The Story of Hassian

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Mysterious and brooding, Hassian is an expert hunter and tracker, relying on his loyal dog Tau as his favorite company. If Hassian warms up to you, he may teach you tricks of his trade.

–Palia Website

Hassian is a young adult, originally from a travelling group of hunters from the other side of the Kilima Mountains. He has a strained relationship with his mother Sifuu, who he claims lacks some maternal instinct. His other mother, Taylin, mysteriously disappeared at some point in the past. Hassian is apprenticing with Sifuu to become a blacksmith, which is his Path despite also being a hunter. Hassian sleeps in his grove in Bahari Bay, although he has a bedroom in Sifuu's house, which he doesn't use. Sifuu has hinted that he avoids being "home" when she is there. Hassian has said that he misses travelling and not having one place to call home, and says he resents being tied down.

Hassian has a Plumehound named Tau, who is almost always by his side. Hassian has said that Tau is more than just a pet to him. Hassian has a deep dislike of Chapaa, which are an invasive species brought to the area twenty years prior by Kenli, originally intended to be kept as pets. He is concerned with ecology, and believes Sernuk should be hunted only as needed. Hassian has a strained relationship with Tamala, who he previously had a relationship with and who, in his mother's words, broke his heart. Tamala claims that he offered a pin to her, but she turned him down.