Kenyatta's Cravings (2023 Quest)

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This page is about the old quest version. For the current quest version, see Kenyatta's Cravings (Quest). For the old stamp card, see Kenyatta's Cravings (Stamp Card).

Kenyatta's Cravings is an Event Quest given by Kenyatta Profile.png Kenyatta as part of the Maji Market event.


Keep Kenyatta entertained while she's on duty at the Maji Market.


Part 1

Bring Kenyatta food from Reth's stall.

↷ Return to Kenyatta

Part 2

Bring Kenyatta the experimental fireworks.

  • Talk to Najuma about her experimental goods.
↷ Return to Kenyatta

Part 3

Kenyatta found the perfect spot to set off the fireworks. Follow your compass to the location.

↷ Return to Kenyatta

Part 4

  • 0/5 Locate and capture the five runaway chapaas.

Part 5

  • Return the runaway chapaas to their pen.
↷ Return to Kenyatta


At Quest Completion


Talk to Kenyatta Profile.png Kenyatta at the Maji Market to start the quest. Go over to Reth Profile.png Reth's cart and buy any of the food items from the register, then return to Kenyatta. Go over to Hodari Profile.png Hodari and Najuma Profile.png Najuma's cart and speak with her. Return to Kenyatta. Walk over to the Petting Zoo pen and interact with the Fireworks Dropoff Site. A loud firework will go off after a few seconds of waiting. The chapaas in the pen will become startled and run loose. Return to Kenyatta after you have done this. You will need to go around the Maji Market and find all five chapaas: Neena, Enkii, Naanshi, Inki, and Nergaal. After doing this, interact with the Petting Zoo to return the chapaas, then speak to Kenyatta for the final time.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon talking to Kenyatta

Welcome to Chapaa Hut, home of the Chapaa Chompers. How can I assist you today?

What are you doing here?
My dad basically begged for me to help him out with this dumb cart, so here I am.

Blink twice if you're being held hostage.
Haha, very funny. I've practiced getting out of ropes too much to get kidnapped. No, This is worse.
This is for my dad.

You look adorable.
Ugh, not you too. Seriously, Nai'o called me cute earlier!
It's for my dad. He basically begged me.

When mother came up with the idea for this market, dad almost fell over himself in excitement. He's been talking about this booth for weeks.

Why didn't he run it himself?
You kidding me? Have you met my dad?
Look, you wouldn't want me to starve to death, right?
I'm stuck behind this cart until the market closes. But all we've got here are these... ice pop... things.

That was really sweet of you.
Ugh, whatever.
Look, if you're just gonna stand there, can you help me out instead?
I'm stuck behind this cart until the market closes. But I'm starving, and all we've got here are these... ice pop... things.

I keep smelling something greasy and delicious from that cart over there. Can you go grab some food for me?
Here, get stuff for yourself too. Just, like, be quick before I pass out, okay? (+500 Gold.png)


Keep Kenyatta entertained while she's on duty at the Maji Market.

Upon returning to Kenyatta with the food

I brought you some food.
Yes, finally, something good! Hand it over.
Maybe I can actually make it through the night now. The only thing that can kill me now is boredom.

The deadliest thing!
I know, right? It's almost as bad as my day job.

You'll survive.
Yeah? And how do you know that? You'll feel pretty bad when you come back to my lifeless body.

Is there something I can do?
Disguise yourself as me and take over the cart for the rest of the night.

But this place is awesome!
Yeah, sure wish I could actually experience it. I told you, I’m stuck back here.

Ugh. Well, if there's one thing I've learned from my parents, it's that I can throw money at a problem until it goes away.
And I heard Najuma's been working on some experimental stuff at the fireworks cart.
Do you think you can go over there and try to bribe her into giving up the goods?
If I'm gonna be stuck back here, I might as well play with explosives while I do it. (+500 Gold.png)

Upon talking to Najuma

Um, hi.
My dad is handling the register, so if you wanna buy anything...

Kenyatta wants your experimental fireworks.
Wh-what? Who said I had anything e-experimental?
Look, you can't tell my dad I brought it. He'll be furious, he said it was too dangerous to sell.

I wanna buy the illegal stuff... for Kenyatta.
I-it's not illegal, it's just highly volatile!
I mean, um... look. You can't tell my dad I brought it. He'll be furious, he said it was too dangerous to sell.

So you do have it with you?
...Yeah. I thought I might tinker with it behind the booth.
I've tested it, though, and it's safe as long as you handle it properly! You just have to follow the instructions.
Maybe if I get some other testers, dad will see it's fine and let me sell it?
Here. Free of charge. Just, um, let me know what Kenyatta thinks, okay? (+1 Experimental Fireworks)

Upon returning to Kenyatta with the Experimental Fireworks

I have the fireworks.
Oh, this is gonna be good. I found the perfect spot to set them off. Just follow your compass in case you somehow get lost.
Come back after you're done and I'll give you something worthwhile.

Kenyatta found the perfect spot to set off the fireworks. Follow your compass to the location.

Upon returning to Kenyatta

Soo, we kind of have a problem.
The fireworks were awesome. Definitely the highlight of the night.
But they scared off the chapaas in the Petting Zoo. Again.
Honestly I don't know what dad was thinking with that pen. You can't even pet them, they keep trying to bite everyone.
Usually I'd be all for mayhem and chaos... and I still am. But if they don't get rounded up, my dad might literally cry.
Can you go grab them for me and drop them back off in the pen?
And feel free to take your time. You can't pay for entertainment this good.

Locate and capture the five runaway chapaas.

Upon returning to Kenyatta

The deed is done.
So it is... and so's my entertainment for the night.
Still, you were a real lifesaver. Tonight was actually... really fun.
Thanks, Player. I owe you one.
Maybe this will help cover the debt?
