Dialogue with Delaila about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Delaila.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

Oh, dearie, I can't believe it took me this long to come to your home, but here I am! And I come bearing gifts.
Some new wallpaper to be precise!
It's my favorite, rosy, shade of garnet. Just the kind of color to get you feelin' like yer ready to take on the day!
Perfect for a go getter like you.

+ Rosy Garnet Stucco Wall Rosy Garnet Stucco Wall


Given Garnet Garnet

Oh, dearie, ya shouldn't have!
This garnet's just lovely. I'll be sure t'keep it in me pocket for good luck.
Anythin' from you's sure to bring it!


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
Missing dialogue for Requests For Other Villagers.

Requesting Any Crab Any Crab

Me whole family likes when I make m'crab dip, but it's so hard to get ahold of the little buggers these days.
If you catch any (crab), I'd be mighty grateful.

Requesting Channel Catfish Channel Catfish, Kilima Catfish Kilima Catfish or Stalking Catfish Stalking Catfish

My boy Nai'o can't get enough of fried catfish. If I made it every night, it still wouldn't be enough. Least he always eats his vegetables too.

Requesting Clay Clay

All the pots I've been usin' to store grain over the winter are startin' to crack.
I'm afraid if I don't get some proper ceramic to patch 'em, our winter stores'll become chapaa food in no time.

Requesting Garden Ladybug Garden Ladybug

I wanted ta get me hands on some ladybugs for the garden.
If you catch any, let me know, will ya?

Requesting Muujin Meat Muujin Meat

Wanted t'make some stew tonight, but I'm out of muujin meat.
If you get any extra while out huntin', I'd be mighty grateful.

Requesting Pond Fish

I know it's silly, but I dream of one day not only winnin' the blue ribbon for me preserves at the Harvest Festival...
...but also takin' home the prize for the best goldfish.
Perhaps a (pond fish) would do the trick?

Requesting QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer

Petunia hasn't been producing eggs like she used to.
Between you and me, I think she and Feathers are in a fight....
Anyway, I could certainly use a few if you have one or two ta spare.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Fruit

Try as I might I can't get Auni to eat his vegetables.
Fruit on the other hand, he can't get enough of.
If you happen to have any (fruit), maybe you could bring some to him on his mail route?

Requesting Rainbow Trout Rainbow Trout

Badruu told me he's been havin' a hankerin' for some rainbow trout lately.
Unfortunately, I don't know where ta find it.


Missing Rejections and Specific Responses dialogue.

General Acceptance

Aw! A gift! How thoughtful of ya!


General Rejection

I know it's the thought that counts when it comes ta givin' gifts.
But next time, ya should perhaps think a little harder before givin' a gift like that.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

I hate ta look a gift riffroc in the mouth, but you've already givin' me so mucha this.
I couldn't accept another.

Specific Rejection

Given ?


Specific Responses

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Given Blueberry Blueberry

Why thank ya!
I've been wanting some fresh fruit for me jams.

Given Clay Clay

Oh! This'll help me fix me pots 'n pans right up.

Given other Fish

This will make a fine meal that the whole family, especially Badruu, will really appreciate.

Given Gold Bar Gold Bar

Thank ya, dearie! Now I won't have to worry about this month's taxes.

Given Garden Ladybug Garden Ladybug

Oh, this little thing's goin' right ta the crops!
Useful, aren't they? Nature's pest control.

Given Pond Fish

This one's a blue ribbon winner for sure!
I can't thank ye enough.

Given QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer

Fertilizer! I bet our next crop will come out even better than last year's thanks to ye.