Casual Dialogue with Jina

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Jina.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
I think having you around is going to be good for me.
Seeing you appear out of nowhere really made me rethink most of my assumptions about the world...

It’s hard to say if the myths of a creature in the Elderwoods have any validity.
Do I believe that things exist out there that we don’t understand? Yes, I do.
Do I also believe that people tend to exaggerate the danger of what they don’t understand? Yes, I do.

You know, this might sound crazy, but sometimes I suspect there's something...wrong with the Elderwoods.
Like there's some sort of...evil...for like[sic] of a more scientific word, lurking around.
You know, nevermind[sic]. I'm starting to sound like Elouisa.

I'm not totally sure what the ruins around the village used to be.
But based on the fact that the buildings cluster around a central square...
...the plethora of old books I've found in the subterranean structures...
...and the fact that there's space in the meadow where there are NO RUINS that kinda looks like a sports field...
I would guess some kind of school?
Although, it's possible Human civilization wasn't organized in the same way ours is. So I might be totally off base.

One benefit of never really feeling like you had a home is not having to feel homesick.
I left my family when I was just a kid to study at the Institute.
And the Institute itself never really felt like home.
So I’m just as comfortable here as anywhere else.

You're the first non-Hekla friend I've had in awhile.
I keep expecting you to realize I'm weird and leave, and then it doesn't happen. Which is totally a relief.

I'm sorry I'm having such a hard time figuring out what happened to your people. I promise I'm trying.
You don't have to apologize.
You're right. I'm sorry for apologizing so much.

I'm trying to date these ruins.
Did you know that you can find out how old something is by listening to the Flow left behind in the rock? can't...and I can't...but Hekla can. She's a really useful helper.

It's good to see you again! I always look forward to seeing your face.
But you know, like a normal amount. Not a creepy inappropriate amount!
I don't, like, have a crush on you or anything.
Oof, did I say that out loud? I'm gonna stop talking now.

Don't worry too much if you notice Hekla looking at you a little funny.
She knows we're getting closer, and she's just a little protective. She's afraid you'll hurt my feelings.
But don't worry...I know you won't.

I'm currently reading a book of theories around the early Human demise.
Evidence shows some sort of "shadow presence" emerged right in this Valley just before the extinction event. Fascinating!

I decided to take a break. So, the book I'm reading for now is for fun.
It's about all the different kinds of mushrooms that exist in Palia.
Did you know the Dragon's Breath mushroom can actually help boost the immune system?
It apparently also tastes great in soup. Reth scribed a note in the margins.

It's kinda weird sometimes that Hekla sees taking care of me as her Oneness.
She was made for the purpose of taking care of Human children.
She saw me and I guess her wires just kind of got crossed.

As a scholar, I have to be hard on myself.
Not very many Palians, whether they are Majiri or Grimalkin, have the opportunity or responsibility of exploring these ruins.
If I don't add to our understanding with my research, I'm effectively taking away knowledge the world could have gotten from a more capable Scholar.

Have you ever felt like you're letting the whole world down with your failures?
Player (Earth)
Seems like you're talking about yourself.
Sorry for being self-centered. This whole thing is just very tough on me.

Jina asks The Player Questions

Do you ever get lonely?

I'm lonely now.
Well, if you want, you could always come spend more time here with me and Hekla.
I love Hekla's company, but sometimes it's nice to talk to someone who isn't hardwired to like me.

Not really...
Of course you don't! I mean, you're so awesome to be around.
I bet it's hard for you to even get a second alone! Forget I asked!

Can I ask you a question? Do you ever feel like a total fraud?
Like if anyone found out how little you knew they would laugh so hard, they could hear it in Bahari?

Nope, I'm happy being me.
Ugh, I wish I was more like you!

All the time...
I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel.

Sounds like someone's projecting...
You're probably right.

I can't help but think of how smug all the other apprentices will be if I fail here.
They always said I only got into the academy because of who my dad is.
I've been thinking lately they might be right...

Be honest, do you think it's weird that Hekla always follow[sic] me around?

Not at all!
Good! My friends at the Academy thought it was weird.
But then again, they weren't very good friends.

I think it's sweet.
Good! My friends at the Academy thought it was weird.
But then again, they weren't very good friends.

Missing Earth, Fire, Water dialogue.
I've been doing a bit of a thought experiment lately and I wanted your opinion.
If I lived here back in ancient Human times and went to this university, what do you think I would study?




Underwater Basket Weaving
You're so silly.
Although... that does seem like it could be fun to learn.

Missing Earth dialogue.
I have a kind of weird question. Do you think of me as your best friend?

Really! I've never had a best friend before.
I mean, except Hekla... but she's... I don't know... Hekla. It's different.

Maybe not "best" friend....

Specific Time

Early morning

I have to admit, I'm a little self conscious about you seeing me this early in the morning.
I haven't even had my Sweetleaf tea yet.

Late night

You can keep me company on my walk if you want.
That is, if you don't mind hearing me mumble weird theories to myself.

The pursuit of knowledge always keeps me wide awake. So, I barely need any sleep. *Yawn*
Okay, maybe I'm getting a little tired.

Specific Location

At Mirror Pond Ruins

I'm trying to date these ruins.
Did you know that you can find out how old something is by listening to the Flow left behind in the rock? can't...and I can't...but Hekla can. She's a really useful helper.

At the Library

My days are spent studying the ruins, and my nights are spent pondering and reading about the ruins.
I don't really know much about non-ruin related fun.
One time, I played cards with Einar and Hekla.
Their definition of playing cards is a bit... different from ours though.
A single game can take anywhere from four days to six month. [sic]

Friendship Level 3-5

Friendship Level 3 or Higher

I find it's nice to do things together, even if we just sit next to each other in silence.
Thanks for being such a good friend, (Player).

