Brick by Brick/de

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Brick by Brick is a Main Quest given by Tish as part of the quest Quest Icon.png House, Sweet House.


Tish has informed you that in order to finish your house you'll need to gain access to a Stone Smelter. She's advised you get it from Hodari's Skill Store. Reach level 2 Mining and then purchase the recipe for the Stone Smelter from Hodari.


Abschnitt 1

Abschnitt 2

Now that you have obtained the recipe for a Stone Smelter, craft the facility and place it on your plot.

Abschnitt 3

Now that you have obtained the recipe for a Stone Smelter and placed it on your plot, it's time to craft your first brick! Input stone into the top slot of the Stone Smelter, and wait for it to finish crafting a brick. Then, pick up your shiny (or dusty) new brick!


Nach Beenden der Quest

Nach der Quest


  1. Mine rock nodes and/or copper nodes to level up your Bergbau skill.
  2. When you reach Bergbau Bergbau Stufe 2, talk to Hodari who will introduce you to the Mining Guild Store.
  3. Kaufe das Basic Smelter Basic Smelter-Rezept für Gold.png 100 Gold.
  4. Go to your Grundstück and interact with your Werkbank. Craft your very first Basic Smelter!
  5. Place your Basic Smelter on your plot and interact with it. Drag at least Stein 2 Stein into the top slot to start crafting.
  6. Sammle den gerade hergestellten Steinziegel ein, um die Quest zu beenden.

Dialoge und Briefe


Nach der Quest: Brief von Hodari


File:Profile.png Brick by Brick


Version 0.165:

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