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Arrows are a type of projectile used in conjunction with Bows. The Player can use them for the Hunting Hunting of Creatures in both Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay.

Arrows can be crafted at the Worktable by the Player on the Housing Plot, after obtaining the recipe from the Hunting Guild, which is accessed by interacting with Hassian Profile.png Hassian.

Arrows can be given as Gifts to some Villagers.

Arrows Name Description Rarity How to Obtain Recipe Source Base Value Ingredients
Dispel Arrow.png Dispel Arrow An arrow that deals high damage and disrupts the magical abilities of magical creatures. Rare Gold.png 7 Gold
Fine Arrow.png Fine Arrow A regular arrow that deals high damage. Common * Hunting Guild Store Gold.png 4 Gold
Makeshift Arrow.png Makeshift Arrow A simple arrow that deals low damage. Common * General Store Gold.png 1 Gold
Slowdown Arrow.png Slowdown Arrow A special arrow that deals two damage and slows down the target. Uncommon Gold.png 3 Gold
Standard Arrow.png Standard Arrow A regular arrow that deals average damage. Common Gold.png 2 Gold