Dialogue with Jel about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Jel.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

You have been so generous with me I thought it was high time I share something special with you.
I have been thinking of a way to make your home feel even more...like home...and I came up with the perfect solution: this gorgeous dark sapphire wallpaper!
It has a dramatic flair that can only be associated with those born under the Artist's sign... like yours truly.
Oh, you don't know what the Artist sign is?
Maybe you should go to the library and check out a book on Palian Astrology. It is a fascinating subject.

+ Dark Sapphire Stucco Wall Dark Sapphire Stucco Wall


Given Sapphire Sapphire

A sapphire? For me?
You are too kind, (Player). Truly, I almost feel guilty accepting such a generous gift...
But I would feel guiltier should I deny your generosity. I will cherish this forever, I assure you.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Requesting Albino Eel Albino Eel

I've been looking for materials for my latest creation.
Let me know if you spot any albino eels swimming about.
Their hide makes the most unique waterproof shoes.

Requesting Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail, Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail

I am working on a new line of rustic-inspired outfits.
If you gather any (chapaa tails), I would be quite grateful to get my hands on them.

Requesting Coral Coral

I'm looking for materials for my latest creation. Let me know if you spot any coral. It makes the most beautiful dye.

Requesting Duskray Duskray

Let me know if you spot any Duskrays swimming about.
I feel their shade matches the color of my very soul.

Requesting Gossamer Veil Moth Gossamer Veil Moth

Let me know if you spot any Gossamer Veil Moths fluttering about.
I would like to use them as pattern inspiration for an upcoming line of leggings.

Requesting Lunar Fairy Moth Lunar Fairy Moth

Let me know if you spot any Lunar Fairy Moths fluttering about.
I would like to use them as pattern inspiration for an upcoming line of shawls.

Requesting Midnight Paddlefish Midnight Paddlefish (possibly barracuda)

Kenyatta came into the shop the other day wearing the most fascinating piece of jewelry.
She claims it was made from the scales of the midnight paddlefish. I would like to see one of these creatures for myself.

Requesting Muujin Mane Muujin Mane

I am working on a new line of fur stoles.
If you gather any muujin manes, I would be quite grateful to get my hands on them.

Requesting Shell Shell

I'm searching for inspiration for my latest creation.
Do let me know if you come across any shells. They would make the perfect adornments to the dress I'm working on...

Requesting Silk Silk, Silk Thread Silk Thread

I was in the middle of my craft when I reached for my supplies, and found myself out of (silk, silk thread)!
Oh, this is terrible. I can feel my inspiration waning with every second I am away from the piece.

Requesting Umbran Carp Umbran Carp (various fish)

Have you heard of the Umbran Carp? It sounds like quite the fascinating creature.
I should like to see one for myself.

Requesting Waterlogged Boot Waterlogged Boot

I am looking for inspiration to design a new line of shoes...
Perhaps something vintage?

Requesting Willow Lamprey Willow Lamprey

Let me know if you spot any willow lamprey swimming about.
I would like to use them as color inspiration for an upcoming line of trousers.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Pearl Pearl or Shell Shell

I would love to see Tish get the appreciation she deserves.
She has a liking for (pearls/spiral shells) and other pretty seaside trinkets. Perhaps you could give her some?

Requesting Silk Thread Silk Thread

Tish and I like to get together in the evenings and sew together.
The dear girl is always running low on silk thread and borrowing mine...
Of course, it is Tish, so I don't mind. What are bosom friends for?


Missing dialogue for Specific Rejection.

General Acceptance

Thank you! I always knew you had excellent taste.


General Rejection

This gift is very...unique. Yes, let's stick with that descriptor.
The other words that come to mind tend to skew towards the insulting.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

This gift is a little dated, don't you think?

Specific Rejection

Given ?


Specific Responses

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Given Coral Coral, Shell Shell

This color is just exquisite.
It will make a beautiful dye.

Given most Fish

What a striking color! And such a svelte, powerful form.
Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for!

Given Lunar Fairy Moth Lunar Fairy Moth

Ah, the ever-underrated moth.
While others might prefer the illustrious butterfly, I admire the moth's elegant simplicity.
Thank you. This shall certainly inspire me.

Given Midnight Paddlefish Midnight Paddlefish

What a vicious looking fish. And yet, there is a certain beauty in its ferocity.
Yes, this is exactly the inspiration I was looking for!

Given Ravenwood Lantern Ravenwood Lantern

I'm shocked! How could you have guessed my taste so perfectly?
It's as if we are connected at the brain.

Given Silk Thread Silk Thread

Wonderful! This is just what I needed to finish the detailing on my next piece.
Your patronage to the arts is deeply appreciated.