Palia Wiki:Translation portal/Translator Cheat Sheet/Items/en

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Acorn Acorn Acorn Acorn translate
Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst Amethyst translate
Anemone Flower Anemone Flower Anemone Flower Anemone Flower translate
Apple Apple Apple Apple translate
Apple Jam Apple Jam Apple Jam Apple Jam translate
Apple Tree Seed Apple Tree Seed Apple Tree Seed Apple Tree Seed translate
Aquamarine Aquamarine Aquamarine Aquamarine translate
Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail translate
Bahari Nettle Flower Bahari Nettle Flower Bahari Nettle Flower Bahari Nettle Flower translate
Baharricenia Flower Baharricenia Flower Baharricenia Flower Baharricenia Flower translate
Banded Muujin Mane Banded Muujin Mane Banded Muujin Mane Banded Muujin Mane translate
Birch Amber Birch Amber Birch Amber Birch Amber translate
Blue Crackling Firework Blue Crackling Firework Blue Crackling Firework Blue Crackling Firework translate
Blue Hydrangea Flower Blue Hydrangea Flower Blue Hydrangea Flower Blue Hydrangea Flower translate
Blue Peony Firework Blue Peony Firework Blue Peony Firework Blue Peony Firework translate
Blue Ringspiral Firework Blue Ringspiral Firework Blue Ringspiral Firework Blue Ringspiral Firework translate
Blue Roctail Firework Blue Roctail Firework Blue Roctail Firework Blue Roctail Firework translate
Blue Spinning Firework Blue Spinning Firework Blue Spinning Firework Blue Spinning Firework translate
Blue Tornado Firework Blue Tornado Firework Blue Tornado Firework Blue Tornado Firework translate
Blue Waterfall Firework Blue Waterfall Firework Blue Waterfall Firework Blue Waterfall Firework translate
Bluebell Flower Bluebell Flower Bluebell Flower Bluebell Flower translate
Blueberries Blueberries Blueberries Blueberries translate
Blueberry Bush Seed Blueberry Bush Seed Blueberry Bush Seed Blueberry Bush Seed translate
Blueberry Jam Blueberry Jam Blueberry Jam Blueberry Jam translate
Bluebristle Muujin Mane Bluebristle Muujin Mane Bluebristle Muujin Mane Bluebristle Muujin Mane translate
Bok Choy Bok Choy Bok Choy Bok Choy translate
Bok Choy Kimchi Bok Choy Kimchi Bok Choy Kimchi Bok Choy Kimchi translate
Bok Choy Seed Bok Choy Seed Bok Choy Seed Bok Choy Seed translate
Briar Daisy Briar Daisy Briar Daisy Briar Daisy translate
Brightshroom Brightshroom Brightshroom Brightshroom translate
Butter Butter Butter Butter translate
Buzzy Jar Buzzy Jar Buzzy Jar Buzzy Jar translate
Carrot Carrot Carrot Carrot translate
Carrot Seed Carrot Seed Carrot Seed Carrot Seed translate
Cave Cap Flower Cave Cap Flower Cave Cap Flower Cave Cap Flower translate
Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic translate
Chapaa Meat Chapaa Meat Chapaa Meat Chapaa Meat translate
Chapaatail Flower Chapaatail Flower Chapaatail Flower Chapaatail Flower translate
Citrine Citrine Citrine Citrine translate
Clay Clay Clay Clay translate
Cooking Oil Cooking Oil Cooking Oil Cooking Oil translate
Copper Bar Copper Bar Copper Bar Copper Bar translate
Copper Ore Copper Ore Copper Ore Copper Ore translate
Coral Coral Coral Coral translate
Corn Corn Corn Corn translate
Corn Seed Corn Seed Corn Seed Corn Seed translate
Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton translate
Cotton Seed Cotton Seed Cotton Seed Cotton Seed translate
Crystal Lake Lotus Crystal Lake Lotus Crystal Lake Lotus Crystal Lake Lotus translate
Dari Cloves Dari Cloves Dari Cloves Dari Cloves translate
Datura Flower Datura Flower Datura Flower Datura Flower translate
Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow translate
Dowsing Rod Dowsing Rod Dowsing Rod Dowsing Rod translate
Dragon's Beard Peat Dragon's Beard Peat Dragon's Beard Peat Dragon's Beard Peat translate
Dragon Firework Dragon Firework Dragon Firework Dragon Firework translate
Egg Egg Egg Egg translate
Elder Sernuk Antlers Elder Sernuk Antlers Elder Sernuk Antlers Elder Sernuk Antlers translate
Emerald Emerald Emerald Emerald translate
Emerald Carpet Moss Emerald Carpet Moss Emerald Carpet Moss Emerald Carpet Moss translate
Exquisite Bobber Exquisite Bobber Exquisite Bobber Exquisite Bobber translate
Fabric Fabric Fabric Fabric translate
Fiddlefrond Flower Fiddlefrond Flower Fiddlefrond Flower Fiddlefrond Flower translate
Fine Arrow Fine Arrow Fine Arrow Fine Arrow translate
Fine Bobber Fine Bobber Fine Bobber Fine Bobber translate
Fireworks Arrow Fireworks Arrow Fireworks Arrow Fireworks Arrow translate
Flare Arrow Flare Arrow Flare Arrow Flare Arrow translate
Floating Lantern Firework Floating Lantern Firework Floating Lantern Firework Floating Lantern Firework translate
Flint Flint Flint Flint translate
Flour Flour Flour Flour translate
Flow Acorn Flow Acorn Flow Acorn Flow Acorn translate
Flow Juniper Seed Flow Juniper Seed Flow Juniper Seed Flow Juniper Seed translate
Flow Pinecone Flow Pinecone Flow Pinecone Flow Pinecone translate
Flow Samara Flow Samara Flow Samara Flow Samara translate
Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank translate
Flow-Infused Wood Flow-Infused Wood Flow-Infused Wood Flow-Infused Wood translate
Forget-Me-Not Flower Forget-Me-Not Flower Forget-Me-Not Flower Forget-Me-Not Flower translate
Forsythia Flower Forsythia Flower Forsythia Flower Forsythia Flower translate
Fur Fur Fur Fur translate
Furniture Modification Kit Furniture Modification Kit Furniture Modification Kit Furniture Modification Kit translate
Galdur's Bait Galdur's Bait Galdur's Bait Galdur's Bait translate
Gardenia Flower Gardenia Flower Gardenia Flower Gardenia Flower translate
Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet translate
Glass Bulb Glass Bulb Glass Bulb Glass Bulb translate
Glass Pane Glass Pane Glass Pane Glass Pane translate
Glider Glider Glider Glider translate
Glow Worm Glow Worm Glow Worm Glow Worm translate
Gold Bar Gold Bar Gold Bar Gold Bar translate
Gold Ore Gold Ore Gold Ore Gold Ore translate
Green Crackling Firework Green Crackling Firework Green Crackling Firework Green Crackling Firework translate
Green Pearl Green Pearl Green Pearl Green Pearl translate
Green Peony Firework Green Peony Firework Green Peony Firework Green Peony Firework translate
Green Ringspiral Firework Green Ringspiral Firework Green Ringspiral Firework Green Ringspiral Firework translate
Green Roctail Firework Green Roctail Firework Green Roctail Firework Green Roctail Firework translate
Green Spinning Firework Green Spinning Firework Green Spinning Firework Green Spinning Firework translate
Green Waterfall Firework Green Waterfall Firework Green Waterfall Firework Green Waterfall Firework translate
Grimalkintail Flower Grimalkintail Flower Grimalkintail Flower Grimalkintail Flower translate
HarvestBoost Fertilizer HarvestBoost Fertilizer HarvestBoost Fertilizer HarvestBoost Fertilizer translate
Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily translate
Heartwood Heartwood Heartwood Heartwood translate
Heartwood Plank Heartwood Plank Heartwood Plank Heartwood Plank translate
Heat Root Heat Root Heat Root Heat Root translate
Hemitomes Flower Hemitomes Flower Hemitomes Flower Hemitomes Flower translate
