Palia Wiki:Translation portal/Translator Cheat Sheet/nl

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Dit is een vertaalde versie van de pagina Palia Wiki:Translation portal/Translator Cheat Sheet. De vertaling is voor 100% voltooid.
ChapaaChef.png Het lijkt erop dat iemand code aan het uitvogelen is! Er wordt actief gewerkt aan deze pagina of dit onderdeel, en zal binnenkort worden toegevoegd. Zorg ervoor dat je overlegt met de betrokken gebruiker(s) zodat er geen conflicten ontstaan.
Opmerkingen: Help is welcome! This is a lot of typing of individual game items.


Dit is niet bedoeld als vervanging voor de Language Statistics pagina, maar als hulpmiddel voor vertalers.

Vind je niet dat het handig zou zijn om buiten het spel een lijst te hebben met alle namen van de items, zowel vertaald als onvertaald, zodat je ze kunt raadplegen terwijl je aan de vertalingen werkt?

Deze Cheat Sheet zal ook dienen als referentie voor vertalers die de wiki bijwerken in talen die niet de officiële talen in de game zijn.

Vertalers kunnen via Translator Notes ook aantekeningen voor elkaar achterlaten over de fijne kneepjes van hun taal.

Game Woorden/Elementen

Vertaal deze GUI referentielijst hier

Graphical User Interface Elements  

Player Menu Player Menu Player Menu translate
Player Menus Player Menus
Inventory Inventory Inventaris translate
Focus Focus Focus translate
Focus Bonus Focus Bonus
Tools Tools Gereedschappen translate
Skill Levels Skill Levels
Accessories Accessories Accessoires translate
Items Items
Map Map Map translate
Legend Legend
Return to Housing Plot Return to Housing Plot
Look Around Look Around
Drop Waypoint Drop Waypoint
Reset Position Reset Position
Quests Quests Quests translate
Pinned Pinned
Main Main
Discover Discovery
Completed Completed
Communities Communities Communities translate
News News
New New
Read (Opened) Read
Relationships Relationships
Daily Gift Daily Gift
Weekly Wants Weekly Wants
Friendship Friendship Vriendschap translate
Romance Romance Romantiek translate
Accomplishments Accomplishments Prestaties translate
Collections Collections
Emotes Emotes Emotes translate
Pets Pets Huisdieren translate
Saved Outfits Saved Outfits
Tool Skins Tool Skins Tool Skins translate
Nameplates Nameplates Nameplates translate
Social Menus Social Menus
Friends Friends
Manage Friends Manage Friends
Friends (Online) Friends (Online)
Party Party
Members Members
Server Server
Camera Camera
Requests Requests Verzoeken translate
Active Request Active Request
Request Item Request Item
Other Requests Other Requests
From Party From Party
From Friends From Friends
From Others From Others
Other Menus Other Menus
Options Options
Resume Resume
Settings Settings Settings translate
Gameplay Settings Gameplay Settings
Graphics Settings Graphics Settings
Audio Settings Audio Settings
Control Settings Control Settings
Gamepad Settings Gamepad Settings
Controller Settings Controller Settings
Calibration Settings Calibration Settings
Unstuck Unstuck
Announcements Announcements
Credits Credits
Player Support Player Support
File Support Ticket File Support Ticket
Quit Game Quit Game
Store Store
Premium Store Premium Store Premium Winkel translate
Featured Featured
Outfits Outfits Lijst met Outfits translate
Gliders Gliders
Landscapes Landscapes Landscapes translate
Tool Skin Tool Skin
All All
Interact Interact
Read (to read) Read
Ancient Tome Ancient Tome
Tattered Journal Tattered Journal
Chat Chat
Open Store Open Store
Inspect Inspect
Repair Tools Repair Tools
Change Clothes Change Clothes
Commune Commune
Enter Ruins Enter Ruins
Mysterious tunnel Mysterious tunnel
Return to Village Return to Village
Return to Kilima Return to Kilima
Return to the Black Market Return to the Black Market
Return to Bahari Bay Return to Bahari Bay
Pull out loose book Pull out loose book
Spin the Wheel Spin the Wheel
Enter Office Enter Office
Value Value

Vertaal deze referentielijst voor Locaties hier


Locations of Palia Locations of Palia Locations of Palia translate
Map Map Map translate
Housing Plot Housing Plot Woonkavel translate
Kilima Valley Kilima Valley Kilima Vallei translate
Phoenix Falls Phoenix Falls Phoenix Falls translate
Phoenix Shrine Phoenix Shrine Phoenix Shrine translate
Chayne's House Chayne's House Chayne's House translate
Chayne's Room Chayne's Room Chayne's Room translate
Zeki's House Zeki's House Zeki's House translate
Zeki's Room Zeki's Room Zeki's Room translate
Mirror Pond Ruins Mirror Pond Ruins Spiegelvijver Ruïnes translate
Mirror Fields Mirror Fields Mirror Fields translate
Ruins Ruins
Ancient Library Ancient Library Ancient Library translate
Hekla's Tent Hekla's Tent Hekla's Tent translate
Night Sky Temple Night Sky Temple Night Sky Temple translate
Maji's Hollow Maji's Hollow Maji's Hollow translate
Dragon Shrine Dragon Shrine Dragon Shrine translate
Leafhopper Hills Leafhopper Hills Leafhopper Hills translate
Family Farm Family Farm
Daiya Family Farm Daiya Family Farm Daiya Family Farm translate
Daiya Family's House Daiya Family's House Daiya Family's House translate
Auni's Treehouse Auni's Treehouse Auni's Treehouse translate
Badruu's Barn Badruu's Barn Badruu's Barn translate
Delaila & Badruu's Room Delaila & Badruu's Room
Delaila and Badruu's Room Delaila and Badruu's Room Delaila and Badruu's Room translate
Nai'o & Auni's Room Nai'o & Auni's Room
Nai'o and Auni's Room Nai'o and Auni's Room Nai'o and Auni's Room translate
Kilima Lake Kilima Lake Kilima Meer translate
The Sewers The Sewers
Crystal Lake Crystal Lake
Gillyfin Cove Gillyfin Cove Gillyfin Cove translate
Reflection Fields Reflection Fields Reflection Fields translate
Remembrance Garden Remembrance Garden Remembrance Garden translate
Remembrance Beach Remembrance Beach Remembrance Beach translate
Mayor's Estate Mayor's Estate Mayor's Estate translate
Eshe's Room Eshe's Room Eshe's Room translate
Kenyatta's Room Kenyatta's Room Kenyatta's Room translate
Fisherman's Lagoon Fisherman's Lagoon Fisherman's Lagoon translate
Einar's Cave Einar's Cave Einar's Cave translate
Whispering Banks Whispering Banks Whispering Banks translate
Chapaa Crossing Chapaa Crossing Chapaa Crossing translate
Sifuu's House Sifuu's House Sifuu's House translate
Sifuu's Room Sifuu's Room Sifuu's Room translate
Kilima Village Kilima Village Kilima Dorp translate
Elouisa & Caleri's House Elouisa & Caleri's House
Elouisa and Caleri's House Elouisa and Caleri's House Elouisa and Caleri's House translate
Elouisa's Room Elouisa's Room Elouisa's Room translate
Tish's House Tish's House Tish's House translate
Tish's Room Tish's Room Tish's Room translate
Apothecary Apothecary Apothecary translate
Blacksmith Blacksmith Blacksmith translate
Repair Station Repair Station Repair Station translate
Tavern Tavern Tavern translate
Ormuu's Horn Inn Ormuu's Horn Inn
Ashura's Room Ashura's Room Ashura's Room translate
Reth's Storeroom Reth's Storeroom Reth's Storeroom translate
Subira's Room Subira's Room Subira's Room translate
Tailor Tailor Tailor translate
Wardrobe Wardrobe Wardrobe translate
Jel's Room Jel's Room Jel's Room translate
General Store General Store Algemene Winkel translate
The Underground The Underground De Ondergrond translate
Black Market Black Market Black Market translate
Underground Office Underground Office Underground Office translate
The Tower The Tower The Tower translate
Furniture Store Furniture Store Meubelwinkel translate
Library Library Library translate
Restricted Section Restricted Section Restricted Section translate
City Hall City Hall City Hall translate
Kenli's Records Room Kenli's Records Room Kenli's Records Room translate
City Hall Storage Room City Hall Storage Room City Hall Storage Room translate
Central Stables Central Stables
Central Stables (Kilima Valley) Central Stables (Kilima Valley) Central Stables (Kilima Valley) translate
Fairgrounds Fairgrounds Fairgrounds translate
Bahari Bay Bahari Bay Bahari Baai translate
Hideaway Bluffs Hideaway Bluffs Hideaway Bluffs translate
Hassian's Grove Hassian's Grove Hassian's Grove translate
Windy Ruins Windy Ruins Windy Ruins translate
Pulsewater Plains Pulsewater Plains Pulsewater Plains translate
Beachcomber Cove Beachcomber Cove Beachcomber Cove translate
The Old Lighthouse The Old Lighthouse The Old Lighthouse translate
Lighthouse Lagoon Lighthouse Lagoon Lighthouse Lagoon translate
Pavel Mines Pavel Mines Pavel Mines translate
Hodari & Najuma's House Hodari & Najuma's House
Hodari and Najuma's House Hodari and Najuma's House Hodari and Najuma's House translate
Hodari's Room Hodari's Room Hodari's Room translate
Najuma's Room Najuma's Room Najuma's Room translate
Flooded Fortress Flooded Fortress Flooded Fortress translate
Sunken City Sunken City Sunken City translate
Central Stables (Bahari Bay) Central Stables (Bahari Bay) Central Stables (Bahari Bay) translate
Ancient Aquaduct Ancient Aquaduct Ancient Aquaduct translate
Proudhorn Pass Proudhorn Pass Proudhorn Pass translate
Flooded Steps Flooded Steps Flooded Steps translate
The Outskirts The Outskirts The Outskirts translate
Northern Mineshaft Northern Mineshaft Northern Mineshaft translate
Thorny Thicket Thorny Thicket Thorny Thicket translate
Tamala's House Tamala's House Tamala's House translate
Tamala's Room Tamala's Room Tamala's Room translate
Statue Garden Statue Garden Statue Garden translate
Coral Shores Coral Shores Coral Shores translate
Ancient Human Ruins Ancient Human Ruins Oude Menselijke Ruïnes translate
Temple of the Waves Temple of the Waves Temple of the Waves translate
Temple of the Flames Temple of the Flames Temple of the Flames translate
Temple of the Gales Temple of the Gales Temple of the Gales translate
Temple of the Roots Temple of the Roots Temple of the Roots translate
Bahari City Bahari City Bahari City translate
Harvest Meadows Harvest Meadows Harvest Meadows translate
Elderwood Elderwood Elderwood translate
Inyrevn Inyrevn Inyrevn translate
Umbraa Umbraa Umbraa translate
Umbraa Mountains Umbraa Mountains Umbraa Mountains translate
Flamewynde Isles Flamewynde Isles Flamewynde Isles translate
Makuu City Makuu City Makuu City translate



