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{{Infobox Quests
[[:Category:Main Quests|Main]]
[[:Category:Skill Quests|Skill]]
[[:Category:Friendship Quests|Friendship]]
[[:Category:Romance Quests|Romance]]
[[:Category:Found Item Quests|Found Item]]
[[:Category:Discovery Quests|Discovery]]
[[:Category:Event Quests|Event]]

I do still think that we should have the overarching category included for Subquests as well, something like: Template:Infobox Quests

Although, I'm not sure what category these show up as in-game, if they're always the same as their parent quest or not. So that might be a problem...

|friendship= 2-4 if Friendship or Romance quest
|romance= 2-4 if Romance quest
|skill= 1-10 if Skill quest or necessary prerequisite
|event= Event Name if Event quest
<!-- Required Items (Consumed) One item per line. Delete extra item lines -->
|item1= {{Icon|Name}} [[Name]] 

I don't think Quest Items need to be in the Required Items section. I felt like this section is more for things that you need to obtain outside of the quest, that you'd be giving up from your own collection, like mats. Since quest items are obtained through the quest itself, I think it's obvious enough that you'd be giving them up as part of the quest as well, if that makes sense.

Maybe we could have a new section on the page (outside of the infobox) for Quest Items (only shown if there actually are some)?

<!-- Required Items (Kept) One item per line. Delete extra item lines -->
|itemkeep1= {{Icon|NAME}} [[Name]]
<!-- Quests required for completion either during or before quest. Delete if not necessary -->
|quest1= [[Quest Name]]

(Technically a comment on the infobox) I think this looks great having these in their own section in the Requirements area. I'm still mulling over the heading - "Required Quests" feels a little too broad/unclear, maybe "Required Subquests", or even just "Subquests"? And also add a "Parent Quest" section as well? (Curse these non-linear questlines...)

<!-- Rewards One item per line. Delete extra item lines -->
|reward1= {{Icon|NAME}} [[Name]]
<!-- Quest Navigation: Use for quests that are linear.  Friendship, Romance, Subquests, etc-->
|previous= [[Previous Quest]] 
|next= [[Next Quest]]

I do think if we're putting subquests/parent quests in their own section up above in the infobox, that they should not be included as a "Previous"/"Next" quest. My opinion is that the Previous/Next boxes should be completely linear, i.e. the previous quest should be fully completed before starting the next one, if that makes sense.


Don't forget the summary above the table of contents! I think we should come up with a short and sweet standard format for this (varies by quest type), like:

  • Main/Discovery/Skill quests: {{PAGENAME}} is a [[QUEST TYPE WITH LINK TO CATEGORY]] quest given by [[CHARACTER NAME]].
  • Friendship/Romance quests: {{PAGENAME}} is a [[QUEST TYPE WITH LINK TO CATEGORY]] quest given by [[CHARACTER NAME]] upon reaching [[FRIENDSHIP/ROMANCE]] Level (LEVEL): (LEVEL TITLE).
  • Found Item quests: {{PAGENAME}} is a [[QUEST TYPE WITH LINK TO CATEGORY]] quest given by [[ITEM NAME]].
  • Event quests: {{PAGENAME}} is a [[QUEST TYPE WITH LINK TO CATEGORY]] quest given by [[CHARACTER NAME]] during the [[EVENT]] event.

More details on how to actually start the quest if there are requirements or if it's confusing can always be given in the Walkthrough section.

== Description ==
{{Quote|Description on top of completed quest page}}

== Objectives ==
What appears on quest tab during quest.  If objective changes without the description changing. Use an objective update.

* Objective
* Objective
* '''Objective Update: Objective'''

* Objective

So people have probably noticed... on pages that I've edited, I've been removing the Description section and moving it the description text to the Objectives section. When the description changes in the quest log, I've been putting it over its corresponding objective.

THANK YOU for clarifying that the Description section is what's on the completed quest page!! I do my edits/creation as I'm on the quest, so I never really look at the completed quest log... I will stop making that change, and I apologize xD

One note: Maybe no bold on the objective updates? I feel like it makes it stand out too much when it should kind of be on the same "level" as the objective bullet points.

== Rewards ==
List of all quest rewards.

* Reward
* Reward

I liked what someone else started doing with these a while ago and adding specification of when you receive the rewards - I think we should make sure to add little "headers" above the rewards. I'm thinking something like:

  • Upon picking up the quest, you will receive:
  • During the course of the quest, you will receive:
  • Upon completion, you will receive:
  • In a letter from [[CHARACTER NAME]] following completion, you will receive:

Side note: I don't think these specifications need to be included in the infobox, since this Rewards section is kind of a "more details" space.

== Walkthrough ==

1. Numbered walkthrough with tips for completion.
* If steps can be completed in any order use bullets.

== Transcript ==
  • Referring to Discord chat - personally I don't have a problem with "Transcript" as a heading, I think that works, or even "Transcripts" (plural), or "Dialogue and Letters", or "Conversations and Letters". The latter might be too long though. I think I was the one who initially started using "Progression" and regretted that real quick, lol. So definitely not that. ;)
  • Within transcripts, can we agree on a standard way to replace our in-game nicknames when NPCs call us by our name? I've seen (Player), [Player], (player), Player, etc. Doesn't matter to me which one.
  • I'm not a huge fan of using "Part #" headers, as they clutter up the table of contents when there's a lot of parts to a quest, and also the game doesn't strictly separate the quests into "parts". Granted, I think I was one of the ones who started using it first here: Welcome to Palia (this was one of the first quests I helped transcribe and looking at it now, I'm seeing how many changes we've already made to the layout! Yay!!) But yeah, I kind of hate how the ToC looks (apart from the fact that it's missing so many other sections). xD What I've tried is something like this, where you've got the exact text descriptions from the quest log over the dialogues that happen during that segment of the quest:

Keep Kenyatta entertained while she's on duty at the Maji Market.