Honey Lure Honey Lure Honey Lure Honey Lure translate
Hunter's Horn Hunter's Horn Hunter's Horn Hunter's Horn translate
HydratePro Fertilizer HydratePro Fertilizer HydratePro Fertilizer HydratePro Fertilizer translate
Iron Bar Iron Bar Iron Bar Iron Bar translate
Iron Ore Iron Ore Iron Ore Iron Ore translate
Jasper Jasper Jasper Jasper translate
Juniper Amber Juniper Amber Juniper Amber Juniper Amber translate
Juniper Seed Juniper Seed Juniper Seed Juniper Seed translate
Knapweed Knapweed Knapweed Knapweed translate
Lantern Bobber Lantern Bobber Lantern Bobber Lantern Bobber translate
Lavender Flower Lavender Flower Lavender Flower Lavender Flower translate
Leather Leather Leather Leather translate
Lucky Coin Lucky Coin Lucky Coin Lucky Coin translate
Major Hook Time Booster Major Hook Time Booster Major Hook Time Booster Major Hook Time Booster translate
Major Rod Recovery Booster Major Rod Recovery Booster Major Rod Recovery Booster Major Rod Recovery Booster translate
Major Safe Zone Size Booster Major Safe Zone Size Booster Major Safe Zone Size Booster Major Safe Zone Size Booster translate
Major Safe Zone Speed Booster Major Safe Zone Speed Booster Major Safe Zone Speed Booster Major Safe Zone Speed Booster translate
Makeshift Arrow Makeshift Arrow Makeshift Arrow Makeshift Arrow translate
Milk Milk Milk Milk translate
Minor Rod Health Booster Minor Rod Health Booster Minor Rod Health Booster Minor Rod Health Booster translate
Mixed Hydrangea Flower Mixed Hydrangea Flower Mixed Hydrangea Flower Mixed Hydrangea Flower translate
Mountain Morel Mountain Morel Mountain Morel Mountain Morel translate
Muujin Mane Muujin Mane Muujin Mane Muujin Mane translate
Muujin Meat Muujin Meat Muujin Meat Muujin Meat translate
Napa Cabbage Napa Cabbage Napa Cabbage Napa Cabbage translate
Napa Cabbage Kimchi Napa Cabbage Kimchi Napa Cabbage Kimchi Napa Cabbage Kimchi translate
Napa Cabbage Seed Napa Cabbage Seed Napa Cabbage Seed Napa Cabbage Seed translate
Oak Amber Oak Amber Oak Amber Oak Amber translate
Onion Onion Onion Onion translate
Onion Seed Onion Seed Onion Seed Onion Seed translate
Onyx Onyx Onyx Onyx translate
Orange Crackling Firework Orange Crackling Firework Orange Crackling Firework Orange Crackling Firework translate
Orange Peony Firework Orange Peony Firework Orange Peony Firework Orange Peony Firework translate
Orange Ringspiral Firework Orange Ringspiral Firework Orange Ringspiral Firework Orange Ringspiral Firework translate
Orange Roctail Firework Orange Roctail Firework Orange Roctail Firework Orange Roctail Firework translate
Orange Spinning Firework Orange Spinning Firework Orange Spinning Firework Orange Spinning Firework translate
Orange Waterfall Firework Orange Waterfall Firework Orange Waterfall Firework Orange Waterfall Firework translate
Ore Compass Ore Compass Ore Compass Ore Compass translate
Oyster Meat Oyster Meat Oyster Meat Oyster Meat translate
Palium Bar Palium Bar Palium Bar Palium Bar translate
Palium Ore Palium Ore Palium Ore Palium Ore translate
Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl translate
Phoenix Firework Phoenix Firework Phoenix Firework Phoenix Firework translate
Pickle Pickle Pickle Pickle translate
Pickled Carrots Pickled Carrots Pickled Carrots Pickled Carrots translate
Pickled Corn Pickled Corn Pickled Corn Pickled Corn translate
Pickled Onions Pickled Onions Pickled Onions Pickled Onions translate
Pickled Potatoes Pickled Potatoes Pickled Potatoes Pickled Potatoes translate
Pickled Spicy Pepper Pickled Spicy Pepper Pickled Spicy Pepper Pickled Spicy Pepper translate