Villagers Dorpelingen Dorpelingen translate
Ashura Ashura Ashura translate
Auni Auni Auni translate
Badruu Badruu Badruu translate
Caleri Caleri Caleri translate
Chayne Chayne Chayne translate
Delaila Delaila Delaila translate
Einar Einar Einar translate
Elouisa Elouisa Elouisa translate
Eshe Eshe Eshe translate
Hassian Hassian Hassian translate
Hekla Hekla Hekla translate
Hodari Hodari Hodari translate
Jel Jel Jel translate
Jina Jina Jina translate
Kenli Kenli Kenli translate
Kenyatta Kenyatta Kenyatta translate
Nai'o Nai'o Nai'o translate
Najuma Najuma Najuma translate
Reth Reth Reth translate
Sifuu Sifuu Sifuu translate
Subira Subira Subira translate
Tamala Tamala Tamala translate
Tau Tau Tau translate
Tish Tish Tish translate
Zeki Zeki Zeki translate

Vertaal deze referentielijst voor Vissen hier


Fish Vissen Vissen translate
Albino Eel Albino Paling Albino Paling Albino Paling translate
Alligator Gar Kaaimansnoek Kaaimansnoek Kaaimansnoek translate
Ancient Cloudminnow Eeuwenoude Wolkenvoorn Eeuwenoude Wolkenvoorn Eeuwenoude Wolkenvoorn translate
Ancient Fish Eeuwenoude Vis Eeuwenoude Vis Eeuwenoude Vis translate
Bahari Bass Bahari-Baars Bahari Bass Bahari Bass translate
Bahari Bream Bahari-Brasem Bahari Bream Bahari Bream translate
Bahari Pike Bahari-Snoek Bahari Pike Bahari Pike translate
Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda Barracuda translate
Bat Ray Vleermuisrog Bat Ray Bat Ray translate
Beluga Sturgeon Beluga Steur Beluga Sturgeon Beluga Sturgeon translate
Black Sea Bass Zwarte Zeebaars Black Sea Bass Black Sea Bass translate
Blobfish Blobvis Blobfish Blobfish translate
Blue Marlin Blauwe Marlijn Blue Marlin Blue Marlin translate
Blue Spotted Ray Blauwgespikkelde Rog Blue Spotted Ray Blue Spotted Ray translate
Bluefin Tuna Blauwvintonijn Bluefin Tuna Bluefin Tuna translate
Cactus Moray Cactusmoeraal Cactus Moray Cactus Moray translate
Calico Koi Gelukskoi Calico Koi Calico Koi translate
Cantankerous Koi Grommende Koi Cantankerous Koi Cantankerous Koi translate
Channel Catfish Kanaalmeerval Channel Catfish Channel Catfish translate
Chub Kopvoorn Chub Chub translate
Cloudfish Wolkenvis Cloudfish Cloudfish translate
Crimson Fangtooth Donkerrode Hengelaarvis Crimson Fangtooth Crimson Fangtooth translate
Crucian Carp Kroeskarper Crucian Carp Crucian Carp translate
Cutthroat Trout Roodkeelforel Cutthroat Trout Cutthroat Trout translate
Dawnray Ochtendschemeringrog Dawnray Dawnray translate
Duskray Avondschemeringrog Duskray Duskray translate
Enchanted Pupfish Betoverde Karper Enchanted Pupfish Enchanted Pupfish translate
Energized Piranha Energieke Piranha Energized Piranha Energized Piranha translate
Eyeless Minnow Oogloze Voorn Eyeless Minnow Eyeless Minnow translate
Fairy Carp Feekarper Fairy Carp Fairy Carp translate
Fathead Minnow Dikkopvoorn Fathead Minnow Fathead Minnow translate
Flametongue Ray Vlamtong-Rog Flametongue Ray Flametongue Ray translate
Freshwater Eel Rivierpaling Freshwater Eel Freshwater Eel translate
Giant Goldfish Reuze Goudvis Giant Goldfish Giant Goldfish translate
Giant Kilima Stingray Reuze Kilima Pijlstaartrog Giant Kilima Stingray Giant Kilima Stingray translate
Gillyfin Kieuwvin Gillyfin Gillyfin translate
Golden Salmon Gouden Zalm Golden Salmon Golden Salmon translate
Honey Loach Honingkarper Honey Loach Honey Loach translate
Hypnotic Moray Hypnosemoeraal Hypnotic Moray Hypnotic Moray translate
Indigo Lamprey Indigo Lamprei Indigo Lamprey Indigo Lamprey translate
Kenli's Carp Kenli's Karper Kenli's Carp Kenli's Carp translate
Kilima Catfish Kilima Meerval Kilima Catfish Kilima Catfish translate
Kilima Grayling Kilima Vlagzalm Kilima Grayling Kilima Grayling translate
Kilima Redfin Kilima Roodvin Kilima Redfin Kilima Redfin translate
Largemouth Bass Grootmondbaars Largemouth Bass Largemouth Bass translate
Long Nosed Unicorn Fish Langneuzige Eenhoornvis Long Nosed Unicorn Fish Long Nosed Unicorn Fish translate
Midnight Paddlefish Middernacht Lepelsteur Midnight Paddlefish Midnight Paddlefish translate
Mirror Carp Spiegelkarper Mirror Carp Mirror Carp translate
Mottled Gobi Gevlekte Grondel Mottled Gobi Mottled Gobi translate
Mudminnow Hondsvis Mudminnow Mudminnow translate
Mutated Angler Mutante Hengelaarsvis Mutated Angler Mutated Angler translate
Oily Anchovy Olie-Ansjovis Oily Anchovy Oily Anchovy translate
Orange Bluegill Oranje Blauwkeel Orange Bluegill Orange Bluegill translate
Paddlefish Lepelsteur Paddlefish Paddlefish translate
Painted Perch Geverfde Baars Painted Perch Painted Perch translate
Platinum Chad Platina Baars Platinum Chad Platinum Chad translate
Prism Trout Prisma-Forel Prism Trout Prism Trout translate
Radiant Sunfish Stralende Zonnevis Radiant Sunfish Radiant Sunfish translate
Rainbow Trout Regenboogforel Rainbow Trout Rainbow Trout translate
Red-bellied Piranha Roodbuikpiranha Red-bellied Piranha Red-bellied Piranha translate
Ribbontail Ray Pijlstaartrog Ribbontail Ray Ribbontail Ray translate
Rosy Bitterling Rozige Bittervoorn Rosy Bitterling Rosy Bitterling translate
Sardine Sardine Sardine Sardine translate
Scarlet Koi Scharlakenrode Koi Scarlet Koi Scarlet Koi translate
Shimmerfin Glinstervin Shimmerfin Shimmerfin translate
Silver Salmon Zilveren Zalm Silver Salmon Silver Salmon translate
Silvery Minnow Zilveren Voorn Silvery Minnow Silvery Minnow translate
Smallmouth Bass Kleinmondbaars Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth Bass translate
Spotted Bullhead Dwergmeerval Spotted Bullhead Spotted Bullhead translate
Stalking Catfish Stalkende Meerval Stalking Catfish Stalking Catfish translate
Stickleback Stekelbaars Stickleback Stickleback translate
Stonefish Steenvis Stonefish Stonefish translate
Stormray Stormrog Stormray Stormray translate
Striped Dace Gestreepte Serpeling Striped Dace Striped Dace translate
Striped Sturgeon Gestreepte Steur Striped Sturgeon Striped Sturgeon translate
Swordfin Eel Zwaardneus-Paling Swordfin Eel Swordfin Eel translate
Thundering Eel Bliksempaling Thundering Eel Thundering Eel translate
Umbran Carp Umbra-Karper Umbran Carp Umbran Carp translate
Void Ray Leegte-Rog Void Ray Void Ray translate
Willow Lamprey Wilgenlamprei Willow Lamprey Willow Lamprey translate
Yellow Perch Gele Baars Yellow Perch Yellow Perch translate
Yellowfin Tuna Geelvintonijn Yellowfin Tuna Yellowfin Tuna translate

