House, Sweet House/de

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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite House, Sweet House und die Übersetzung ist zu 24 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

House Sweet House is a Main Quest automatically bestowed upon completion of Quest Icon.png Spiffy it Up.


Kenli's managed to find the blueprint for your new house and delivered it safely to your hands. Time to, as he put it, "plop it down"! Access the Advanced Housing menu by pressing "H" while on your plot, and place the blueprint.


Abschnitt 1

  • Platziere das Fundament deines Hauses.

Abschnitt 2

Now that you have placed the foundation for your house, it is time to build it up into the home of your dreams! Finish your home by depositing bricks and planks at the build site.

  • 0/1 Beende den Bau deines Hauses.

Abschnitt 3

Sprich mit Tish über dein Haus.

  • Sprich auf deinem Grundstück mit Tish.


Nach Beenden der Quest


  1. Access your Advanced Housing menu (press or ). Click on the Harvest House down for the foundation to appear on your plot. It can be placed anywhere on the owned lot so long as the area is cleared.
    • You will know if something is in the way because the house's outline will be in red. A yellow outline will indicate that you can place something on the spot.
  2. Admire your empty foundation and turn around. Get a surprise visit from Tish, who wants to help you out further. She tell you how to get planks and bricks to complete building your house.
  3. To finalize building the house, add the materials you crafted to the house at the sign. Interact with the sign at the front of your house (press or ) to upgrade your house.
  4. Wait patiently for 30 seconds for your house to complete.
  5. Talk to Tish at your plot once you see a fully built house.

Dialoge und Briefe

Upon speaking to Tish after putting down the foundation

Upon speaking to Tish after the completion of the house


  • The quest automatically appears in your quest log upon completing Quest Icon.png Spiffy it Up.
  • The quests Quest Icon.png Plank by Plank and Quest Icon.png Brick by Brick may not appear if the Player has already purchased the recipes to craft a sawmill and smelter, respectively.


Version 0.180:

  • Several Buildings have had their cost and build times significantly reduced.
    • Harvest house build time: 8 hours -> 30 seconds

Version 0.165:

  • Eingeführt