Pickled Tomatoes Pickled Tomatoes Pickled Tomatoes Pickled Tomatoes translate
Pine Amber Pine Amber Pine Amber Pine Amber translate
Pinecone Pinecone Pinecone Pinecone translate
Plant Fiber Plant Fiber Plant Fiber Plant Fiber translate
Potato Potato Potato Potato translate
Potato Seed Potato Seed Potato Seed Potato Seed translate
Prize Wheel Coin Prize Wheel Coin Prize Wheel Coin Prize Wheel Coin translate
Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers translate
Purple Crackling Firework Purple Crackling Firework Purple Crackling Firework Purple Crackling Firework translate
Purple Peony Firework Purple Peony Firework Purple Peony Firework Purple Peony Firework translate
Purple Ringspiral Firework Purple Ringspiral Firework Purple Ringspiral Firework Purple Ringspiral Firework translate
Purple Roctail Firework Purple Roctail Firework Purple Roctail Firework Purple Roctail Firework translate
Purple Spinning Firework Purple Spinning Firework Purple Spinning Firework Purple Spinning Firework translate
Purple Waterfall Firework Purple Waterfall Firework Purple Waterfall Firework Purple Waterfall Firework translate
Pyroflow Bobber Pyroflow Bobber Pyroflow Bobber Pyroflow Bobber translate
QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer translate
Quartz Quartz Quartz Quartz translate
Red Crackling Firework Red Crackling Firework Red Crackling Firework Red Crackling Firework translate
Red Peony Firework Red Peony Firework Red Peony Firework Red Peony Firework translate
Red Ringspiral Firework Red Ringspiral Firework Red Ringspiral Firework Red Ringspiral Firework translate
Red Roctail Firework Red Roctail Firework Red Roctail Firework Red Roctail Firework translate
Red Spinning Firework Red Spinning Firework Red Spinning Firework Red Spinning Firework translate
Red Tornado Firework Red Tornado Firework Red Tornado Firework Red Tornado Firework translate
Red Waterfall Firework Red Waterfall Firework Red Waterfall Firework Red Waterfall Firework translate
Ringspiral Firework Arrow Box Ringspiral Firework Arrow Box Ringspiral Firework Arrow Box Ringspiral Firework Arrow Box translate
Repair Kit Repair Kit Repair Kit Repair Kit translate
Rice Rice Rice Rice translate
Rice Seed Rice Seed Rice Seed Rice Seed translate
Rose Flower Rose Flower Rose Flower Rose Flower translate
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby translate
Ruined Food Ruined Food Ruined Food Ruined Food translate
Salt Salt Salt Salt translate
Samara Samara Samara Samara translate
Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire translate
Sapwood Sapwood Sapwood Sapwood translate
Sapwood Plank Sapwood Plank Sapwood Plank Sapwood Plank translate
Sernuk Antlers Sernuk Antlers Sernuk Antlers Sernuk Antlers translate
Sernuk Hide Sernuk Hide Sernuk Hide Sernuk Hide translate
Sernuk Meat Sernuk Meat Sernuk Meat Sernuk Meat translate
Shell Shell Shell Shell translate
Ship Fragments Ship Fragments Ship Fragments Ship Fragments translate
Silk Silk Silk Silk translate
Silk Thread Silk Thread Silk Thread Silk Thread translate
Silver Bar Silver Bar Silver Bar Silver Bar translate
Silver Ore Silver Ore Silver Ore Silver Ore translate
Slowdown Arrow Slowdown Arrow Slowdown Arrow Slowdown Arrow translate
Smoke Candle Smoke Candle Smoke Candle Smoke Candle translate
Sneaky Smoke Bomb Sneaky Smoke Bomb Sneaky Smoke Bomb Sneaky Smoke Bomb translate
Soy Sauce Soy Sauce Soy Sauce Soy Sauce translate
SpeedyGro Fertilizer SpeedyGro Fertilizer SpeedyGro Fertilizer SpeedyGro Fertilizer translate
Spice Sprouts Spice Sprouts Spice Sprouts Spice Sprouts translate
