"Save The Phoenix"
"Save The Phoenix" is a Lore tablet found inside the Aeroflow Overseer Station during the quest Keeper of Gales.
"Save the Phoenix". A PREPOSTEROUS slogan. Who will save us? Who will save the Silverwings?
This menace that faces our society is unmatched in skill and speed - as our soldiers fall to it, it only becomes stronger. Do we think cutting off power now, of all times, will make a positive impact on our war efforts?
I requested we pivot the research at the facility into finding a solution, and yet I was denied by the Minister of Flow - we are now relegated to, at most, experimenting with Aeroflow. Flow may be the only thing that can save us, and I am not allowed to pursue it.
"Save The Phoenix" can be found inside found inside the Aeroflow Overseer Station in Bahari Bay. This tablet is on a table to the left of the Mysterious Device.