Welcome to Palia/Villager Introductions

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Welcome to Kilima! I'm sure this is quite a lot to take in.
I'm Ashura, the innkeeper at the Ormuu's Horn. Unfortunately, there isn't any room at the inn right now.


And I wanted you to have your mail! I'm Auni, and I handle all the deliveries around here.
Twice a day every day, rain or shine! Six in the morning and six at night!


Well, if it isn't another friend I haven't met yet!
I'm Badruu, the farmer, and I sense we have some good THYMES ahead.
Did I mention in addition to farming, I'm [sic] also do stand-up comedy?


Another newcomer, eh? Hmphf.
Perhaps you think this building looks friendly and inviting. Maybe you thought you could even borrow a book or two.
INCORRECT. A Palian Librarian's job is not to just loan books out willy-nilly.
No, she must also guard the knowledge within those sacred tomes.
I don't know how they did things where you come from, but we Palians believe knowledge, in the wrong hands, can be disastrous.
You may peruse the books marked for public use, but you won't see a drop of extra knowledge until I have properly vetted you!
Now, off you go. I am far too busy to keep coddling you.


Another child of the Phoenix joins our little village. I must say, today is a lovely day to be born.
I am Chayne, the local ritual sage, and devotee of Maji, the Great Dragon.
It's my job as Kilima's healer and sage to care for our villagers both physically and spiritually.
So, how are you feeling? I am sure this is quite a lot to take in.

This world is amazing!
I am glad to hear it. Keep that positivity and you'll overcome any troubles the world offers you.

It's a little overwhelming.
I promise everyone in Kilima will do their best to make you feel comfortable and welcome.

I do not know why the gods brought you here, but I am sure there must be some great plan in store. I look forward to seeing it.
Now, you'll want to speak to Ashura before you do anything else. Just take this path towards the village. He'll be in the big building with the keg out front.


It's nice to meet ya, (Player).
I'm Delaila, mother to Auni and Nai'o, wife to Badruu...
...and the boss of this here farm if ya don't mind me sayin' so.
If yer ever in need of a fresh pint o' milk or a coupla eggs, be sure to give me a holler.


Oh...hello...you seem to be another new person.
Unless I have previously made your acquaintance...in which case, my apologies for forgetting you.
I am often too distracted by my Oneness to take notice of such things as meeting new people.
And there seem to be so many new people lately...
What is the Oneness?
Silly Human! The Oneness is merely the Oneness.
The Oneness cannot be learned by listening to the sound of air as it moves through your face flaps,[sic] it must be experienced.
For me, that experience usually involves much fishing.


Missing paths for Fire and Earth dialogue.
Oh, another Human! I must say, this is quite exciting!
So, how is it?

Who are you?
Oh, me? I am just an intrepid explorer of the supernatural, a detective of the unseen divine, a pioneer of pervasive thought...
You may call me Elouisa. Now, you must tell me: do your eyes hurt?

Why would they hurt?
Information Needed

I'm just looking for Ashura
Information Needed

How is what?
Why, the overworld! You see, I knew the Humans did not really go extinct.
No, the only answer is that you retreated beneath the soil!
I cannot imagine how stressful it must be. I am sure you have many questions. But first, you should go get set up with Ashura.

It's... fine?
Good, good. I was worried your eyes might hurt.

Why would they hurt?
Information Needed

I'm just looking for Ashura
Information Needed

Yes, that will give me time to organize my investigation... Just take this path towards the village. He will be in the inn in the center of town.


Another Human! This village is practically becoming overrun.
I'm sure you want to talk to me about securing a housing permit.
Well, it's nice to want things...
I want the crown jewels of Akwindu[sic], but you don't see me prancing around in a tiara.
If you need someone to hold your hand, talk to my dimwitted husband.
Please only disturb me if you have important matters to discuss.


(Player), I presume?
Don't act stunned that I know your name.
I know everything that goes on in this village.
Including when someone new arrives.
My name is Hassian, and I'm in charge of maintaining the natural order of the woods that surround the village.
Be good to the valley, and we will have no quarrel.
Use nature poorly...and you'll find I know how to rid this village of all sorts of pests.

Hekla (introduced by Jina)

And this here is my research assistant, Hekla! Be sure to ask her if you have any questions. I've gotta get back to the grind.


Hm... s'comin' along. Lotta trash left, though... oh. Hi.
Hodari Pavel, of Pavel Mining. What can I do ya for?


