Help:How to Edit/Templates

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Template Type Example Description
{{Any}} Translation Any Bass, Any Bug Translation helper for outputting grouped items. For cooking/crafting recipes that use "Any of .."
{{BlockQuote}} Formatting Outputs a block quote, left aligned and indented
{{Category}} Translation Categories are normally just [[Category:Soups]], but this would clutter up every language page (eg; Reth's Favorite Soup, Reth's Favorite Soup/fr, Reth's Favorite Soup/de, Reth's Favorite Soup/pl, Reth's Favorite Soup/nl) into our Soups category! This helper template will automatically separate translation pages into the correct category, so Reth's Favorite Soup/de ends up in Soups/de.
{{Clear}} Formatting Clears a CSS float (float: clear;). Usually for moving the content to the end of a floating item (Eg; an Infobox)
{{Collapsible}} Formatting
{{Cols}} Formatting Splits the provided input value into columns. Can separate a list of items into columns (Will automatically separate into smaller columns on mobile views)
{{Control}} Controls Used for printing game controls, such as Keyboard, Mouse, Playstation, Switch, Xbox, SteamDeck, and WiiU
{{CookingRecipe}} Formatting
{{Cost}} Formatting Gold.png 1,000 Gold / Currency Furniture.png 1,000 Furniture Making Medals A cost helper that will output formatted and translated cost values for many currencies, including skill medals
{{Costlist}} Formatting
{{DailyReset}} Formatting/Standardization 4:00 AM UTC
{{Date}} Formatting February 8, 2024
{{Delete}} Notice
{{DialogueTranscript-Collapsed}} Formatting
{{Disambiguation}} Notice
{{Documentation}} Templates Used in Templates to show the Template Documentation
{{FishGallery}} Gallery
{{Focus}} Formatting
Focus White.png +850 Focus Points
{{FoodGallery}} Gallery
{{For}} Notice
{{FriendshipLevels}} NPC
Used on NPC pages for showing the levels of Friendship
{{GardenBuff}} Formatting
{{GardenBuff/Desc}} Formatting
{{GuideInfobox}} Infobox Displays the information about any page written in the Guide: namespace. Guides can be written by players to help out other players. The Infobox can show the Guides author
{{Heading}} Translation Objectives For writing commonly translated page Headings
{{HousingAddon/Pricing}} Displays a table of Housing Add-ons and the associated pricing
{{Icon}} Formatting Unknown.png / Chapaa Pop.png / ChapaaAngel.png / ChapaaChuckle.png For outputting Images as icons
{{IconInfobox}} Infobox Displays an Image inside of an Infobox. Primarily used on pages that wouldn't otherwise have an Infobox, where the Image might represent the content on the page. Infoboxes contain the pages Language Selector.
{{Item}} Formatting Stone 10 Stone Outputs Items for use in sentences
{{ItemBox}} Formatting Outputs Items inside of a formatted box
{{ItemGallery}} Gallery
{{ItemList}} Formatting Used for printing a list of items (With or without quantities)
{{LatestPaliaUpdate}} Build 0.181 Outputs the latest version of the game
{{LocalizedLink}} / {{LL}} Translation Similar to regular links ([[Palia Wiki]]) except it fetches the Localized version of the page title using the pages current language
{{Palia}} Palia Outputs the name of the Game and links to the game page.
{{Personality}} Air.png Air / Water.png Water / Fire.png Fire / Earth.png Earth Used for displaying the 4 different personality types.
{{PlayerLevel}} Useful for User pages! Show off your skill levels
{{NPC}} Ashura Profile.png Ashura Displays an NPCs profile picture along with a link to their page (Used inline)
{{NPCPfp}} Displays an NPCs profile picture in a large size, with a link to their page below the image
{{Ordinal}} Formatting 2nd Outputs a number with its ordinal
{{OutfitGallery}} Gallery
{{Quest}} Formatting Quest Icon.png Welcome to Palia Formats links to Quest pages. Adds a quest indicator, and a localized link to the quest
{{Quote}} Formatting Outputs a quote, centered inside of quotation marks
{{Random}} Misc Outputs a simple-random number. (It's not very random due to a lot of reasons, including caching, but it works for it's needs)
{{RandomLanguage}} Misc Outputs a random language that isn't the current Page language.
{{Rarity/text}} Formatting Unspecified / Abundant / Common / Uncommon / Rare / Epic / Legendary
{{Relationship}} Formatting You (Friend) Used for displaying localized relationships between one NPC and another
{{Replace}} Notice Displays a notice that a page needs to be replaced, such as a File with a low quality needing to be replaced with a higher quality
{{RomanceLevels}} NPC
Used on NPC pages for showing the levels of Romance
{{Schedule}} NPC Display a localized version of an NPCs daily schedule
{{Skill}} Formatting Foraging Foraging Level 88 Display a Skills icon and a localized link to that skill, can also be used for displaying skill requirements.
{{Spoiler}} Notice Warns users that a page or section will contain possible spoilers
{{SpoilerText}} Formatting Hide some text content. Used for hiding in-line spoilers within text. Click to unhide!
{{StaleData}} Notice Warns users about wiki caching, and that they may need to Purge a page to get the latest results
{{Starpath}} Formatting Citrine.png The Wanderer Displays the icon for a Starstone associated with a specific Starpath, as well as a localized version of that Starpath
{{Stub}} Notice
{{T}} Links to templates. They're all over this page!
{{Tag}} Formatting Creates displayable code XML without printing it as HTML
{{Time}} Formatting 8:00 AM Prints a certain time of day in a localized formatting
{{TranslatedPagename}} Translation Outputs the Translated title of a page
{{UntranslatedPagename}} Translation Outputs the Untranslated page title of a page (on a translated page)
{{UpdateHistory}} Formatting Used on item/furniture/etc pages to show patch note changes between game versions
{{UserInfobox}} Infobox For use on user pages to display information about your character!
{{WeeklyReset}} Formatting/Standardization Monday at 4:00 AM UTC
{{Wip}} Notice