Special Dialogues with Jel

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This page consists of written dialogue lines during romance and special events for Jel.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Voice Acting Lines

Entering Conversation

Romance Level 1-2
  • I've thought of you... I-I mean- dressing you. Nevermind.
  • Ah... here comes my most cherished muse.
  • To what do I owe this pleasure?
  • I almost thought you wouldn't come.
  • I... think you might like me for more than my work.
  • I want to hear everything about you!
  • Your eyes are like... I-I can't find the words.
  • You brighten even the darkest of hours.
  • I have a few things to show you!
  • Shall I compare thee to an ormuu's horn?
Romance Level 3-4
  • Your presence quiets my thoughts.
  • You look like a vision.
  • My treasured muse.
  • You're not aware of the sway you have over me.
  • Did you take my breath away, or did I forget to breathe?
  • I was lost in a sea of darkness... until your soul appeared.
  • Nothing improves your beauty... well, almost nothing!
  • My muse is here, for my dose of inspiration!
  • I wished to see your face... and here you appear!
  • When I am lost, you are always there for me.

Exiting conversation

Romance Level 1-2
  • Must you leave?
  • How many ways are there to say, "I'll miss you"?
  • *sigh* Till we meet again.
  • Parting is such sweet sorrow.
  • Days will be longer without you.
  • I shall count every moment until your return.
  • I've... kept you busy for long enough.
  • They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  • I shall dream of you.
  • Don't be away too long, my muse.
Romance Level 3-4
  • Words cannot express how I shall grieve without you.
  • I shall see you tonight in my dreams.
  • Do not mourn, for we shall soon be reunited.
  • How long shall the fates keep us apart?
  • Can you blame me for wanting you around?
  • How I long to remain close to you...
  • My heart breaks when we part.
  • Come back to me soon.
  • You have proven to be quite inspiring!
  • Go if you must, but you'll remain in my thoughts.


The sight of you brings peace to my tormented thoughts, (Player).
Should I think of things to distract you?

Your mere presence is a distraction, (Player).

Every day without you is a distraction worse than you could concoct, my muse, for it was your absence that tormented me.

(Player)! I was just thinking about you.
Good thoughts, I hope?
Ahem. Good doesn't begin to describe it.

I saw this fabric yesterday and couldn't help but think of you, my muse.
The subtle luster of the weave, the vibrant colors...
Take it, but you must not tell me what you do with it! My heart can't bear knowing.
+ Fabric 3 Fabric

Missing path for Earth and Fire dialogue.
You're wearing quite an interesting outfit today. What material is it made of?

Partner material.

Really? I could have sworn it was-
Oh! (Player)! How forward.

Ah, that must be it! It looks wonderful on you, dear (Player).

Something soft. You wanna feel?

Oh, I dare not! As much as I love looking, I’m afraid it’s still too soon to touch.

Well...maybe briefly. Why yes... that fabric is quite soft...

Missing path for Water dialogue.
My day was dull until you came around, (Player).

Should we spice it up?

Oh, my! Well, ahem, I can think of a few things.

I am never wanting for variety with you, (Player). With every day comes a new delight.

Hopefully my presence helps.
Information needed

Oh good. You're here. I'm trying to figure out what to put up front.
Tell me, what is the most captivating thing in this room?
Your smile.
Well...I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the perfect response.
However, I can't exactly put that on display, can I?
I'd rather that particular item be reserved for one special customer.

You have a most peculiar look in your eyes today, (Player).

Just thinking about you.

Well! I- I wasn't expecting that. You mean it, truly?
I must admit I find myself doing much the same...
Thinking of you, I mean. Not myself!

Information needed

The sparkle in yours distracted me.

Well! I- I wasn't expecting that. You mean it, truly?

I get that look whenever I gaze upon you, dearest muse.

I was up all night, tormented with artist's block.
Next time I'll keep you company.

O-oh. That would be... delightfully scandalous, wouldn't it?

I nearly sought you out in my torpor. When it happens again, I won't resist my instincts.

I must admit, I am getting used to these visits.

Should I stop?
If you stop I am afraid the pining might waste me away, (Player).

Good, because I don't plan on stopping.
That sets my heart at ease. If you did stop, I'm not sure I would last the night.

Yes, my muse?
I just wanted to see you.

I must admit, I find myself longing to be in your presence as well. Could this be...?

And I you. Without you near me, the days stretch on in endless misery, every minute that passes stretching on for what feels to me a thousand cycles.

Gifting Chocolate / Heartdrop Lily

When trying to start a romance with Jel:

Given Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates or Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily

Don't you think it's a little soon in our relationship for you to be pursuing romance?
Not that I blame you. I am fascinating.

