Cooking 101/de

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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Cooking 101 und die Übersetzung ist zu 29 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Cooking 101 is a Skill Quest given by Reth during the quest Quest Icon.png Learning the Ropes.


Collect resources to build a campfire.


Abschnitt 1

  • Craft a Campfire Campfire.

Abschnitt 2

Place the campfire on your plot by selecting it in your action bar and dragging it in place.

  • Place a Campfire Campfire on your plot.

Abschnitt 3

Find some tasty mushrooms to cook over an open flame.

  • Sammle Pilze
    • Erhalte Mountain Morel 0/3 Mountain Morel

Abschnitt 4

Drücke "F" auf einem Lagerfeuer und wähle ein Rezept aus.

Abschnitt 5

Yum! Time to eat the grilled mushrooms and enjoy the benefits of a full stomach.

Abschnitt 6

Now that your Focus bar is full, you can gain bonus XP for doing any skill.

↷ Kehre zu Reth zurück


Nach Beenden der Quest


  1. Interact with your Werkbank to craft a Campfire.
    • You can select the Campfire from the "All" section of the menu by scrolling down or go to the "Crafters" tab.
  2. Place your Campfire down on your plot.
  3. Look around your plot to see if there are any Mountain Morels to gather or leave your plot to search in Kilima-Tal or Bahari-Bucht.
  4. Interact with your Campfire and grill the mushrooms over open fire!
  5. Give it a taste test by selecting your Gegrillter Pilz in the action bar and right clicking to consume.
  6. Use your Fokus points by gathering materials, mining stones or copper, cooking, catching bugs, hunting chapaas or sernuks or fishing.
  7. Talk to Reth once your Focus bar comes down to 0 or after you have used 50 Focus points.

Dialoge und Briefe

Upon speaking to Reth after using Fokus


  • This quest automatically appears in your quest log ( on PC) upon talking to Reth during Quest Icon.png Learning the Ropes.


Version 0.165:

  • Eingeführt