Dialogue with Kenli about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Kenli.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

I was reading a book in the library on Palian astrology, and I realized that I[sic] my sign is the Farmer!
If only signs equated to Paths...I think I would have been much happier. Governance is so hard!
While reading the book, I also realized that my Starstone is jasper, which explains why hazel has always been my favorite color. Its sunny color helps people feel at home.
You've always done your best to make me feel at home, like jasper in human form. So why don't you take this, so your home feel even more sunny and welcoming?

+ Sunny Jasper Stucco Wall Sunny Jasper Stucco Wall


Given Jasper Jasper

Goodness! This is a Jasper, isn't it?
I lost my last starstone... but I'll be sure not to misplace this one!
Thank you very much, Player!


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Requesting Akwinduu Chapaa Akwinduu Chapaa, Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse, Muujin Bahari Muujin Bahari, Steak Dinner Steak Dinner

Ever since we had to fire our chef Enzo, I've been trying to make dinner on my own.
Eshe has officially banned me from our kitchen... how will I get (Awkinduu Chapaa, Bouillabaisse, Muujin Bahari, steak) now?

Requesting Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail

My luck is so bad lately I don't think just any chapaa tail will do.
Only an azure chapaa tail will dispell [sic] all the bad energy in my office!

Requesting Celebration Cake Celebration Cake

Eshe doesn't like to let me eat cake, but sometimes I try to sneak a slice anyways.

Requesting Chapaa Meat Chapaa Meat

My wife's been asking for Akwinduu Chapaa ever since our chef left.
Maybe I can earn my way back into her good graces if I whip one up for her?

Requesting Creamy Carrot Soup Creamy Carrot Soup, Loaded Potato Soup Loaded Potato Soup, Palian Onion Soup Palian Onion Soup

Sometimes when I need to get away from Eshe, I go to the inn and order dinner.
Reth's (Soup) is one of my favorites!

Requesting Garden Ladybug Garden Ladybug, Princess Ladybug Princess Ladybug

Have you heard of a... "(garden, princess) ladybug"?
I'm quite partial to them, but I can never manage to catch one. They're MUCH too fast for me.

Requesting Grilled Oyster Grilled Oyster, Ramen Ramen, Trout Dinner Trout Dinner

I've been so swamped with paperwork lately, I forgot to eat!
Do you think you could bring me some (grilled oyster / ramen / trout)?

Requesting Pan Fried Dumplings Pan Fried Dumplings

Oh, the things I would do for a plate of pan fried dumplings!
If you happen to make any, please share some with me!

Requesting Spotted Chapaa Tail Spotted Chapaa Tail, Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail

You know...I've been looking for a (spotted, striped) Chapaa tail.
I hear they're lucky.
And I could use all the luck I can get.

Requesting Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel

Eshe says the rivers have been getting polluted since people began moving into our village.
Perhaps you could fish up a wagon wheel or something as a show of good faith?

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Silver Bar Silver Bar, Gold Bar Gold Bar

All Eshe's been able to talk about is how the price of (silver, gold) has skyrocketed lately...
...and how if we had more we could maybe start fixing up the old docks and become a stop for traveling merchants again.
My wife may seem demanding, but all she really wants is for the village to prosper.
Maybe if you find some (silver, gold) you could find it in your heart to share it with her?


Missing dialogue for Specific Rejection.

General Acceptance

Oh, well, ahem, yes! Thank you so much for your contribution!


General Rejection

I'm not sure what I'd do with this.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

I'd love to take another, but Eshe keeps telling me to stop bringing home junk.
I don't see what's so junky about it...

Specific Rejection

Given ?


Specific Responses

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Given Akwinduu Chapaa Akwinduu Chapaa, Steak Dinner Steak Dinner

Is this...?
Oh, I haven't had this since Eshe fired our cook Enzo. And yours looks even better!
Er. Don't tell Eshe I said that.

Given Chapaa Meat Chapaa Meat, Spotted Chapaa Tail Spotted Chapaa Tail, Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail

Thanks! I've been looking for one of these.
Hopefully this is a sign my fortune will soon improve.

Given Fish Stew Fish Stew, Palian Onion Soup Palian Onion Soup

Oh, this is exactly what I needed to keep me going.
Maybe now I'll be able to finish that form Eshe asked me about last week.