These... they're for me?
Oh, my muse. Long have I spent sleepless nights tormented over what I should do.
What sort of gift could possibly express my affection? A flower can wither, food go sour...
None of it felt right.
And here you are, cutting through my apprehension with such decisive action!
Yes, of course I will accept this gift. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine denying you.

After a romance with Jel has already started:

Missing dialogue.

Given Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates

Information Needed

Given Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily

Thank you for these flowers.
Let's hope our relationship will bloom as beautiful as these blossoms have.

Special Events

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Summer Maji Market

  • The atmosphere at this market feeds my creative spirit. I feel a design inspiration coming on already.

During the Day

Once evening approaches, I will be making my way over to the Maji Market.
If my timing is right, I should get there just as the sun is beginning to dip into the horizon, bathing the market with its warm glow... and painting a sight that'll inspire my next design.

Missing path for Water dialogue.
When I first heard about the Maji Market, I was delighted at the opportunity tp showcase and sell my work... but alas, that was not meant to be.

You weren't invited as a vendor?
I was not... but neither was Zeki, despite being such a well-established salesman.
To be clear, it likely wasn't that we were excluded. Perhaps we simply didn't fit the vision of the market, or there simply wasn't enough resources or space for us.
Regardless of the reason, I am enjoying the festivities to the fullest. It's not every day that I have an excuse to engorge myself on so many delightful desserts.

Better luck next time.
Should there be another opportunity for me to shine, I would seize it in a heartbeat. Until that moment comes, I am content enjoying the market as a spectator -- which has been a meaningful experience in itself.

Sorry that happened.
Information Needed

You're still a great designer.
I appreciate your kind words. The market has been a wonderful chance for me to refresh my body and spirit.
All of the beautiful sights has inspired my creative genius... I fear the world is not ready for the designs I will be creating once the market is over.

When those fireworks went off, my heart just about burst from my chest!
Then a runaway chapaa crashed into me, nearly sending me toppling into the water!
Thankfully, Tish caught me before I could fall. Had she been a second later, I would have gone for a swim with the fish, possibly for eternity...

My, quite some time has passed since I last stepped foot in a market like this.
The last one I went to was a Maji Market in Bahari City with my mother and sisters.

Bahari City has Maji Markets, too?

I thought Maji Markets were a Kilima-only thing.
Oh, no no no...

Maji Markets happen all across Palia. They take place exclusively in the evenings, with cultural sights and activities unique to their respective regions.
They are not to be confused with the average flea market.

You learn something new every day!
Bahari City's Maji Market is much grander in scale, as everything is there.

What was Bahari City's Maji Market like?
Well, it was much grander in scale, as everything is in Bahari City.

The booths were flush with colorful clothes and authentic tapestries from all over the world, along with regional specialties to delight even the pickiest of taste palates.
Though Kilima's Maji Market pales in comparison, it is not without its own charms... One such being the Halo Halo from Delaila's Sweet Treats. I can’t seem to get enough of it!

Missing dialogue for Fire and Water paths.
I imagine you’ve seen Kenyatta's chapaa onesie by now. What do you think about it?

It's right on theme!
Information Needed

I think it's cute.
Information Needed

The look suits her.
It does, doesn't it? When her father first approached me with the idea, I was hesitant. However, he convinced me it was a task only I could accomplish.
He was right. The onesie came out beautifully. I don’t regret accepting his proposal one bit!

She looks absolutely ridiculous.
Yes, she does, and that is precisely what makes this onesie one of my best works yet.
You should have seen her face when I first presented her with it. It was absolutely priceless!

Luna New Year Maji Market

  • I hope you are having a wonderful Luna New Year, (Player).

I am doing something different than usual tonight. I will be attending the Maji Market to celebrate the Luna New Year.
I hope to eat some delicious food and gain fresh new design inspirations while I am at it.

Of the plethora of holidays we celebrate here in Palia, Luna New Year is among my favorite.
As I stroll through the market, I am reminded of the Luna New Years of my childhood, which were spent with my dear mother Barinka and my siblings in Bahari City.
I imagine they are all indulging in extravagant festivities at the moment. I, however, prefer the comfortable intimacy a smaller celebration like Kilima's provides.

Kilima's first Maji Market was charming and quaint. This year's is much grander in scale and rightfully so for Luna New Year.
The wish tree is simply delightful, and so are all of the colorful lanterns. I feel a design inspiration coming on already.

I am not ashamed to admit it took me a long time to decide what I wanted to wish for this year.
I found myself at a crossroads, unable to choose between the many paths that lay ahead of me... But among those options, there was only one that truly called my name.
In the off-chance that wish were to come true this year, I would be beside myself with joy.