“ | 重要的是要确保你能最大限度地利用你的技能,而且吃饱肚子总是更容易集中注意力。进食正餐或生食会提高你的专注力,为你获得的所有经验加分。如果你在寻找烹饪食谱时遇到困难,可以到沃姆之角旅店向雷斯请教一些技巧。 | ” |
–Almanac of Palia |
In order to gain bonus Experience from a task, your Focus Bar only needs to be full enough to cover the cost of the XP gained. This means you do not need a full Focus Bar to get the bonus XP from your Focus Bonus. Put another way, if your Focus is 0, you do not get the extra XP from your Focus Bonus but you will still get the base XP for the specific task you performed. If your Focus is less than the bonus you'd gain, you will only get the amount of bonus that you have focus points for. This is why making sure you have enough Focus when doing a task will maximize the amount of Experience you earn and help you level up your Skills faster.
Example: You are at 10/300 Focus with a 50% Focus Bonus and you do a task that gives 100 XP (before focus bonus is applied). The Focus cost will be 100 XP (from the task) times 50% (your focus bonus) = 50 Focus Points. However, since you only have 10 Focus Points available you don't get the full bonus on the experience gained, and will only get the 10 bonus XP for which you have focus points available. This means that you'll get 110 XP total, compared to the 150 you would've gotten if you had at least 50 focus points.
“ | 如果你发现在完成技能时没有获得任何新经验,请务必检查你的专注条。如果是空的——吃点东西!不要空腹工作! | ” |
–帕利亚网站 |
- 每获得 50 Focus就会消耗 100 Renown。
- 达到500点专注后,每次增长仅为 25 Focus。
- 达到750点专注后,每次增长仅为 10 Focus。
- 要达到1000的最大专注,玩家必须总共增加40次。
达到“最大专注”的总费用为 3,900 Renown。
- 每获得5%奖励,将消耗 100 Renown。
- 达到50%的专注奖励时,每次只会增加2.5%的专注奖励。
- 达到75%的专注奖励时,每次只会增加1%的专注奖励。
- 玩家总共可以增加41次奖励。
达到最高专注奖励的总费用为 4,000 Renown。
- 从长远来看,最大专注力和专注力奖励是有益的,因为每种奖励之间的差异可能在玩家进入游戏很久之后才会显现出来。最大专注力的增加会在更长的时间内提供完整的专注条。然而,增加的专注力奖励会增加获得的经验,你的专注条会消耗得更快。这就需要更频繁地进食来维持专注条。向这两个神龛同时进行祈祷会让你更容易适应增加的专注度。
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