Vertaal deze referentielijst voor Insecten hier


Bugs Bugs Insecten translate
Ancient Amber Beetle Ancient Amber Beetle Ancient Amber Beetle Ancient Amber Beetle translate
Azure Stonehopper Azure Stonehopper Azure Stonehopper Azure Stonehopper translate
Bahari Bee Bahari Bee Bahari Bee Bahari Bee translate
Bahari Crab Bahari Crab Bahari Crab Bahari Crab translate
Bahari Glowbug Bahari Glowbug Bahari Glowbug Bahari Glowbug translate
Brighteye Butterfly Brighteye Butterfly Brighteye Butterfly Brighteye Butterfly translate
Brushtail Dragonfly Brushtail Dragonfly Brushtail Dragonfly Brushtail Dragonfly translate
Cerulean Cicada Cerulean Cicada Cerulean Cicada Cerulean Cicada translate
Common Bark Cicada Common Bark Cicada Common Bark Cicada Common Bark Cicada translate
Common Blue Butterfly Common Blue Butterfly Common Blue Butterfly Common Blue Butterfly translate
Common Field Cricket Common Field Cricket Common Field Cricket Common Field Cricket translate
Duskwing Butterfly Duskwing Butterfly Duskwing Butterfly Duskwing Butterfly translate
Fairy Mantis Fairy Mantis Fairy Mantis Fairy Mantis translate
Firebreathing Dragonfly Firebreathing Dragonfly Firebreathing Dragonfly Firebreathing Dragonfly translate
Garden Ladybug Garden Ladybug Garden Ladybug Garden Ladybug translate
Garden Leafhopper Garden Leafhopper Garden Leafhopper Garden Leafhopper translate
Garden Mantis Garden Mantis Garden Mantis Garden Mantis translate
Garden Millipede Garden Millipede Garden Millipede Garden Millipede translate
Garden Snail Garden Snail Garden Snail Garden Snail translate
Golden Glory Bee Golden Glory Bee Golden Glory Bee Golden Glory Bee translate
Gossamer Veil Moth Gossamer Veil Moth Gossamer Veil Moth Gossamer Veil Moth translate
Hairy Millipede Hairy Millipede Hairy Millipede Hairy Millipede translate
Inky Dragonfly Inky Dragonfly Inky Dragonfly Inky Dragonfly translate
Jewelwing Dragonfly Jewelwing Dragonfly Jewelwing Dragonfly Jewelwing Dragonfly translate
Kilima Night Moth Kilima Night Moth Kilima Night Moth Kilima Night Moth translate
Leafstalker Mantis Leafstalker Mantis Leafstalker Mantis Leafstalker Mantis translate
Lunar Fairy Moth Lunar Fairy Moth Lunar Fairy Moth Lunar Fairy Moth translate
Paper Lantern Bug Paper Lantern Bug Paper Lantern Bug Paper Lantern Bug translate
Princess Ladybug Princess Ladybug Princess Ladybug Princess Ladybug translate
Proudhorned Stag Beetle Proudhorned Stag Beetle Proudhorned Stag Beetle Proudhorned Stag Beetle translate
Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly translate
Raspberry Beetle Raspberry Beetle Raspberry Beetle Raspberry Beetle translate
Scintillating Centipede Scintillating Centipede Scintillating Centipede Scintillating Centipede translate
Spineshell Crab Spineshell Crab Spineshell Crab Spineshell Crab translate
Spitfire Cicada Spitfire Cicada Spitfire Cicada Spitfire Cicada translate
Spotted Mantis Spotted Mantis Spotted Mantis Spotted Mantis translate
Spotted Stinkbug Spotted Stinkbug Spotted Stinkbug Spotted Stinkbug translate
Stripeshell Snail Stripeshell Snail Stripeshell Snail Stripeshell Snail translate
Vampire Crab Vampire Crab Vampire Crab Vampire Crab translate

