Happy Housewarming/de

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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Happy Housewarming und die Übersetzung ist zu 47 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Happy Housewarming is a Main Quest given by Kenli after placing a Basic Sawmill and a Basic Smelter on the Grundstück.


They do things a little differently in Kilima. It's time to prove you're going to be a great neighbor by delivering housewarming gifts to the villagers in your new home! To give a gift, chat with a villager and select the gift box icon on the lower left cover of the dialogue screen.


Abschnitt 1

  • 0/5 Gib Dorfbewohner*innen fünf Geschenke.
↷ Kehre zu Kenli zurück


Nach Beenden der Quest


  1. After putting down the Basic Sawmill and Basic Smelter on your plot, Kenli will give you a surprise visit. Talk to him.
  2. Kenli explains that new neighbors who move to Kilima go around giving gifts to create new relations. He suggest embracing the art of gift giving to get on Eshe's good side.
  3. Geschenke verschenken:
    • Interact with the villager and select the Gift Box icon to give them a gift.
    • You can guess what the villager might want by selecting any item in your inventory to interact with them.
    • You can also find out what they would like that particular week by selecting the Question mark Gift Box icon.
  4. Return to Kenli after giving some housewarming gifts.

Dialoge und Briefe

Wenn du mit Kenli auf deinem Grundstück sprichst

Wenn du zu Kenli zurückkehrst




Version 0.165:

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