Palia Wiki:Translation portal

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This page is the community portal/hub for creating and managing translations of the Palia Wiki articles into languages other than English. The goal is to make it easy for non-English speakers to get into the game, and as a result, improve the gameplay quality and meta-game for all players.

Current Translations

Make sure that your translation category is added to Category:Translation categories.

Outdated Translations

How Palia Wiki Gets Translated

This wiki is using the Translate Extension to implement translations.

Translating the Palia Wiki is a grand collaboration between wiki editors and international translators. Both types of users are required to ensure articles are completed and translated effectively.

  1. Before translating even begins, content must be created in the primary language of the wiki, which in this case is English. For more on content creation, see Help:How to Edit
  2. Once a page has been completed, an editor can tag the page for translation by following the steps outlined below in the #Wiki Editors section.
  3. After an article has been tagged for translation, it gets reviewed by a wiki administrator and approved for translation.
  4. Approved pages ready to be translated get listed in the Language Statistics page where translators can check for updates on missing, outdated, and completed translations.
  5. The final step is to translate! Find out more about how to help in the #Wiki Translators section below.
Any changes that occur after pages have been translated must be reviewed by a Wiki Admin before being re-sent to the language statistics portal.

Please notify a wiki admin if you start a new translation language.

Wiki Editors

Translated pages will contain both translation tags (‎<translate>...‎</translate>) and translation comments (<!--T:1-->).

An Translation Manager must verify tags have been used properly and mark a page as Translatable before translating may begin.

To help prepare pages for translation, please continue reading here.

Wiki Translators

You can check the Missing translations page to see which pages need translating:

More languages can be created by specifying the language code!

See if other translators have left notes on translation to your language here: Translator Notes

How to Translate

Translating an entire page is a simplified process using the translation editor; Pages are broken down into small segments that FuzzyBot will piece together into whole articles.

Each segment is displayed in its own box in the editor, with space underneath it for the translation to be typed and submitted.

When using the Translation editor, you can still use all Mediawiki Markup, such as ''Italics'', '''Bold''', [[Page Links]], etc.

Some segments will use bolding to emphasize certain phrases, similar markup should be made in translations, but it is ultimately up to the translator on what should and should not be formatted.

Direct Translations: Every language has it's own sets of nuanced phrasing, if something can be worded differently in your language, it's perfectly fine to do so! Just make sure that the same point gets across. There may also be situations in English where one single word is used, but it is not a requirement for your translation to do the same. The translation editor gives mostly free reign.

For more on the translation editor interface, proceed below to #Using the Editor

Translation Variables

To prevent translators from having to deal with complex templates, and certain URLs or page links, translations will sometimes make use of variables.

These variables can be seen at the bottom of the translation editor and look like $page, $number, $name, or sometimes be numbers like $1, $2, or $3. To make use of the variables you can type out the variable name, or click on it! Note that these typically show the linked page's display title, should you need to adapt the words for grammatical reasons or want something else to appear, you need to edit the template. For further information see the Page Links section below.

Page Titles

Often the first translation that is presented when translating a page is the Pages title, here are a few important rules to keep in mind.

When the page is in the main namespace, meaning it is not prefixed with anything like Category: or Guide:, the title can be translated normally like any other translation.

When translating a page that is in other namespaces, please translate both sides of the colon (:) separately, leaving the colon in place.

The {{LL}} or {{LocalizedLink}} templates will use the translated page title when displaying links.

Page Links

Often page links will automatically be translated from page titles with a variety of templates such as {{Item}}, {{Quest}}, {{LL}}. In these cases no additional action is required from translators and these templates will often be stored as Variables (usage in previous section). Note that the translation for those shows a standardised format, typically the page's title. It can happen that you'll need the translation to be something other than the standardised format, in which case you can set the display text manually.