Vertaal deze referentielijst voor Gerechten hier


Dishes Dishes Gerechten translate
Akwinduu Chapaa Akwinduu Chapaa Akwinduu Chapaa Akwinduu Chapaa translate
Apple Pie Apple Pie Appeltaart Appeltaart translate
Bacon-Stuffed Mushrooms Bacon-Stuffed Mushrooms Spek-Gevulde Paddenstoelen Spek-Gevulde Paddenstoelen translate
Blueberry Pie Blueberry Pie Bosbessentaart Bosbessentaart translate
Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse translate
Celebration Cake Celebration Cake Feesttaart Feesttaart translate
Century Egg Congee Century Egg Congee Century Egg Congee Century Egg Congee translate
Chapaa Asada Tacos Chapaa Asada Tacos Chapaa Asada Taco's Chapaa Asada Taco's translate
Chapaa Masala Chapaa Masala Chapaa Masala Chapaa Masala translate
Chapaa Onigiri Chapaa Onigiri Chapaa Onigiri Chapaa Onigiri translate
Chili Oil Dumplings Chili Oil Dumplings Knoedels met Chili-olie Knoedels met Chili-olie translate
Congee Congee Rijstepap Rijstepap translate
Crab Gumbo Crab Gumbo Krab Gumbo Krab Gumbo translate
Crab Pot Pie Crab Pot Pie Krabpastei Krabpastei translate
Cream of Mushroom Soup Cream of Mushroom Soup Romige Paddenstoelensoep Romige Paddenstoelensoep translate
Cream of Tomato Soup Cream of Tomato Soup Romige Tomatensoep Romige Tomatensoep translate
Creamy Carrot Soup Creamy Carrot Soup Romige Wortelsoep Romige Wortelsoep translate
Fish Stew Fish Stew Visstoofpot Visstoofpot translate
Fish Tacos Fish Tacos Vistaco's Vistaco's translate
Fisherman's Brew Fisherman's Brew Vissersbrouwsel Vissersbrouwsel translate
Fried Catfish Dinner Fried Catfish Dinner Gefrituurde Meerval Maaltijd Gefrituurde Meerval Maaltijd translate
Fried Dough Congee Fried Dough Congee Fried Dough Congee Fried Dough Congee translate
Grilled Fish Grilled Fish Gegrilde Vis Gegrilde Vis translate
Grilled Meat Grilled Meat Gegrild Vlees Gegrild Vlees translate
Grilled Mushroom Grilled Mushroom Gegrilde Paddenstoel Gegrilde Paddenstoel translate
Grilled Oyster Grilled Oyster Gegrilde Oester Gegrilde Oester translate
Hearty Vegetable Soup Hearty Vegetable Soup Stevige Groentesoep Stevige Groentesoep translate
Hot Hounds Hot Hounds Hot Dogs Hot Dogs translate
Kimchi Fried Rice Kimchi Fried Rice Kimchi Gebakken Rijst Kimchi Gebakken Rijst translate
Loaded Potato Soup Loaded Potato Soup Gevulde Aardappelsoep Gevulde Aardappelsoep translate
Lucky Braised Fish Lucky Braised Fish Fortuinlijk Gesmoorde Vis Fortuinlijk Gesmoorde Vis translate
Macaron Macaron Macaron Macaron translate
Meaty Stir Fry Meaty Stir Fry Vlees-roerbakschotel Vlees-roerbakschotel translate
Mushroom Dumpling Soup Mushroom Dumpling Soup Paddenstoel Knoedelsoep Paddenstoel Knoedelsoep translate
Mushroom Quiche Mushroom Quiche Paddenstoel Quiche Paddenstoel Quiche translate
Muujin Bahari Muujin Bahari Muujin Bahari Muujin Bahari translate
Onion and Garlic Congee Onion and Garlic Congee Onion and Garlic Congee Onion and Garlic Congee translate
Oysters Akwinduu Oysters Akwinduu Oesters Akwinduu Oesters Akwinduu translate
Palian Onion Soup Palian Onion Soup Palian Uiensoep Palian Uiensoep translate
Pan Fried Dumplings Pan Fried Dumplings Gefrituurde Knoedels Gefrituurde Knoedels translate
Petit Fives Petit Fives Petit Vijfjes Petit Vijfjes translate
Phoenixfire Relleno Phoenixfire Relleno Feniksvuur Relleno Feniksvuur Relleno translate
Poke Bowl Poke Bowl Poké Bowl Poké Bowl translate
Quiche Caleri Quiche Caleri Quiche Caleri Quiche Caleri translate
Ramen Ramen Ramen Ramen translate
Reth's Bouillabaisse Reth's Bouillabaisse Reth's Bouillabaisse Reth's Bouillabaisse translate
Reth's Century Egg Reth's Century Egg Reth's Century Egg Reth's Century Egg translate
Reth's Lettuce Soup Reth's Lettuce Soup Reth's Lettuce Soup Reth's Lettuce Soup translate
Reth's Potato Soup Reth's Potato Soup Reth's Potato Soup Reth's Potato Soup translate
Reth's Steak Dinner Reth's Steak Dinner Reth's Steak Dinner Reth's Steak Dinner translate
Rice Cake Soup Rice Cake Soup Rijstcake Soep Rijstcake Soep translate
Rice Cake Stir Fry Rice Cake Stir Fry Rijstcake Roerbakschotel Rijstcake Roerbakschotel translate
Sashimi Sashimi Sashimi Sashimi translate
Sernuk Noodle Stew Sernuk Noodle Stew Sernuk Noedelstoofpot Sernuk Noedelstoofpot translate
Shepp's Pie Shepp's Pie Shepps Pastei Shepps Pastei translate
Shredded Meat Congee Shredded Meat Congee Shredded Meat Congee Shredded Meat Congee translate
Spicy Crab Fried Rice Spicy Crab Fried Rice Pittige Gebakken Rijst met Krab Pittige Gebakken Rijst met Krab translate
Spicy Rice Cakes Spicy Rice Cakes Pittige Rijstcakes Pittige Rijstcakes translate
Spicy Stir Fry Spicy Stir Fry Pittige Roerbakschotel Pittige Roerbakschotel translate
Steak Dinner Steak Dinner Biefstukmaaltijd Biefstukmaaltijd translate
Steamed Fish Steamed Fish Gestoomde Vis Gestoomde Vis translate
Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Gevulde Koolrolletjes Gevulde Koolrolletjes translate
Stuffed Tomatoes Stuffed Tomatoes Gevulde Tomaten Gevulde Tomaten translate
Sushi Sushi Sushi Sushi translate
Trout Dinner Trout Dinner Forellenmaaltijd Forellenmaaltijd translate
Veggie Fried Rice Veggie Fried Rice Vegetarische Gebakken Rijst Vegetarische Gebakken Rijst translate

