Masthead (Quest)

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Masthead is a Found Item Quest received by finding a Masthead Masthead in a Rummage Pile in Bahari Bay.


Bring the Masthead to Zeki.


  • Bring Zeki the masthead.


At Quest Completion


  1. You have found a Masthead in a Rummage Pile in Bahari Bay.
  2. Talk to Zeki to learn about the masthead.

Dialogue and Mail

Upon speaking to Zeki

This doesn't look like treasure...
You found it! The masthead of my beloved ship, "The Golden Catfish."
After I swiped all the treasure I was on my way to trade it with the boss of the Adder cartel, Zed, in exchange for my fiscal freedom.
That's when that good for nothin' Zoraya betrayed me, she poked a hole in my boat and all my treasures floated to the bottom of the ocean!
When Zed finally fished us outta the water, I was humiliated!
I was sent all the way out here for wastin' Zed's time.
And Zoraya wasn't any better off herself, since she was just sent to a new mentor!
I ask myself everyday why she woulda done something like that. If she'd just STOLEN the stuff from me, I would have been proud of her.

I'm sorry that happened to you!
Please, kid! The last thing I need is your sympathy.

I think she did it for revenge.
You think she did it 'cause she was mad I made her set off the booby traps? Please! That's standard apprenticeship 101 stuff.
Nah, that's just how Grimalkin apprenticeships work. When you're on the bottom, you do all the jobs nobody else wants. When I was an apprentice for Zolo, I lost all my fur trying to make flaming drinks for his birthday party.

I can't think of anything, besides all those booby traps...
You think she did it 'cause she was mad I made her set off the booby traps? Please! That's standard apprenticeship 101 stuff.
Nah, that's just how Grimalkin apprenticeships work. When you're on the bottom, you do all the jobs nobody else wants. When I was an apprentice for Zolo, I lost all my fur trying to make flaming drinks for his birthday party.

Anyway, now that I've retrieved so much of the treasure, I can pay down my debt to Zed.
Fiscal freedom, here I come! You know, it occurs to me, I should probably do somethin' to thank ya.
Here why don't you take this bean juice maker I've been tinkerin' with?
I do not need to drink any more of that stuff. It's got my whispers[sic] standin' on end.


Update History

Build 0.177:

  • Introduced.