Spicy Pepper Spicy Pepper Spicy Pepper Spicy Pepper translate
Spicy Pepper Seed Spicy Pepper Seed Spicy Pepper Seed Spicy Pepper Seed translate
Spotted Chapaa Tail Spotted Chapaa Tail Spotted Chapaa Tail Spotted Chapaa Tail translate
Standard Arrow Standard Arrow Standard Arrow Standard Arrow translate
Standard Bobber Standard Bobber Standard Bobber Standard Bobber translate
Standard Smoke Bomb Standard Smoke Bomb Standard Smoke Bomb Standard Smoke Bomb translate
Sticky Smoke Bomb Sticky Smoke Bomb Sticky Smoke Bomb Sticky Smoke Bomb translate
Stone Stone Stone Stone translate
Stone Brick Stone Brick Stone Brick Stone Brick translate
Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail translate
Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar translate
Sundrop Lily Sundrop Lily Sundrop Lily Sundrop Lily translate
Supreme Smoke Bomb Supreme Smoke Bomb Supreme Smoke Bomb Supreme Smoke Bomb translate
Sweet Leaf Sweet Leaf Sweet Leaf Sweet Leaf translate
Tiger Lily Flower Tiger Lily Flower Tiger Lily Flower Tiger Lily Flower translate
Tomato Tomato Tomato Tomato translate
Tomato Plant Seed Tomato Plant Seed Tomato Plant Seed Tomato Plant Seed translate
Trillium Flower Trillium Flower Trillium Flower Trillium Flower translate
Tulip Flower Tulip Flower Tulip Flower Tulip Flower translate
Tuning Fork Tuning Fork Tuning Fork Tuning Fork translate
Unopened Oyster Unopened Oyster Unopened Oyster Unopened Oyster translate
Veronica Flower Veronica Flower Veronica Flower Veronica Flower translate
Vinegar Vinegar Vinegar Vinegar translate
Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel translate
Waterlogged Boot Waterlogged Boot Waterlogged Boot Waterlogged Boot translate
WeedBlock Fertilizer WeedBlock Fertilizer WeedBlock Fertilizer WeedBlock Fertilizer translate
Wheat Wheat Wheat Wheat translate
Wheat Seed Wheat Seed Wheat Seed Wheat Seed translate
White Crackling Firework White Crackling Firework White Crackling Firework White Crackling Firework translate
White Peony Firework White Peony Firework White Peony Firework White Peony Firework translate
White Ringspiral Firework White Ringspiral Firework White Ringspiral Firework White Ringspiral Firework translate
White Roctail Firework White Roctail Firework White Roctail Firework White Roctail Firework translate
White Spinning Firework White Spinning Firework White Spinning Firework White Spinning Firework translate
White Waterfall Firework White Waterfall Firework White Waterfall Firework White Waterfall Firework translate
Wild Garlic Wild Garlic Wild Garlic Wild Garlic translate
Wild Ginger Wild Ginger Wild Ginger Wild Ginger translate
Wild Green Onion Wild Green Onion Wild Green Onion Wild Green Onion translate
Winterlights Snowball Winterlights Snowball Winterlights Snowball Winterlights Snowball translate
Worm Worm Worm Worm translate
Yellow Crackling Firework Yellow Crackling Firework Yellow Crackling Firework Yellow Crackling Firework translate
Yellow Peony Firework Yellow Peony Firework Yellow Peony Firework Yellow Peony Firework translate
Yellow Ringspiral Firework Yellow Ringspiral Firework Yellow Ringspiral Firework Yellow Ringspiral Firework translate
Yellow Roctail Firework Yellow Roctail Firework Yellow Roctail Firework Yellow Roctail Firework translate
Yellow Spinning Firework Yellow Spinning Firework Yellow Spinning Firework Yellow Spinning Firework translate
Yellow Tornado Firework Yellow Tornado Firework Yellow Tornado Firework Yellow Tornado Firework translate
Yellow Waterfall Firework Yellow Waterfall Firework Yellow Waterfall Firework Yellow Waterfall Firework translate