Vertaal deze referentielijst voor Prestaties hier


Weekly Challenges Weekly Challenges Wekelijkse Uitdagingen translate
Show Some Love Show Some Love Show Some Love translate
Open House Open House Open House translate
Catching Frenzy Catching Frenzy Catching Frenzy translate
Uncommon Catch Uncommon Catch Uncommon Catch translate
Bug Scout Buddies Bug Scout Buddies Bug Scout Buddies translate
Home Chef Home Chef Home Chef translate
Gourmet Gourmand Gourmet Gourmand Gourmet Gourmand translate
Pot Luck Pot Luck Pot Luck translate
Catch of the Week Catch of the Week Catch of the Week translate
Quality Catch Quality Catch Quality Catch translate
Friendly Fisher Friendly Fisher Friendly Fisher translate
Forage Finder Forage Finder Forage Finder translate
Lumberjack Lumberjack Lumberjack translate
Go with the Flow Go with the Flow Go with the Flow translate
Interior Decorator Interior Decorator Interior Decorator translate
Uncommon Crafter Uncommon Crafter Uncommon Crafter translate
Artful Artisan Artful Artisan Artful Artisan translate
Home Harvest Home Harvest Home Harvest translate
Eye for Quality Eye for Quality Eye for Quality translate
Fertile Ground Fertile Ground Fertile Ground translate
Hungry Archer Hungry Archer Hungry Archer translate
Big Game Hunter Big Game Hunter Big Game Hunter translate
Travelling in Packs Travelling in Packs Travelling in Packs translate
Pickaxe Pro Pickaxe Pro Pickaxe Pro translate
Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush translate
Party Prospector Party Prospector Party Prospector translate
Accomplishments Accomplishments Prestaties translate
Gotta Get Paid Gotta Get Paid Gotta Get Paid translate
Tales of a Legend Tales of a Legend Tales of a Legend translate
Party People Party People Party People translate
Advanced Angler Advanced Angler Gevorderde Visser translate
Expert Angler Expert Angler Ervaren Visser translate
Master Angler Master Angler Master Angler translate
Advanced Cook Advanced Cook Gevorderde Kok translate
Expert Cook Expert Cook Ervaren Kok translate
Master Cook Master Cook Master Cook translate
Advanced Gardener Advanced Gardener Gevorderde Tuinder translate
Expert Gardener Expert Gardener Ervaren Tuinder translate
Master Gardener Master Gardener Master Gardener translate
Advanced Miner Advanced Miner Gevorderde Mijnwerker translate
Expert Miner Expert Miner Ervaren Mijnwerker translate
Master Miner Master Miner Master Miner translate
Advanced Hunter Advanced Hunter Gevorderde Jager translate
Expert Hunter Expert Hunter Ervaren Jager translate
Master Hunter Master Hunter Master Hunter translate
Advanced Bug Catcher Advanced Bug Catcher Gevorderde Insectenvanger translate
Expert Bug Catcher Expert Bug Catcher Ervaren Insectenvanger translate
Master Bug Catcher Master Bug Catcher Meester Insectenvanger translate
Advanced Forager Advanced Forager Gevorderde Verzamelaar translate
Expert Forager Expert Forager Ervaren Verzamelaar translate
Master Forager Master Forager Master Forager translate
Advanced Furniture Maker Advanced Furniture Maker Gevorderde Meubelmaker translate
Expert Furniture Maker Expert Furniture Maker Ervaren Meubelmaker translate
Master Furniture Maker Master Furniture Maker Master Furniture Maker translate
Medal Earner Medal Earner Medal Earner translate
Weekly Challenge Conqueror Weekly Challenge Conqueror Weekly Challenge Conqueror translate
Aggressively Generous Aggressively Generous Agressief Vrijgevig translate
You Know What I Want You Know What I Want You Know What I Want translate
You Know What I Love You Know What I Love You Know What I Love translate
My First Rare Bug My First Rare Bug My First Rare Bug translate
My First Epic Bug My First Epic Bug My First Epic Bug translate
Kilima and Bahari Bug Collector Kilima and Bahari Bug Collector Kilima and Bahari Bug Collector translate
Master Kilima and Bahari Bug Collector Master Kilima and Bahari Bug Collector Master Kilima and Bahari Bug Collector translate
My First Rare Fish My First Rare Fish My First Rare Fish translate
My First Epic Fish My First Epic Fish My First Epic Fish translate
Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector Kilima en Bahari Visverzamelaar translate
Master Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector Master Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector Master Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector translate
My First Waterlogged Chest My First Waterlogged Chest My First Waterlogged Chest translate
Makeshift Is All Mine Makeshift Is All Mine Provisorisch en Helemaal van Mij translate
My First Rare Forage My First Rare Forage My First Rare Forage translate
My First Epic Forage My First Epic Forage My First Epic Forage translate
Kilima and Bahari Forage Collector Kilima and Bahari Forage Collector Kilima and Bahari Forage Collector translate
Chapaa Hunter Chapaa Hunter Chapaa Jager translate
Sernuk Hunter Sernuk Hunter Sernuk Hunter translate
Muujin Hunter Muujin Hunter Muujin Hunter translate
A Tail of Luck A Tail of Luck Een Staartje van Geluk translate
Antlers In A Haystack Antlers In A Haystack Gewei in een Hooiberg translate
Mane of the Hour Mane of the Hour Mane of the Hour translate
My First Silver Bar My First Silver Bar My First Silver Bar translate
My First Gold Bar My First Gold Bar My First Gold Bar translate
Every Mineral is Mine Every Mineral is Mine Elk Mineraal is van Mij translate
All the Stars in the Ground All the Stars in the Ground Alle Sterren in de Grond translate
Master of Materials Master of Materials Master of Materials translate
Palia Chef: Cooking by the Book Palia Chef: Cooking by the Book Palia Chef-Kok: Koken volgens het Boekje translate
Master Palia Chef: Cooking by the Book Master Palia Chef: Cooking by the Book Master Palia Chef: Cooking by the Book translate
Palia Chef: A Dish of Spice and Corn Palia Chef: A Dish of Spice and Corn Palia Chef-Kok: Een Gerecht van Kruiden en Maïs translate
Master Palia Chef: A Dish of Spice and Corn Master Palia Chef: A Dish of Spice and Corn Master Palia Chef: A Dish of Spice and Corn translate
Palia Chef: Luna New Year Palia Chef: Luna New Year Palia Chef: Luna New Year translate
Master Palia Chef: Luna New Year Master Palia Chef: Luna New Year Master Palia Chef: Luna New Year translate
Focus Check Focus Check Focus Check translate
Log Cabin Crafting Master Log Cabin Crafting Master Log Cabin Crafting Master translate
Homestead Crafting Master Homestead Crafting Master Homestead Crafting Master translate
Kilima Crafting Master Kilima Crafting Master Kilima Crafting Master translate
Ranch House Crafting Master Ranch House Crafting Master Ranchhuis Ambachtsmeester translate
Industrial Crafting Master Industrial Crafting Master Industrial Crafting Master translate
Ravenwood Crafting Master Ravenwood Crafting Master Ravenwood Crafting Master translate
Capital Chic Crafting Master Capital Chic Crafting Master Capital Chic Crafting Master translate
Bellflower Crafting Master Bellflower Crafting Master Klokbloem Ambachtsmeester translate
Dragontide Crafting Master Dragontide Crafting Master Drakentij Ambachtsmeester translate
Moonstruck Crafting Master Moonstruck Crafting Master Maansverrukt Ambachtsmeester translate
My First Tilling Discovery My First Tilling Discovery My First Tilling Discovery translate
Quality Carrot Harvester Quality Carrot Harvester Quality Carrot Harvester translate
Quality Onion Harvester Quality Onion Harvester Quality Onion Harvester translate
Quality Potato Harvester Quality Potato Harvester Quality Potato Harvester translate
Quality Tomato Harvester Quality Tomato Harvester Quality Tomato Harvester translate
Quality Wheat Harvester Quality Wheat Harvester Quality Wheat Harvester translate
Quality Rice Harvester Quality Rice Harvester Quality Rice Harvester translate
Quality Blueberry Harvester Quality Blueberry Harvester Quality Blueberry Harvester translate
Quality Apple Harvester Quality Apple Harvester Quality Apple Harvester translate
Quality Corn Harvester Quality Corn Harvester Quality Corn Harvester translate
Quality Spicy Pepper Harvester Quality Spicy Pepper Harvester Quality Spicy Pepper Harvester translate
Quality Bok Choy Harvester Quality Bok Choy Harvester Quality Bok Choy Harvester translate
Quality Cabbage Harvester Quality Cabbage Harvester Quality Cabbage Harvester translate
Weed Whacker Weed Whacker Weed Whacker translate
Catch Bugs Catch Bugs Vang Insecten translate
Catching Fish Catching Fish Vissen Vangen translate
Tree Chopper Tree Chopper Tree Chopper translate
Game Hunter Game Hunter Wildjager translate
Mining Nodes Mining Nodes Mining Nodes translate
Cooking Food Cooking Food Eten Koken translate
Decor Crafting Decor Crafting Decor Maken translate
Crop Harvesting Crop Harvesting Gewassen Oogsten translate
Brewing Buddies Brewing Buddies Brouwmaatjes translate
Fossil Friends Fossil Friends Fossiele Vrienden translate
Strongly Forged Bonds Strongly Forged Bonds Strongly Forged Bonds translate
Carpentry Crew Carpentry Crew Timmer Crew translate
Sort of Sous-Chef Sort of Sous-Chef Sort of Sous-Chef translate
Paranormal Pals Paranormal Pals Paranormal Pals translate
Buggy Buddies Buggy Buddies Waanzinnige Vriendschap translate
Inseparable Inventors Inseparable Inventors Inseparable Inventors translate
Farming Friendship Farming Friendship Landbouw Vriendschap translate
Peas in a Pod Peas in a Pod Peas in a Pod translate
Fishing up Friendship Fishing up Friendship Vissen naar Vriendschap translate
Spiritual Supporter Spiritual Supporter Spiritual Supporter translate
Friends... Maybe? Friends... Maybe? Vrienden... Misschien? translate
Keeper of the Innkeeper Keeper of the Innkeeper Keeper of the Innkeeper translate
Bookworm Buds Bookworm Buds Boekenwurm Maatjes translate
Affluent Amigos Affluent Amigos Welvarende Amigo's translate
Mayoral Mavens Mayoral Mavens Mayoral Mavens translate
Trouble Troupe Trouble Troupe Trouble Troupe translate
Mining Mavericks Mining Mavericks Mining Mavericks translate
Guardians of the Heart Guardians of the Heart Guardians of the Heart translate
Bestie Bakers Bestie Bakers Beste Bakkersvrienden translate
Hard Bought Friends Hard Bought Friends Hard Bought Friends translate
Tightly Tailored Tightly Tailored Tightly Tailored translate
Puppy Pals Puppy Pals Puppy Pals translate
Unlikely Partners Unlikely Partners Unlikely Partners translate
Glidin' High Glidin' High Glidin' High translate
Puzzling when Wet Puzzling when Wet Puzzling when Wet translate
Scholar of the Waves Scholar of the Waves Scholar of the Waves translate
Fiery Flummox Fiery Flummox Fiery Flummox translate
Something's in the Garden Something's in the Garden Something's in the Garden translate
Bewildered in the Wind Bewildered in the Wind Bewildered in the Wind translate
Something in the Sky Something in the Sky Something in the Sky translate
Rooting for Meaning Rooting for Meaning Rooting for Meaning translate
Something's in the Dirt Something's in the Dirt Something's in the Dirt translate
Brighteyed for Mystery Brighteyed for Mystery Brighteyed for Mystery translate
HOA-mazing HOA-mazing HOA-mazing translate
What Brings us Together What Brings us Together What Brings us Together translate
Plundering the Bay Plundering the Bay Plundering the Bay translate
Kilima Caches Kilima Caches Kilima Caches translate
Pebbled Plunder Pebbled Plunder Kiezelige Buit translate
Housing Slots Housing Slots Housing Slots translate
Promote Friend to Editor Promote Friend to Editor Promote Friend to Editor translate
Housing Expansion Housing Expansion Housing Expansion translate
Social Chef Social Chef Sociale Chef-Kok translate
Master Social Chef Master Social Chef Meester Sociale Chef-Kok translate
Housewarming Hero Housewarming Hero Housewarming Hero translate