So, I was looking around the ancient library today, and I found some evidence of...this is going to sound crazy...
But possibly, like, some sort of ancient Human death cult.
Like it was a flyer or something and Hekla said it was asking all those who believed that "the Undying should die" to convene at the quad for more information.
Although, you know, I don't want to get ahead of myself. For all I know, "the Undying" was the name of, like, a rival roundball team or something.

Friendship Level 4

Follow up to conversation with Hekla

So...uh, I know Hekla told you about my friend's wedding.

She specifically said "love interest."
Oh my Dragon! I had a crush on Ebi when we were both fourteen. It's not like that!

She said "former love interest."

How are you doing?
I'm doing okay.
Ebi was the one person who stood up for me when I got teased...and Arfuu was usually the one doing the teasing.
I'm going to the wedding to make sure Ebi is okay.
I'm just concerned for them, and I don't think they know what that [sic] are getting into. Arfuu is charming, but he isn't always a good person.

Follow up to conversation with Hekla

So...uh, I know you told Hekla to hide my friends wedding invitation. Can I ask why?

The past should stay in the past.
I appreciate your concern, but this wasn't your decision to make.

I don't want you with an old flame.

I didn't want you to get hurt.
I appreciate your concern, but this wasn't your decision to make.
Ebi was the one person who stood up for me when I got teased...and Arfuu was usually the one doing the teasing.
I'm going to the wedding to make sure Ebi is okay.
I'm just concerned for them, and I don't think they know what that [sic] are getting into. Arfuu is charming, but he isn't always a good person.

So I wanted to get your thoughts on something.
A the wedding, I talked to Arfuu about how he used to tease me.
He said the only reason he used to act like that was...because he was jealous of me because I'm so smart and I was close to Ebi.
I acted nice to him and all, but I still don't know if he's being genuine. What do you think?

You should give him a chance.

He's probably lying.

Why don't you give it some time?

I think he got switched with a Brighteye.
Well, if that's true, I gues [sic] I have a Brighteye to thank for making my friend happy.

Quest Related

After completion of Main Quest Quest Icon.png House, Sweet House

I heard you got a house. Congratulations!
I've been living here a year and I'm still in a tent.

After Main Quest Quest Icon.png Ancient Battery

Thank you so much for opening up that chamber behind the waterfall.
If I can figure out what it's purpose was in Human could be big.
Like, maybe we'll finally understand Human religion or why they disappeared...
Or maybe I could even get published!

After Main Quest Quest Icon.png Echoes of the Unknown

I can't help but wonder why the Humans would go through all that trouble to create a magic puzzle.
Maybe there's something important hidden behind fully illuminating that constellation mural...Something they didn't want someone...or something...that couldn't solve a puzzle to find...

Did you know you can fish in the water temple?
It's true! Hekla showed me.
I wonder if some of them have survived since ancient times.

After Main Quest Quest Icon.png The Acceptance Ceremony

Your acceptance ceremony was just so magical.
I can't stop thinking about it.
My favorite part was the fireworks......or maybe Reth's mushrooms tarts.

After Jina's Friendship Level 3 Quest Quest Icon.png Open the Door

You can hold on to your copy of the library key if you want.
Hekla figured out how to duplicate the effects, so I can get in anytime.
Besides, it's kind of nice to have someplace that we can just hang out you and me.

I've been scanning all the books in the old library, trying to discover something new about the way ancient Humans thought.
I might be onto something with one I found on the ethics of Galdurics.

I can't believe you haven't been to the old library yet.
What are you waiting for?!
I'm giving you first dibs out of respect, but if you don't go in there soon, I won't be able to resist the urge.

I'm still drafting my letter to the Bahari Institute, explaining how we found the library.
But for now, it's kind of like our secret spot.

After reading an Ancient Tome in the Temple of the Waves

Does Flow mix with other elements?
I read myths about unique types of flow. Outside of that... hmmmm
If Flow is really in the water around here, it would explain a lot.

After Quest Quest Icon.png Funeral Potatoes

I'm glad Hekla finally found peace for Sona.
Although to be honest, I'm a little overwhelmed by her whole "archeology is my new Oneness" thing.
Yesterday, she bagged and tagged my tooth brush. Who was she gonna send it to? I hope not the Institute...

After Quest Quest Icon.png The Green-Eyed Galdur

I'm really glad Hekla opened up to me about how she's been feeling.
I knew she saw me as her purpose and her only friend, but I had no idea she thought I might deactivate her if I grew closer to someone else.
That's a lot to carry around, so it's a relief to see her letting me rely on other people and seeing her rely on other people.
She even made tea for Subira yesterday after I said I didn't want any! I know that seems like a little thing, but trust me, it's a bit step in the right direction.

So, now that we're partners, I have to ask, what do you make of what we've found in the old library so far?

It's a fascinating start.
Information needed

I love learning more about myself.
Information needed

It's a little cryptic.
Information needed

I wish we found a dragon pit instead.
Dragons are born in the realm of Flow, and can only cross over once every hundred years. You wouldn't just find them in a pit. At least, probably not...

Pin Reactions

Einar's Pin Einar's Pin.png

So, you and Einar are a thing, huh?
What's that like? Dating a Galdur? I must admit, I have some scientific curiousity.

None of your business.

Einar is super sweet.
He is sweet! I can just imagine him giving you a shiny pebble or a fish because he was thinking about you. I guess Galdur aren't really that different from Majiri at the end of the day.

He's learning...

Why? You planning to ask out Hekla?
No way! That would be like dating my mom! Can you even imagine Hekla trying to go on a date? Don't get me wrong, I love Hekla and I don't know what I would do without her, but that is just... not our relationship.