First, you need to enter the template as written in english - if you have it given, that's easy, otherwise you can look it up in the "edit" or "view source code" sections of the page you're translating. Look for the section you're currently translating, find the variable with the correct name (search for "name=name of the variable"), then take the part with angled brackets {{ }} and copy it to the translation. It might, for example, look like {{LL|Villagers}}, in which case you'd have to copy and paste {{LL|Villagers}}. Next, you need to enter words you want the link to display as. The exact procedure to do so depends on the template, typically you either write |display words as the last section of the template (e.g. {{LL|Villagers|Words in your language}}, this would show as Words in your language) or by writing |display=display words as the last section (e.g. {{Item|Palium Ore|10|display=This is Palium Ore}} will appear as This is Palium Ore 10 This is Palium Ore). You can look up what you'll have to do on the template's wiki page, typically it's titled "Template:Name_Of_Template", for example "Template:Item" for the items template. The template's name is the first section within the {{ }}.

In some cases where links are embedded only as links (eg; [[Palia Wiki]]) then the link will need to be modified with the language code and then the translation

eg; [[Palia Wiki/fi|Lorem ipsum]]

This may result in links to pages that don't exist yet, but that's okay! We're working our way through the site to make sure that all pages get translated. It's easier to make sure that links go to where they should, than to try updating them all later.

You may also see links using a translation variable (eg; [[$1|Lorem ipsum]]). The variable defines the page link which may be special, and should not be modified, updating the displayed text is all you need to do!

Reference Table

Translators and Editors can alternate between basic wiki markup and Localized Link Template Wiki Markup Same as a Localized Link
[[Apple]] {{LL|Apple}}
[[Apple|Apples]] {{LL|Apple|Apples}}
[[Apple/de|Apfel]] {{LL|Apple|Apfel}}

Links including variables should not have language extensions added to them when translating.

Note: Translation Managers must review pages to ensure that any variable is Translation-Proof.

Source: Link with Variable Translation - Do not use LL
[$variable some text] [$variable translated text]
[[$link|alternate text]] [[$link|translated text]]

If the destination page has not yet been created, alternate text can be added to the LL template, or it can be replaced with basic wiki markup. Source Translation
{{LL|Apple}} {{LL|Apple|Apfel}}
{{LL|Apple}} [[Apple/de|Apfel]]

Using the Editor


The translation interface provides a section called "Documentation". This documentation is primarily for main-page editors to provide additional context for translations, editing the documentation is shared across all languages. The documentation section should not be used for leaving remarks about a specific translation.

If you want to leave remarks for other translators of your language on why you chose a specific phrasing (Wording isn't always 1-to-1 from English!) there are two ways of doing so:

  1. The less visible way, leave a comment after your edit in the "Explain your changes" input box
  2. Leaving an HTML comments after your translation. The translation editor supports regular wiki markup as well as HTML. So you may leave an HTML comment like so:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
This translation is made out of Lipsum!

HTML comments will not show up on the final page, as they do not when left in Wiki markup.

Invalidating a Translation

If a translation needs to be seen by a translator, it is possible to mark a translation as outdated. Doing so will cause the page to show up on the Special:LanguageStats page for the language.

To mark a translated as outdated, simply add !!FUZZY!! to the beginning of the existing translation. From there FuzzyBot will do the rest!

Reviewing Translations

The translation editor has a Review mode that allows translations to be reviewed. Reviewing translations is not required, once you've published a translation FuzzyBot will generate the translated page when it's job queue runs.

After you've finished translating a page, you may:

  • Go back and review the translations yourself
  • Skip reviewing the translations, allow another user to review the translations to make sure they also make sense to that person

If you don't want to help by translating pages, but want to be a reviewer you can help out other translators by doing so


Palia Wiki appreciates all the time and energy the following Users have dedicated to translating!

Check out the details on Active Languages or see the table below.

If you would like your username added to the list of contributing translators above, tag your User Page with a relating translator category.

eg: [[Category:FI_Translator]]

The page may need to be purged before your name shows up