Vertaal deze referentielijst voor Meubels hier Palia Wiki:Translation portal/Translator Cheat Sheet/Furniture

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Vertaal deze referentielijst voor Items hier


Acorn Eikel Acorn Acorn translate
Amethyst Amethist Amethyst Amethyst translate
Anemone Flower Anemoonbloem Anemone Flower Anemone Flower translate
Apple Appel Appel Appel translate
Apple Jam Appeljam Apple Jam Apple Jam translate
Apple Tree Seed Appelboomzaadje Apple Tree Seed Apple Tree Seed translate
Aquamarine Aquamarijn Aquamarine Aquamarine translate
Azure Chapaa Tail Azuurblauwe Chapaa-staart Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail translate
Bahari Nettle Flower Bahari Brandnetelbloem Bahari Nettle Flower Bahari Nettle Flower translate
Baharricenia Flower Baharische Bloem Baharricenia Flower Baharricenia Flower translate
Banded Muujin Mane Gestreepte Muujin-manen Banded Muujin Mane Banded Muujin Mane translate
Birch Amber Berk Barnsteen Birch Amber Birch Amber translate
Blue Crackling Firework Blauw Knettervuurwerk Blue Crackling Firework Blue Crackling Firework translate
Blue Hydrangea Flower Blauwe Hortensiabloem Blue Hydrangea Flower Blue Hydrangea Flower translate
Blue Peony Firework Blauw Pioenvuurwerk Blue Peony Firework Blue Peony Firework translate
Blue Ringspiral Firework Blauw Ringspiraalvuurwerk Blue Ringspiral Firework Blue Ringspiral Firework translate
Blue Roctail Firework Blauw Spoorvuurwerk Blue Roctail Firework Blue Roctail Firework translate
Blue Spinning Firework Blauw Draaivuurwerk Blue Spinning Firework Blue Spinning Firework translate
Blue Tornado Firework Blauw Tornadovuurwerk Blue Tornado Firework Blue Tornado Firework translate
Blue Waterfall Firework Blauw Watervalvuurwerk Blue Waterfall Firework Blue Waterfall Firework translate
Bluebell Flower Blauwe Klokjesbloem Bluebell Flower Bluebell Flower translate
Blueberries Bosbessen Blueberries Blueberries translate
Blueberry Bush Seed Bosbessenstruikzaadje Blueberry Bush Seed Blueberry Bush Seed translate
Blueberry Jam Bosbessenjam Blueberry Jam Blueberry Jam translate
Bluebristle Muujin Mane Blauwharige Muujin-manen Bluebristle Muujin Mane Bluebristle Muujin Mane translate
Bok Choy Paksoi Bok Choy Bok Choy translate
Bok Choy Kimchi Paksoi Kimchi Bok Choy Kimchi Bok Choy Kimchi translate
Bok Choy Seed Paksoi Zaadje Bok Choy Seed Bok Choy Seed translate
Briar Daisy Doornmadeliefje Briar Daisy Briar Daisy translate
Brightshroom Gloeipaddestoel Brightshroom Brightshroom translate
Butter Boter Butter Butter translate
Buzzy Jar Zoempotje Buzzy Jar Buzzy Jar translate
Carrot Wortel Carrot Carrot translate
Carrot Seed Wortelzaadje Carrot Seed Carrot Seed translate
Cave Cap Flower Grotkapbloem Cave Cap Flower Cave Cap Flower translate
Ceramic Baksteen Ceramic Ceramic translate
Chapaa Meat Chapaa-vlees Chapaa Meat Chapaa Meat translate
Chapaatail Flower Chapaa-staartbloem Chapaatail Flower Chapaatail Flower translate
Citrine Citrien Citrine Citrine translate
Clay Klei Clay Clay translate
Cooking Oil Kookolie Cooking Oil Cooking Oil translate
Copper Bar Koperen Staaf Copper Bar Copper Bar translate
Copper Ore Kopererts Copper Ore Copper Ore translate
Coral Koraal Coral Coral translate
Corn Maïs Corn Corn translate
Corn Seed Maïszaadje Corn Seed Corn Seed translate
Cotton Katoen Cotton Cotton translate
Cotton Seed Katoenzaadje Cotton Seed Cotton Seed translate
Crystal Lake Lotus Kristalmeer Lotus Crystal Lake Lotus Crystal Lake Lotus translate
Dari Cloves Dari-Kruidnagel Dari Cloves Dari Cloves translate
Datura Flower Doornappelbloem Datura Flower Datura Flower translate
Dispel Arrow Verdrijfpijl Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow translate
Dowsing Rod Wichelroede Dowsing Rod Dowsing Rod translate
Dragon's Beard Peat Drakenbaardveen Dragon's Beard Peat Dragon's Beard Peat translate
Dragon Firework Drakenvuurwerk Dragon Firework Dragon Firework translate
Egg Ei Egg Egg translate
Elder Sernuk Antlers Ouder Sernukgewei Elder Sernuk Antlers Elder Sernuk Antlers translate
Emerald Smaragd Emerald Emerald translate
Emerald Carpet Moss Smaragdgroen Tapijtmos Emerald Carpet Moss Emerald Carpet Moss translate
Exquisite Bobber Uitstekende Dobber Exquisite Bobber Exquisite Bobber translate
Fabric Textiel Fabric Fabric translate
Fiddlefrond Flower Vioolbladbloem Fiddlefrond Flower Fiddlefrond Flower translate
Fine Arrow Fijne Pijl Fine Arrow Fine Arrow translate
Fine Bobber Fijne Dobber Fine Bobber Fine Bobber translate
Fireworks Arrow Vuurwerkpijl Fireworks Arrow Fireworks Arrow translate
Flare Arrow Lichtpijl Flare Arrow Flare Arrow translate
Floating Lantern Firework Zwevende Lantaarnvuurwerk Floating Lantern Firework Floating Lantern Firework translate
Flint Vuursteen Flint Flint translate
Flour Bloem Flour Flour translate
Flow Acorn Flow Eikel Flow Acorn Flow Acorn translate
Flow Juniper Seed Flow Jeneverbeszaadje Flow Juniper Seed Flow Juniper Seed translate
Flow Pinecone Flow Dennenappel Flow Pinecone Flow Pinecone translate
Flow Samara Flow Samara Flow Samara Flow Samara translate
Flow-Infused Plank Flow-geïnfuseerde Plank Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank translate
Flow-Infused Wood Flow-geïnfuseerd Hout Flow-Infused Wood Flow-Infused Wood translate
Forget-Me-Not Flower Vergeet-mij-niet-bloem Forget-Me-Not Flower Forget-Me-Not Flower translate
Forsythia Flower Forsythiabloem Forsythia Flower Forsythia Flower translate
Fur Vacht Fur Fur translate
Furniture Modification Kit Meubelaanpassingsset Meubelaanpassingsset Meubelaanpassingsset translate
Galdur's Bait Galdur's Aas Galdur's Bait Galdur's Bait translate
Gardenia Flower Gardeniabloem Gardenia Flower Gardenia Flower translate
Garnet Granaat Garnet Garnet translate
Glass Bulb Gloeilamp Glass Bulb Glass Bulb translate
Glass Pane Glasplaat Glass Pane Glass Pane translate
Glider Vlieger Glider Glider translate
Glow Worm Gloeiworm Glow Worm Glow Worm translate
Gold Bar Gouden Staaf Gold Bar Gold Bar translate
Gold Ore Gouderts Gold Ore Gold Ore translate
Green Crackling Firework Groen Knettervuurwerk Green Crackling Firework Green Crackling Firework translate
Green Pearl Groene Parel Green Pearl Green Pearl translate
Green Peony Firework Groen Pioenvuurwerk Green Peony Firework Green Peony Firework translate
Green Ringspiral Firework Groen Ringspiraalvuurwerk Green Ringspiral Firework Green Ringspiral Firework translate
Green Roctail Firework Groen Spoorvuurwerk Green Roctail Firework Green Roctail Firework translate
Green Spinning Firework Groen Draaivuurwerk Green Spinning Firework Green Spinning Firework translate
Green Waterfall Firework Groen Watervalvuurwerk Green Waterfall Firework Green Waterfall Firework translate
Grimalkintail Flower Grimalkin-staartbloem Grimalkintail Flower Grimalkintail Flower translate
HarvestBoost Fertilizer OogstBoost Kunstmest HarvestBoost Fertilizer HarvestBoost Fertilizer translate
Heartdrop Lily Hartdruppel Lelie Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily translate
Heartwood Kernhout Heartwood Heartwood translate
Heartwood Plank Kernhouten Plank Heartwood Plank Heartwood Plank translate
Heat Root Hittewortel Heat Root Heat Root translate
Hemitomes Flower Hemitomenbloem Hemitomes Flower Hemitomes Flower translate
Honey Lure Honinglokker Honey Lure Honey Lure translate
Hunter's Horn Jagerhoorn Hunter's Horn Hunter's Horn translate
HydratePro Fertilizer Waterbehoud Kunstmes HydratePro Fertilizer HydratePro Fertilizer translate
Iron Bar IJzeren Staaf Iron Bar Iron Bar translate
Iron Ore IJzererts Iron Ore Iron Ore translate
Jasper Jaspis Jasper Jasper translate
Juniper Amber Jeneverbes Barnsteen Juniper Amber Juniper Amber translate
Juniper Seed Jeneverbeszaadje Juniper Seed Juniper Seed translate
Knapweed Onkruid Knapweed Knapweed translate
Lantern Bobber Lantaarndobber Lantern Bobber Lantern Bobber translate
Lavender Flower Lavendelbloem Lavender Flower Lavender Flower translate
Leather Leer Leather Leather translate
Lucky Coin Geluksmunt Geluksmunt Geluksmunt translate
Major Hook Time Booster Grote Haaktijd Versneller Major Hook Time Booster Major Hook Time Booster translate
Major Rod Recovery Booster Grote Hengelherstelling Versterking Major Rod Recovery Booster Major Rod Recovery Booster translate
Major Safe Zone Size Booster Grote Veiligheidszone Uitbreiding Major Safe Zone Size Booster Major Safe Zone Size Booster translate
Major Safe Zone Speed Booster Grote Veiligheidszone Versneller Major Safe Zone Speed Booster Major Safe Zone Speed Booster translate
Makeshift Arrow Provisorische Pijl Makeshift Arrow Makeshift Arrow translate
Milk Melk Milk Milk translate
Minor Rod Health Booster Kleine Hengelgezondheid-Versterking Minor Rod Health Booster Minor Rod Health Booster translate
Mixed Hydrangea Flower Gemengde Hortensiabloem Mixed Hydrangea Flower Mixed Hydrangea Flower translate
Mountain Morel Bergmorielje Mountain Morel Mountain Morel translate
Muujin Mane Muujin-manen Muujin Mane Muujin Mane translate
Muujin Meat Muujin-Vlees Muujin Meat Muujin Meat translate
