Safe Storage allows Spieler*in to deposit, store and withdraw items from their Inventar into Lockbox Storage Chests, that can be placed and accessed on the Grundstück. Within Safe Storage, the Player may store up to 300 items, dependent upon how many lockbox chests are currently placed on the housing plot. Items stored in Safe Storage cannot be utilized by Herstellungsstationen.
The Safe Storage Interface is accessed by using the () key on a lockbox storage chest that has been placed on the housing plot. This interface allows the Player to easily transfer items between Safe Storage and Inventory. The interface itself can be broken down into the following components:
In the upper left of the interface is a Bag Button. This button allows the Player to toggle between Safe Storage and Hauptlager. When accessing a Locked Storage Chest, the default view of the interface is set to Safe Storage. When accessing a Holz-Lagertruhe, Kupfer-Lagertruhe or Iron Storage Chest, the default view of the interface is set to General Storage.
Next to the Bag Button is a bar of various Tab Icons. Clicking each icon will allow the Player to sort the Safe Storage Slots in the following ways:
- Alle- Dieser Tab zeigt alles, was zurzeit im Sicherheitslager liegt, und zeigt als Einziges Questgegenstände.
- Insekten - Dieses Tab zeigt nur Insekten
- Kochen - Dieses Tab zeigt nur Verbrauchsgegenstände und Products.
- Pflanzen - Dieses Tab zeigt nur Fertilizer, Vegetables, Fruit, Pflanzen und Seeds
- Ausrüstung - Dieses Tab zeigt nur Storage, Herstellungsstationen und Equipment
- Fische - Dieses Tab zeigt nur Fische
- Sammelgegenstände - Dieses Tab zeigt nur Sammelgegenstände und Junk.
- Materialien - Dieses Tab zeigt nur Materialien
- Dekorationen - Dieses Tab zeigt nur Bodenbeläge, Dächer, Anpassung und Tapeten
This part of the interface shows, based on the tab currently being viewed, the items and how many of each that are currently stored. To move an individual item from Safe Storage to the Inventory, simply Left-Click on the item. To move a stack of items, use Right-Click. Item stacks moved from Safe Storage to the Inventory will revert to that section's smaller stack capacity.
Just below the Safe Storage Slots is the Storage Capacity Meter which indicates the Player's total items in storage and total current storage capacity. This meter remains visible no matter which tab of Safe Storage is currently being viewed. However, in the case of the Decor tab, this meter changes to reflect that there is Unlimited Decor Storage.
The Inventory is divided into three tabs: Rucksack, identified by the sack icon, Ammo Pouch, identified by the arrowhead icon, and Quest Pouch, identified by the exclamation mark icon. Simply click on the icons to toggle between the three tabs.
This part of the interface, indicated by the highlighted sack icon, shows all items, except ammo and quest items, and how many of each that are currently being held in the Player's Backpack. To move an individual item from the Backpack to Safe Storage, simply Left-Click on the item. To move a stack of items, use Right-Click.
This part of the interface, indicated by the highlighted arrowhead icon, shows all Ammo items and how many of each that are currently being held in the Player's Ammo Pouch. To move an ammo item from the Ammo Pouch to Safe Storage, simply Left-Click on the item. To move a stack of items, use Right-Click.
This part of the interface, indicated by the highlighted exclamation mark icon, shows all Questgegenstände currently being held in the Player's Quest Pouch. To move a quest item from the Quest Pouch to Safe Storage, simply Left-Click on the item.
At the bottom of the interface is the Player's current totals of Ansehen and Gold.
Version 0.179:
- Ammo Pouch tab added to the inventory to specifically hold Arrows, Smoke Bombs and Fishing Bait.
- “Quest Pouch” tab added to the inventory that Quest-related items will be sorted into.
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