Selections from Late Cataclysm Era Human Mythology

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Selections from Late Cataclysm Era Human Mythology is a Lore book found inside the Restricted Section of the Library.


Selections from Late Cataclysm Era Human Mythology
 «  by Windora Chebo  » 

Ages ago, before the time of the Great Dragon's birth, a lonely Phoenix lived in the Land Beyond the Veil. To satisfy her great Longing for a Companion, she created Man. The First Among the Men she created was called Mudan. Mudan's bones were carved with stone of the Kilima Mountains, his flesh was formed from the clay along the Nyoka river, and his heart was a pulsing Flowstone.
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Mudan ruled over humanity for 300 years of peace and prosperity, until the balance of the world shifted. Wicked men with wicked hearts wrought wicked spells. The by-product of those spells was called Shadow.

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Shadow became like a hungry beast and roved across the World, devouring everything it touched. Until one day Mudan took up arms against the Shadow.

He pierced his spear through its heart, but it only laughed and said, "You think you can stop me? You are Man and I am Shadow of Man. The Darkness that wakes in me is the same as the Darkness that sleeps in you."

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Mudan then examined his own Heart and discovered sleeping veins of Shadow within the pulsing Flowstone.

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Mudan went to see the great sorcerer Sadeel and asked him to extinguish the Shadow in his heart.

Sadeel told Mudan, "I can extinguish the Shadow, but you will be extinguished as well my King. For the Darkness that wakes in the Shadow is the same Darkness that sleeps in you."

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Mudan told the sorcerer to do what he had to. "Do what you must do. I wish not to live while the world around me dies."

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Selections from Late Cataclysm Era Human Mythology can be found inside the Restricted Section of the Library. It is a blue book found on the back right desk.

Book Location


Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Pages increased from 1 to 6.