Napa Cabbage Chinese Kool Napa Cabbage Napa Cabbage translate
Napa Cabbage Kimchi Chinese Kool Kimchi Napa Cabbage Kimchi Napa Cabbage Kimchi translate
Napa Cabbage Seed Chinese Koolzaadje Napa Cabbage Seed Napa Cabbage Seed translate
Oak Amber Eik Barnsteen Oak Amber Oak Amber translate
Onion Ui Onion Onion translate
Onion Seed Uienzaadje Onion Seed Onion Seed translate
Onyx Onyx Onyx Onyx translate
Orange Crackling Firework Oranje Knettervuurwerk Orange Crackling Firework Orange Crackling Firework translate
Orange Peony Firework Oranje Pioenvuurwerk Orange Peony Firework Orange Peony Firework translate
Orange Ringspiral Firework Oranje Ringspiraalvuurwerk Orange Ringspiral Firework Orange Ringspiral Firework translate
Orange Roctail Firework Oranje Spoorvuurwerk Orange Roctail Firework Orange Roctail Firework translate
Orange Spinning Firework Oranje Draaivuurwerk Orange Spinning Firework Orange Spinning Firework translate
Orange Waterfall Firework Oranje Watervalvuurwerk Orange Waterfall Firework Orange Waterfall Firework translate
Ore Compass Erts Kompas Ore Compass Ore Compass translate
Oyster Meat Oestervlees Oyster Meat Oyster Meat translate
Palium Bar Palium Staaf Palium Bar Palium Bar translate
Palium Ore Palium-erts Palium Ore Palium Ore translate
Pearl Parel Pearl Pearl translate
Phoenix Firework Feniksvuurwerk Feniks Vuurwerk Feniks Vuurwerk translate
Pickle Augurk Pickle Pickle translate
Pickled Carrots Ingemaakte Wortelen Pickled Carrots Pickled Carrots translate
Pickled Corn Ingemaakte Maïs Pickled Corn Pickled Corn translate
Pickled Onions Ingemaakte Uien Pickled Onions Pickled Onions translate
Pickled Potatoes Ingemaakte Aardappelen Pickled Potatoes Pickled Potatoes translate
Pickled Spicy Pepper Ingemaakte Pittige Peper Pickled Spicy Pepper Pickled Spicy Pepper translate
Pickled Tomatoes Ingemaakte Tomaten Pickled Tomatoes Pickled Tomatoes translate
Pine Amber Dennen-barnsteen Pine Amber Pine Amber translate
Pinecone Dennenappel Pinecone Pinecone translate
Plant Fiber Plantenvezel Plant Fiber Plant Fiber translate
Potato Aardappel Potato Potato translate
Potato Seed Aardappelzaadje Potato Seed Potato Seed translate
Prize Wheel Coin Prijzenradmunt Prijzenradmunt Prijzenradmunt translate
Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Trotshoorn-Sernukgewei Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers translate
Purple Crackling Firework Paars Knettervuurwerk Purple Crackling Firework Purple Crackling Firework translate
Purple Peony Firework Paars Pioenvuurwerk Purple Peony Firework Purple Peony Firework translate
Purple Ringspiral Firework Paars Ringspiraalvuurwerk Purple Ringspiral Firework Purple Ringspiral Firework translate
Purple Roctail Firework Paars Spoorvuurwerk Purple Roctail Firework Purple Roctail Firework translate
Purple Spinning Firework Paars Draaivuurwerk Purple Spinning Firework Purple Spinning Firework translate
Purple Waterfall Firework Paars Watervalvuurwerk Purple Waterfall Firework Purple Waterfall Firework translate
Pyroflow Bobber Pyroflow Dobber Pyroflow Bobber Pyroflow Bobber translate
QualityUp Fertilizer KwaliteitPlus Kunstmes QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer translate
Quartz Kwarts Kwarts Kwarts translate
Red Crackling Firework Rood Knettervuurwerk Red Crackling Firework Red Crackling Firework translate
Red Peony Firework Rood Pioenvuurwerk Red Peony Firework Red Peony Firework translate
Red Ringspiral Firework Rood Ringspiraalvuurwerk Red Ringspiral Firework Red Ringspiral Firework translate
Red Roctail Firework Rood Spoorvuurwerk Red Roctail Firework Red Roctail Firework translate
Red Spinning Firework Rood Draaivuurwerk Red Spinning Firework Red Spinning Firework translate
Red Tornado Firework Rood Tornadovuurwerk Red Tornado Firework Red Tornado Firework translate
Red Waterfall Firework Rood Watervalvuurwerk Red Waterfall Firework Red Waterfall Firework translate
Ringspiral Firework Arrow Box Ringspiraal Vuurwerkpijldoos Ringspiral Firework Arrow Box Ringspiral Firework Arrow Box translate
Repair Kit Reparatiekit Repair Kit Repair Kit translate
Rice Rijst Rice Rice translate
Rice Seed Rijstzaadje Rice Seed Rice Seed translate
Rose Flower Rozenbloem Rose Flower Rose Flower translate
Ruby Robijn Ruby Ruby translate
Ruined Food Mislukt Eten Ruined Food Ruined Food translate
Salt Zout Salt Salt translate
Samara Samara Samara Samara translate
Sapphire Saffier Sapphire Sapphire translate
Sapwood Spinthout Sapwood Sapwood translate
Sapwood Plank Spinthouten Plank Sapwood Plank Sapwood Plank translate
Sernuk Antlers Sernukgewei Sernuk Antlers Sernuk Antlers translate
Sernuk Hide Sernuk-Huid Sernuk Hide Sernuk Hide translate
Sernuk Meat Sernuk-Vlees Sernuk Meat Sernuk Meat translate
Shell Schelp Shell Shell translate
Ship Fragments Wrakstukken Ship Fragments Ship Fragments translate
Silk Zijde Silk Silk translate
Silk Thread Zijdedraad Silk Thread Silk Thread translate
Silver Bar Zilveren Staaf Silver Bar Silver Bar translate
Silver Ore Zilvererts Silver Ore Silver Ore translate
Slowdown Arrow Vertragingspijl Slowdown Arrow Slowdown Arrow translate
Smoke Candle Rookkaars Smoke Candle Smoke Candle translate
Sneaky Smoke Bomb Sluipende Rookbom Sluipende Rookbom Sluipende Rookbom translate
Soy Sauce Sojasaus Soy Sauce Soy Sauce translate
SpeedyGro Fertilizer SnelGroei Kunstmest SpeedyGro Fertilizer SpeedyGro Fertilizer translate
Spice Sprouts Kruidenkiemen Spice Sprouts Spice Sprouts translate
Spicy Pepper Pittige Peper Spicy Pepper Spicy Pepper translate
Spicy Pepper Seed Pittige Peperzaadje Spicy Pepper Seed Spicy Pepper Seed translate
Spotted Chapaa Tail Gestipte Chapaa-staart Spotted Chapaa Tail Spotted Chapaa Tail translate
Standard Arrow Standaard Pijl Standard Arrow Standard Arrow translate
Standard Bobber Standaard Dobber Standard Bobber Standard Bobber translate
Standard Smoke Bomb Standaard Rookbom Standaard Rookbom Standaard Rookbom translate
Sticky Smoke Bomb Kleverige Rookbom Kleverige Rookbom Kleverige Rookbom translate
Stone Steen Stone Stone translate
Stone Brick Betonblok Stone Brick Stone Brick translate
Striped Chapaa Tail Gestreepte Chapaa-staart Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail translate
Sugar Suiker Sugar Sugar translate
Sundrop Lily Zonnedruppel Lelie Sundrop Lily Sundrop Lily translate
Supreme Smoke Bomb Superieure Rookbom Superieure Rookbom Superieure Rookbom translate
Sweet Leaf Zoetblad Sweet Leaf Sweet Leaf translate
Tiger Lily Flower Tijgerleliebloem Tiger Lily Flower Tiger Lily Flower translate
Tomato Tomaat Tomato Tomato translate
Tomato Plant Seed Tomatenplantzaadje Tomato Plant Seed Tomato Plant Seed translate
Trillium Flower Driebladbloem Trillium Flower Trillium Flower translate
Tulip Flower Tulpenbloem Tulip Flower Tulip Flower translate
Tuning Fork Stemvork Tuning Fork Tuning Fork translate
Unopened Oyster Ongeopende Oester Unopened Oyster Unopened Oyster translate
Veronica Flower Veronicabloem Veronica Flower Veronica Flower translate
Vinegar Azijn Vinegar Vinegar translate
Wagon Wheel Wagenwiel Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel translate
Waterlogged Boot Doordrenkte Laars Waterlogged Boot Waterlogged Boot translate
WeedBlock Fertilizer WiedBlok Kunstmest WeedBlock Fertilizer WeedBlock Fertilizer translate
Wheat Tarwe Wheat Wheat translate
Wheat Seed Tarwezaadje Wheat Seed Wheat Seed translate
White Crackling Firework Wit Knettervuurwerk White Crackling Firework White Crackling Firework translate
White Peony Firework Wit Pioenvuurwerk White Peony Firework White Peony Firework translate
White Ringspiral Firework Wit Ringspiraalvuurwerk White Ringspiral Firework White Ringspiral Firework translate
White Roctail Firework Wit Spoorvuurwerk White Roctail Firework White Roctail Firework translate
White Spinning Firework Wit Draaivuurwerk White Spinning Firework White Spinning Firework translate
White Waterfall Firework Wit Watervalvuurwerk White Waterfall Firework White Waterfall Firework translate
Wild Garlic Wilde Knoflook Wild Garlic Wild Garlic translate
Wild Ginger Wilde Gember Wild Ginger Wild Ginger translate
Wild Green Onion Wilde Groene Ui Wild Green Onion Wild Green Onion translate
Winterlights Snowball Winterlichten Sneeuwbal Winterlights Snowball Winterlights Snowball translate
Worm Worm Worm Worm translate
Yellow Crackling Firework Geel Knettervuurwerk Yellow Crackling Firework Yellow Crackling Firework translate
Yellow Peony Firework Geel Pioenvuurwerk Yellow Peony Firework Yellow Peony Firework translate
Yellow Ringspiral Firework Geel Ringspiraalvuurwerk Yellow Ringspiral Firework Yellow Ringspiral Firework translate
Yellow Roctail Firework Geel Spoorvuurwerk Yellow Roctail Firework Yellow Roctail Firework translate
Yellow Spinning Firework Geel Draaivuurwerk Yellow Spinning Firework Yellow Spinning Firework translate
Yellow Tornado Firework Geel Tornadovuurwerk Yellow Tornado Firework Yellow Tornado Firework translate
Yellow Waterfall Firework Geel Watervalvuurwerk Yellow Waterfall Firework Yellow Waterfall Firework translate

