“ | 被困在任務中?總是忘記交任務?看看你的任務日誌,把它釘在你的任務列表的頂部! | ” |
–帕利亞網站 |
任務是由Villagers/zh-tw請求的任務,玩家需要The Player/zh-tw來完成。它們要麼是簡短的,要麼是一組必須完成的任務。
玩家可能會在任務期間、完成后或任務結束後獲得獎勵;這些獎勵通常包括 聲譽、親密度或者一些物品。
這些任務涵蓋了帕裡亞的生活故事。它們將幫助玩家在村莊安頓下來,包括會見一些重要的村民,並讓帕裡亞成為他們的家。任務大部分是線性的,只有少數例外。 | |
這些任務有助於理解技能的基礎知識,並教授如何使用技能工會代表給玩家的工具。它們短小精悍,開門見山。目標可以是簡單的任務,比如抓一條魚,也可以是更複雜的任務,比如放置、耕種、種植和收穫第一批莊稼。 | |
These quests are ones that do not fall under the other categories. They can sometimes be a subquest or a quest leading into another, such as a prerequisite. | |
These quests are unlocked as the Player improves their relationship with the villagers. Each villager has a set of unique quests. They contribute to the villager's overall lore and story. Some friendship quests are given by the villager, while others may be from their friends or family. There are currently four levels of friendship a Player can reach with each villager. | |
These quests are unique quests with romanceable villagers that also contribute to their overall lore and story. Similar to Friendship Quests, they can only be unlocked as the Player improves their romantic relationship with these villagers. Some quests are given by the villager while others may be from their friends or family. There are currently four levels of romance a Player can reach with each romanceable villager.
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這些任務是透過尋找隱藏在帕利亞各地的任務物品來啟動的。有些物品可以在建築物中找到,而有些則需要玩家進行園藝、採礦、釣魚或覓食。 | |
活動任務是在特殊活動期間限時可用的任務。它們包含獨特的故事情節、體驗和獎勵。 | |
These quests are ones that do not show up in the quest log. There are hints hidden throughout Palia that the Player must follow. The Player usually receives some kind of reward for their effort. |
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