Dialogue with Jina about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Jina.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

So I don't know if you believe in the whole Luna Signs and Starstones thing...
I mean, I don't really know if I do! After all... astrology is really unscientific... but it can still be fun sometimes.
My Starstone is the emerald, and I have to say the color green does make me feel at ease. Like, someday, maybe I'll find all the answers I'm searching for?
I don't know, it's probably silly. Anyway...
Whether or not you're into Starstones, maybe you'll still like the color? If not, it's seriously no big deal.

+ Mossy Emerald Stucco Wall Mossy Emerald Stucco Wall


Given Emerald Emerald

That's an emerald!
I... I don't know what to say, (Player)!
Thank you so much! I really mean it!
I mean, I always mean my thank yous, but this time I really really mean it!


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
Missing more dialogue for item specific Requests and Requests For Other Villagers.

Requesting Bacon-Stuffed Mushrooms Bacon-Stuffed Mushrooms

My favorite dish from home was stuffed mushrooms.
But here I don't have time to cook.

Requesting Brightshroom Brightshroom

I'd be curious to try a Brightshroom. They say ingesting Flow can sometimes have some interesting side effects.
But I'm willing to give it a shot.

Requesting Cream of Mushroom Soup Cream of Mushroom Soup

My favorite dish at the Inn is mushroom soup.
Unfortunately, Reth rarely serves it.
Regardless of how many mushrooms I bring him.

Requesting Flint Flint, Glass Pane Glass Pane, Stone Brick Stone Brick

Ugh, I want to explore further into the Phoenix Shrine, but with the supports I have I can only go so far.
Maybe if I had some (flint, glass planes, stone bricks) I could expand my supports...

Requesting Mutated Angler Mutated Angler

They say the Mutated Angler has been around since before the demise of Humans.
I'd like to find one to study.
Maybe there's clues about why they survived that could be useful for figuring out why Humans didn't.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Briar Daisy Briar Daisy, Sundrop Lily Sundrop Lily

It's so hard to get Hekla something she actually likes.
Everytime she asks for gifts, she just asks for stuff I like.
But, I've caught her staring at (Briar Daisies / Sundrop Lillies[sic]) when we’re in the field...so I think she likes those?

Requesting Green Pearl Green Pearl

It's so hard to get Hekla something she actually likes.
Everytime she asks for gifts, she just asks for stuff I like.
But, I've caught her and Einar talking about "shiny pebbles."
I suspect they're referring to pearls....so maybe she likes those.

Requesting Pinecone Pinecone

It's so hard to get Hekla something she actually likes.
Everytime she asks for gifts, she just asks for stuff I like.
But, I've caught her collecting and planting pinecones...so I think she likes those?


Missing dialogue for Specific Rejection.

General Acceptance

Just what I was looking for! I knew you'd pull through!

Oh! You got something? For me?
Thank you!

General Rejection

You know, there's not a whole lot of room in my tent for knick knacks. I'll have to pass.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

You know I'd love to take this, but there's only so much room in my tent!
I guess I could store it inside Hekla...
No no! You better take it back before I get tempted.

Specific Rejection


Specific Responses

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Given Apple Pie Apple Pie, Celebration Cake Celebration Cake

Hekla will kill me for having dessert for dinner.
I guess I better have an actual dinner tonight, so I can eat this afterwards.

Given Brighteye Butterfly Brighteye Butterfly

Fun fact. Butterflies actually taste with their feet.
...so when a butterfly lands on you it's kinda like it's licking you.
Now that I think about it, that's a bit unsettling.

Given Coral Coral

So...this doesn't have any particular archeological significance.
But it looks cool! Maybe I can use to decorate the tent?[sic]

Given Dari Cloves Dari Cloves, Dragon's Beard Peat Dragon's Beard Peat, Heat Root Heat Root

Thanks! Sometimes cooking over the campfire can be a little bland.
It'll be nice to spice it up!