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このページはページ Bows を「翻訳」したものです。翻訳は 25% 完了しています。

Bows are a Hunting tool used to shoot Arrows at creatures to obtain furs, hides, meat, and other useful materials. The types of materials obtained is determined by the type of creature hunted. Bows can also shoot Fireworks or Flares to signal other Players to a specific location.

Recipes for upgrades can be purchased from the Hunting Guild Store run by Hassian Profile.png ハッシアン.

概要 珍しさ レシピ 材料 Requires Durability
Makeshift Bow
Makeshift Bow
A starter bow for hunting creatures. コモン N/A N/A N/A Infinite
Exquisite Bow
Exquisite Bow
An exquisite bow for hunting creatures. Shoots farther than the Fine Bow. エピック Hunting Guild
  • Gold.png 3,000 Gold
  • フロー厚板 5 フロー厚板
  • パリウムのインゴット 2 パリウムのインゴット
  • Fine Bow 1 Fine Bow
狩り 狩り レベル9 3,000
Fine Bow
Fine Bow
A fine bow for hunting creatures. Shoots farther than the Standard Bow. レア Hunting Guild
  • Gold.png 1,500 Gold
狩り 狩り レベル6 2,000
Standard Bow
Standard Bow
A standard bow for hunting creatures. Shoots farther than the Makeshift Bow. アンコモン Hunting Guild
  • Gold.png 250 Gold
狩り 狩り レベル3 1,000