Missing path for Earth dialogue.
Hellloo... I am Jel Omiata.
Yes, Omiata, as in the House of Omiata.
You know...the most renowned fashion empire in the whole Bahari province.
You haven't heard of the House of Omiata?
...well, I suppose you DID just materialize out thin air yesterday. So you have a valid excuse.
Tell me, what do you think of the fashion on display at this shop?

I love it!
Uh...either you're lying to flatter me or you have very provincial taste.
When I was in Bahari, my mind was always bussing with new ideas.
Here I just feel stuck.

It's a bit...quaint.
Information Needed


I was so caught off guard I realized I forgot to introduce myself or explain why I'm here. The name's Jina. I'm an apprentice scholar researching these old ruins.
And this here is my research assistant, Hekla! Be sure to ask her if you have any questions. I've gotta get back to the grind.


Greetings! I am the honorable Kenli Bahari.
The first born son of the late Kenjun Bahari, the 118th Duke of the Bahari province...
And brother of Kenyara Bahari, the current Duchess of the Bahari province.
I am mayor of this fine village, and it is a great pleasure and honor to welcome you here among us.


Oh, hey. You're one of the newbies?
That's cool. I'm just taking a break from work. My parents made me get this job at City Hall to teach me about "responsibility".
All it's taught me so far is how to die of boredom.
So stop by again later and keep me entertained, ok? This town needs some more excitement.


Oh, hey! You must be new in town. I'm Nai'o.
My family runs the Daiya Farm over on the west side of Kilima.
If you need someone to show you around the barn or teach you how to ride a riffroc, I'm your guy!
I'm also good at lifting heavy stuff, if you need anything heavy lifted!
Oh, and here's a carrot for Sugarfoot. Give her one of these and you'll be her new best buddy!


Oh, uhm... hi. I'm Najuma.
I work with my dad in the mines. Or, at least, I used to before he said it was too dangerous.
Not that I meant to complain to a complete stranger. S-sorry.
It's... nice to meet you?

...Okay, bye.

Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too...
W-wait, I just said that. F-forget I said anything!


Looking for Ashura? You're in luck, he's literally right across the room.
If you're looking for delicious soups and stews instead, I'm your guy.
Name's Reth, but you can call me trouble.
Stop by later, yeah? Always happy to chat with a friendly new face.


Howdy! I'm Sifuu, the blacksmith around these parts.
But you might recognize me as Sifuu, the famous monster slayer!

You look a little familiar.
A LITTLE familiar?! Phew...I can tell my reputation must be slipping.
I used to be known in all twelve provinces!
Of course, you did just appear from a mysterious void. So, I suppose I can cut you some slack.

I just materialized from a mysterious void...
Right...I suppose I can cut you some slack for not recognizing the most famous monster hunter in all twelve provinces!

You're THAT Sifuu! Wow!
The very one...

If you have to brag, you're not that famous.
Rude...but apt. I suppose I'm not as notorious as I once was in my hayday.
Of course, you did just appear from a mysterious void. So, I suppose I can cut you some slack.

How did a famous monster hunter like me wind up in a quaint suburban hamlet such as this?
Well...that's a good question. Fortunately, I have a good answer.
You see, I became a mother and realized angering dangerous beasties was, well, a little too dangerous for my young son.
So I took up the position of the town blacksmith. These days, I make blades instead of wield them...


Missing paths for Air dialogues.
Well, hello darling. What brings an intriguing specimen such as yourself all the way out here?

Just wandering around.
Information Needed

I was looking for you.
Looking for little ole me were you? I'm quite flattered.

That's none of your business.
You're private. I can respect that. Still...

It gets rather lonely out here in the woods.
I'd be thrilled to have a little company, especially when that company comes in such a fascinating package.
I bet your mind is like a gift just waiting to be unwrapped.


Are you new in town or just passing through?

I just moved in.
So exciting! But also, tough.

I just materialized from a void.
Well...that sure sounds tough.

When my brother and I first moved in, it took us a little time to adjust.
And we were just coming from one town over, not another plane of existence!
If you need help with any of the locals, don't hesitate to ask.
I'm known as a bit of a grump whisperer in these parts.


Welcome to the general store, pal.
Actually, you look like you're fresh out of the ruins, so I guess I should say welcome to livin'!
Name's Zeki. I run this here establishment.
Come back when you get some cash, we'll take care of your needs. We got vegetables, seeds, fertilizer...
We got that pointy stick over there that kinda looks like a rake.
All your basic farming whoosits and whatsits.

Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Changed Kenyatta's introduction dialogue from "Sup? You're new, right? I'm Kenyatta. Glorified City Hall receptionist. My parents run this place. If you have a problem, you should probably go to one of them. But if you wanna get up to some trouble? Hit me up."