Auni's Journal

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Auni's Journal is a Lore book found inside Auni's Treehouse.


Auni's Journal
 «  KEEP OUT, NAI'O!  » 

Journal, Day 86 - I can't believe Nai'o got the lead in the Midsummer Eclipse pageant AGAIN! Dad says I can play the King next time, but by the time there's another eclipse, I'll already be old enough to join the Order. Ugh!
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Journal, Day 89 - All my parents ever want me to do is pick carrots and feed the Ormuus. No wonder they want me to accept my Path as a farmer. They don't see me as a son, they see me as free labor!

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Journal, Day 90 - Today's the day I leave for good! Off to chart my own path. I wonder if Nai'o will be okay without me? I hope mom doesn't cry too much when she reads my goodbye letter.

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Journal, Day 90 1/2 - It's getting really cold out here and it's harder to start a fire to make dinner than I thought it would be. I should have paid more attention to my mom's cooking lessons. I have all these Gillyfins I caught, but everytime I try to cook them, the skin burns before the inside gets cooked at all. Oh no, it's raining. Gotta put my diary away...

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Journal Day 91 - I can't believe I ran away for A WHOLE SIX HOURS and the only person who noticed I was gone was HASSIAN! I bet the only reason he tracked me down is because he thought the sound of my backpack bell would scare off the sernuks. Nobody here really cares about me. One of these days, I'll get up the courage to leave for real. Then, they'll see!

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Auni's Journal can be found inside Auni's Treehouse. The book is blue and sits on a table underneath a lamp. Auni's Treehouse is accessible after reaching Friendship Level 3: Ally in Adventure with Auni.

Book Location