Upon returning to Kenyatta with the food

Dialogue Transcript
I brought you some food.
Yes, finally, something good! Hand it over.
Maybe I can actually make it through the night now. The only thing that can kill me now is boredom.

The deadliest thing!
I know, right? It's almost as bad as my day job.

You'll survive.
Yeah? And how do you know that? You'll feel pretty bad when you come back to my lifeless body.

Is there something I can do?
Disguise yourself as me and take over the cart for the rest of the night.

But this place is awesome!
Yeah, sure wish I could actually experience it. I told you, I’m stuck back here.

Ugh. Well, if there's one thing I've learned from my parents, it's that I can throw money at a problem until it goes away.
And I heard Najuma's been working on some experimental stuff at the fireworks cart.
Do you think you can go over there and try to bribe her into giving up the goods?
If I'm gonna be stuck back here, I might as well play with explosives while I do it. (+500 Gold.png)

Upon talking to Najuma

Dialogue Transcript
Um, hi.
My dad is handling the register, so if you wanna buy anything...

Kenyatta wants your experimental fireworks.
Wh-what? Who said I had anything e-experimental?
Look, you can't tell my dad I brought it. He'll be furious, he said it was too dangerous to sell.

I wanna buy the illegal stuff... for Kenyatta.
I-it's not illegal, it's just highly volatile!
I mean, um... look. You can't tell my dad I brought it. He'll be furious, he said it was too dangerous to sell.

So you do have it with you?
...Yeah. I thought I might tinker with it behind the booth.
I've tested it, though, and it's safe as long as you handle it properly! You just have to follow the instructions.
Maybe if I get some other testers, dad will see it's fine and let me sell it?
Here. Free of charge. Just, um, let me know what Kenyatta thinks, okay? (+1 Experimental Fireworks)

Upon returning to Kenyatta with the Experimental Fireworks

Dialogue Transcript
I have the fireworks.
Oh, this is gonna be good. I found the perfect spot to set them off. Just follow your compass in case you somehow get lost.
Come back after you're done and I'll give you something worthwhile.

Kenyatta found the perfect spot to set off the fireworks. Follow your compass to the location.

Upon returning to Kenyatta

Dialogue Transcript
Soo, we kind of have a problem.
The fireworks were awesome. Definitely the highlight of the night.
But they scared off the chapaas in the Petting Zoo. Again.
Honestly I don't know what dad was thinking with that pen. You can't even pet them, they keep trying to bite everyone.
Usually I'd be all for mayhem and chaos... and I still am. But if they don't get rounded up, my dad might literally cry.
Can you go grab them for me and drop them back off in the pen?
And feel free to take your time. You can't pay for entertainment this good.

Locate and capture the five runaway chapaas.

Upon returning to Kenyatta

Dialogue Transcript
The deed is done.
So it is... and so's my entertainment for the night.
Still, you were a real lifesaver. Tonight was actually... really fun.
Thanks, Player. I owe you one.
Maybe this will help cover the debt?

  • And lastly (for now...), I'd love to standardize the text that comes before our collapsible transcript box, e.g. "Upon speaking to Najuma". This is gonna sound super nitpicky and I apologize, but I think we should decide 1) whether or not there should be a colon, 2) whether we're always italicizing, and 3) the exact wording of different things like:
    • Friendship/Romance Quest Introductions: e.g. "Upon reaching Romance Level 4 with Jina, a letter in the mail will arrive from her, written:"
    • Talking to NPCs: "upon speaking to" vs "upon talking to" vs "upon returning to", etc.
    • If you're giving an NPC something: "upon delivering [blank] to [blank]" vs "upon returning to [blank] with [blank]", etc.
=== Introduction ===

''Brief summary of what precedes conversation or letter.''

{| class="paliatable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="1" style="width: 100%"
! Dialogue Transcript
Transcript here


<!-- Dialogue Transcript Format -

Write (Player) instead of username
:; at the start of a line every time a character changes
:: at the start of line of dialogue

If a multiple option player choice occurs insert a tabber. Change Element to match choice icons and delete extra choices.  Include dialogue reply inside tabber if different per each response. 

Add <hr> at the bottom of a tabber to indicate the end of changed dialogue. If the same character continues speaking do not use :; until a change in character 

|-|ELEMENT=<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
:; Player
|-|ELEMENT=<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
:; Player
|-|ELEMENT=<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
:; Player
|-|ELEMENT=<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
:; Player

<!-- For Letters or Notes use the appropriate template inside of the collapsible box.

{{LetterTranscript|LETTER TEXT|SENDER}}

{{NoteTranscript|NOTE TEXT}} 

=== Part # (As needed) ===

=== Completion ===

=== Post-Quest ===

== Notes ==
* General Notes go here

[[Category:Quests by Character]]
[[Category:Quest Type]]