Trees Bomen Trees translate
Acorn Eikel Acorn Acorn translate
Adult Birch Tree Volgroeide Berkenboom Adult Birch Tree Adult Birch Tree translate
Adult Flow Birch Tree Volgroeide Flow-Berkenboom Adult Flow Birch Tree Adult Flow Birch Tree translate
Adult Flow Juniper Tree Volgroeide Flow-Jeneverbesboom Adult Flow Juniper Tree Adult Flow Juniper Tree translate
Adult Flow Oak Tree Volgroeide Flow-Eikenboom Adult Flow Oak Tree Adult Flow Oak Tree translate
Adult Flow Pine Tree Volgroeide Flow-Dennenboom Adult Flow Pine Tree Adult Flow Pine Tree translate
Adult Juniper Tree Volgroeide Jeneverbesboom Adult Juniper Tree Adult Juniper Tree translate
Adult Oak Tree Volgroeide Eikenboom Adult Oak Tree Adult Oak Tree translate
Adult Pine Tree Volgroeide Dennenboom Adult Pine Tree Adult Pine Tree translate
Flow Acorn Flow Eikel Flow Acorn Flow Acorn translate
Flow Juniper Seed Flow Jeneverbeszaadje Flow Juniper Seed Flow Juniper Seed translate
Flow Pinecone Flow Dennenappel Flow Pinecone Flow Pinecone translate
Flow Samara Flow Samara Flow Samara Flow Samara translate
Juniper Seed Jeneverbeszaadje Juniper Seed Juniper Seed translate
Mature Birch Tree Volwassen Berkenboom Mature Birch Tree Mature Birch Tree translate
Mature Flow Birch Tree Volwassen Flow-Berkenboom Mature Flow Birch Tree Mature Flow Birch Tree translate
Mature Flow Juniper Tree Volwassen Flow-Jeneverbesboom Mature Flow Juniper Tree Mature Flow Juniper Tree translate
Mature Flow Oak Tree Volwassen Flow-Eikenboom Mature Flow Oak Tree Mature Flow Oak Tree translate
Mature Flow Pine Tree Volwassen Flow-Dennenboom Mature Flow Pine Tree Mature Flow Pine Tree translate
Mature Juniper Tree Volwassen Jeneverbesboom Mature Juniper Tree Mature Juniper Tree translate
Mature Oak Tree Volwassen Eikenboom Mature Oak Tree Mature Oak Tree translate
Mature Pine Tree Volwassen Dennenboom Mature Pine Tree Mature Pine Tree translate
Pinecone Dennenappel Pinecone Pinecone translate
Samara Samara Samara Samara translate
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