A Device in the Hand/de

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A Device in the Hand is a Found Item Quest that can be unlocked by picking up the Small Handheld Device Small Handheld Device in Kilima-Tal.


Return the missing device to Reth.


Abschnitt 1

Abschnitt 2

Gather the following items so Reth can repair Zeki's broken device.

  • Palium Bar 0/1 Palium Bar
  • Glass Pane 0/1 Glass Pane
Return to Reth

Abschnitt 3

Reth has asked you to hide the tablet in the Underground Market. You could do as he asked, or just hand it to Zeki.

  • Hide tablet or turn it in.




  1. You have found a Small Handheld Device while out and about in Kilima.
    • Location: {{{1}}}
  2. According to Reth's letter, he needs to talk to you about it. Go talk to Reth.
  3. You need some materials in order to fix the device. Obtain a Palium Bar and a Glass Pane
    • It takes Palium Ore 5 Palium Ore to make a Palium Bar and Stone 10 Stone to create a Glass Pane.
    • Palium Ore can be Mined from nodes that spawn near cliff walls in Bahari-Bucht.
  4. Take the items to Reth.
  5. Either hide the tablet in the Der Untergrund or return it to Zeki.
    • To hide the tablet: {{{1}}}

Dialoge und Briefe


Letter from Reth


File:Profile.png A Device in the Hand


Wenn du mit Reth sprichst

Wenn du mit den Materialien im Inventar zu Reth zurückkehrst

(Optional) Wenn du mit Zeki sprichst

Nach der Quest

Brief von Reth

Sei gegrüßt, (Name),
Danke also, dass du mich gerettet und mein Geheimnis bewahrt hast. Als Dank habe ich ein üppiges Festmahl vorbereitet, würdig für die Königin von Akwinduu selbst. Ich hoffe, ihr habt denselben Geschmack.

Reth Profile.png Reth



Version 0.172:

  • Introduced.