountiful gifts of magic, and music, and life everlasting. He married the most beautiful woman in all the world, Queen Kestra. The Queen had beautiful black hair that shone polished obsidian, jasper brown skin, emerald eyes, and ruby lips.

Under Mudan's rule, things were good. Nothing bad ever happened.
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But his wicked counselor, the sorcerer Sadeel was jealous of Mudan. He was jealous of his wisdom, of the love his people had for him, and for his good looks. Because while Mudan was made in the Phoenix's own image of perfection, Sadeel was hunchbacked and ugly as a toad. But most of all, he was jealous of Kestra. Evil Sadeel lied away at night conspiring on how one day he could make the Queen his...

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Until one day, he conceived of a plan. He knew the King and Queen went down to the Phoenix shrine each day for their morning prayers. All he had to do to set his wicked plan in motion was get there before them.

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As the King kneeled down to pray, Sadeel used his magic to disguise his voice. He called, "Mudan, this is the Phoenix! I call on you to stop what you are doing. You must stop building beautiful cities with spires that tower like trees and using magic to bring wonder to your people. You must end their everlasting lives!"

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"But why would I do that?" The Good King was shocked. He thought only good had come from the magic he brought to his people.

"Because..." Sadeel paused, he had not thought this far ahead. "Because the magic that you use in your spells drains my Realm. It is killing me!"

"Oh no!" Mudan was quite horrified. "You gave me and my people life, Great Phoenix. I will end the theft of your magic at once.

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As Mudan left to tell his people of what he had learned, Sadeel snickered. Without the magic, certainly Mudan's people would turn on him. Then their love and Kestra's would soon be his... much to Sadeel's chagrin, the people loved Mudan so much they supported his effort to lessen their magic to save the Phoenix.

This would not stand! Sadeel now knew the only way to defeat Mudan was to kill him. Sadeel poured over many volumes of dark and arcane magic in pursuit of a plan. Eventually he found what he had been searching for. [The rest of the pages are missing.]

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The Epic of Mudan can be found inside the Restricted Section of the Library. It is a blue book found on the desk on the left side.

  • missing image for location


Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Introduced.