Special Dialogues with Delaila

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This page consists of written dialogue lines during special events for Delaila.

Special Events

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Summer Maji Market

  • Welcome to Delaila's Sweet Treats! Can I interest ya in some sugary delights?
  • Those chapaas might've gotten m' ice cream machine, but I’m not throwin' in the towel just yet!

During the day

I’ll be working m’ booth at the Maji Market tonight.
Do come by and visit if ye get the chance. I’d love to stop and chat with ya for a bit!

Kenli is one of my best customers. He keeps buyin' treats from me every time he passes by.
I saw him feeding some to those chapaas. Can’t blame him for havin' a soft spot for those fluffballs.

Missing path for Water dialogue.
That poor Zeki... His vendor application got rejected, even though he filled out all the paperwork.
I felt so bad for him that I gave him some free sweets to cheer 'im up.

Did it work?

Can I have some, too?
As much as I’d love to give out more freebies, I've still got a business to run. Sorry, dearie!

Missing paths for Air and Fire dialogue.
The only reason I applied to be a vendor was because the boys and Badruu kept encouragin' me to. They helped me choose what sweets to sell and even helped set up my cart.

Why aren’t Auni and Badruu here?
'Cause Auni won't sleep a wink if he spends too much time at the market, and he’d probably get himself in a heap of trouble.
I figure some quiet time at home would do him and Badruu some good... maybe teach them a little independence, too.

Nai'o came out to support you, too.

You have a great family.
That I do. I wouldn’t trade them for anythin' in the world.

Your stall looks great!

After Event Quest: Maji Market Mayhem (quest)

I’ve been wonderin'... Where did you get those spare parts for m' machine, anyway?

Don’t worry about it.
If ya say so...

They were from Reth.
Really? Why didn’t he say so?
I’m going to give him a box of sweets to take home tonight as a token of my appreciation.

After Event Quest: Maji Market Mayhem (quest)

I can’t thank ye enough for helpin' with ma ice cream machine, dearie.
I'd spoil ya with more ice cream, but I've got to save some for m' customers!

I’m bringing whatever leftovers I have home for Auni and Badruu to eat.
I plan on saving a few for m'self, too!

Nai'o got nervous when he heard there was going to be other food carts at the market.
He thinks they might ruin my chances at gettin' sales, but I’ve never been afraid of a little friendly competition. I say bring it on!

If you see Badruu, could you tell him to put aside a few sweet berries?
I'm plannin' on making a sweet berry shortcake for dessert tonight.

Luna New Year Maji Market

During the day

I'll be makin' me way over to the Maji Market tonight. I've got a booth to run, after all.
All of my sweets are baked with homemade ingredients, and most importantly, love.
Hope to see ya there, dearie! Don't be a stranger, alright?

Last year, Badruu and Auni stayed home to take care of th' animals while I ran m' booth.
Nai'o came to support me on their behalf, but this time he stayed back so that Auni and Badruu could come. A sweetheart, that's what he is.
It's a shame we can't all be here together, but someone's gotta keep an eye on our animals, ol' Feathers especially. Of all our pekis, he's the biggest troublemaker!

On my way to Maji Market tonight, I bumped into Elouisa.
She and Caleri were plannin' on comin' to the market together, but Caleri cancelled last minute. Said she had a duty to keep her books safe for th' night.
Seems like deep down, she really wanted to go, so I'm droppin' off a box o' sweets for the two sisters to enjoy together on their own time. I sure hope they like 'em!

It's nice havin' a booth right across from Hodari and Najuma.
They aren't in town very often, much less together, so it's great gettin' to see them.
Najuma's a wee bit shy, but she's a real sweetheart. Well-mannered, too. Her dad did a jood job raisin' her.

I heard Auni's been tellin' people he's spending his new year's money on explosives!
I sure hope that boy isn't gettin' himself into any trouble!

I hope you're enjoyin' the Luna New Year so far, dearie. I know it's your first one, so it might be a lot to take in.
Don't forget to stop by my booth when ya can. I've got fresh nian gao, eight treasure rice, hopia, and more for sale! You're bound ta find somethin' ya love.