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このページはページ Flowers を「翻訳」したものです。翻訳は 100% 完了しています。

はPaliaの世界中のいたるところで見ることができます。厳選された花はGatherablesとしてレシピに使用されますが、ほとんどは純粋に装飾用です。虫取り 虫取りスキルを使用すると、プレイヤーは住宅区画に装飾用の花を植えるための種を報酬として受け取れます。



アイコン 珍しさ 入手方法 成長 Value  
Anemone Flower.png Anemone Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Bahari Nettle Flower.png Bahari Nettle Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Baharricenia Flower.png Baharricenia Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Blue Hydrangea Flower.png Blue Hydrangea Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Bluebell Flower.png Bluebell Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Briar Daisy.png Briar Daisy Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Cave Cap Flower.png Cave Cap Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Chapaatail Flower.png Chapaatail Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Crystal Lake Lotus.png Crystal Lake Lotus Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Datura Flower.png Datura Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Fiddlefrond Flower.png Fiddlefrond Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Forget-Me-Not Flower.png Forget-Me-Not Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Forsythia Flower.png Forsythia Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Gardenia Flower.png Gardenia Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Grimalkintail Flower.png Grimalkintail Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Heartdrop Lily.png Heartdrop Lily Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Hemitomes Flower.png Hemitomes Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Lavender Flower.png Lavender Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
File:Mixed Hydrangea Flower.png Mixed Hydrangea Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Rose Flower.png Rose Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Sundrop Lily.png Sundrop Lily Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Tiger Lily Flower.png Tiger Lily Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Trillium Flower.png Trillium Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Tulip Flower.png Tulip Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png
Veronica Flower.png Veronica Flower Unspecified N/A Gold.png


すべての花は村人に贈り物として贈ることができますが、採集 採集を通じて収集されたものだけがクラフトに使用されます。




We can’t wait to see all the beautiful gardens Palians will make with these flowers. And be sure to expect even more options in the future.

–S6 Nikhil

Decorative Flowers are grown in 2 stages, beginning as a sprout, and will advance in their growth with regular Watering. They do not need to be planted in gardening Soil, so they can be planted anywhere on the Player's Housing Plot that they currently have unlocked (even indoors! but only on the floor).

There is a maximum capacity of 500 seeds/flowers per housing plot, and like Trees that can be planted, flowers count towards the 3000 total asset limit per housing plot, which means that if the Player has 500 planted flowers, there will only be a 2500 asset limit left for furniture and other Customization items.

How to Obtain Flower Sprouts

There are three ways to obtain seeds and sprouts for your flower garden: Bug Catching, propagation, and purchasing.

Bug Catching

Every time you catch a Bug in キリマ渓谷, there is a chance for it to drop a flower sprout.

There are 10 different flower sprouts available that can be obtained by catching bugs.

アイコン 名前 Obtained From  
Gardenia Flower.png Gardenia Flower Common Blue Butterfly Common Blue Butterfly
Blue Hydrangea Flower.png Blue Hydrangea Flower タソガレチョウ タソガレチョウ
Rose Flower.png Rose Flower キリマナイトガ キリマナイトガ
Anemone Flower.png Anemone Flower ガーデンカマキリ ガーデンカマキリ
Grimalkintail Flower.png Grimalkintail Flower Common Field Cricket Common Field Cricket
Tulip Flower.png Tulip Flower ガーデンバッタ ガーデンバッタ
Chapaatail Flower.png Chapaatail Flower ブラッシュテールトンボ ブラッシュテールトンボ
Lavender Flower.png Lavender Flower ガーデンヤスデ ガーデンヤスデ
Forsythia Flower.png Forsythia Flower マダラカメムシ マダラカメムシ
Tiger Lily Flower.png Tiger Lily Flower プラウドホーンクワガタ プラウドホーンクワガタ

Every time you catch a Bug in バハリ湾, there is a chance for it to drop a flower sprout.

There are 10 different flower sprouts available that can be obtained by catching insects.

アイコン 名前 Obtained From  
Trillium Flower.png Trillium Flower バハリバチ バハリバチ
Hemitomes Flower.png Hemitomes Flower コクマルゼミ コクマルゼミ
Cave Cap Flower.png Cave Cap Flower セルリアンゼミ セルリアンゼミ
Baharricenia Flower.png Baharricenia Flower バハリガニ バハリガニ
Bluebell Flower.png Bluebell Flower Spineshell Crab Spineshell Crab
Veronica Flower.png Veronica Flower ガーデンカタツムリ ガーデンカタツムリ
Forget-Me-Not Flower.png Forget-Me-Not Flower ガーデンテントウムシ ガーデンテントウムシ
Bahari Nettle Flower.png Bahari Nettle Flower ランタンホタル ランタンホタル
Fiddlefrond Flower.png Fiddlefrond Flower 墨トンボ 墨トンボ
Datura Flower.png Datura Flower ムーンフェアリーガ ムーンフェアリーガ


After the last stage of watering, a flower will produce a seed; Only one seed is produced per plant!

Harvesting seeds from your flowers rewards you with a sprout to plant a new flower. These sprouts will in turn grow to produce another seed.

Where to Purchase

Some flower seeds can also be purchased with Bug Catching Medals earned through ウィークリーチャレンジ. The Bug Catching Guild store can be accessed by interacting with Auni Profile.png Auni.



Build 0.179:

  • バハリ湾の昆虫たちが花の種をドロップする可能性があります。

Build 0.178:

  • 虫を捕まえることで、ガーデニングできる花が手に入るようになりました。