The Green-Eyed Galdur

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The Green-Eyed Galdur is a Discovery quest given by Jina on behalf of Hekla after completing their level 5 Friendship quests Quest Icon.png Field School and Quest Icon.png Funeral Potatoes.


Jina is worried that Hekla has become jealous of her relationship with you, and hopes you might be able to talk a bit of sense into Hekla.


Part 1

Part 2

Jina is worried that Hekla has become jealous of her relationship with you, and hopes you might be able to talk a bit of sense into Hekla.


At Quest Completion Renown.png 35 Renown



Dialogue and Mail


Letter from Jina

Dear (Player),
Have you talked to Hekla lately? She's been acting really weird with me. Yesterday I asked her to hand me a shovel, she told me I should ask my NEW research partner to hand it to me instead. I'm not sure if she's said anything to you, but I think she might be a little bit jealous...

Maybe you can ask her what's going on, because she's not telling me. You've gotten so close to her lately that she might be willing to open up to you.

Jina Profile.png Jina


Upon speaking with Hekla.

Hello, Jina's new best friend and favorite research assistant.
Is there something I may help you with?

Did she actually say that?
She did not need to vocalize it aloud. I am very attuned to my Jina's emotional wellbeing.

Huh, Jina wasn't kidding.
You and my Jina have been having conversations without me. How very apt.

You're just as important to Jina!
I appreciate your attempt to improve my emotional state, but I have accepted the truth.

I need you to stop being weird.
I understand. Being "weird" is perhaps why my Jina has replaced me with you. I suppose I cannot blame her for her actions.

My replacement became very evident when I found out that Jina entrusted you with her beloved writing utensil.
She has had that quill for as long as I have been watching over her. Clearly, you hold social value in her heart.
As you are an official Cultural Advisor, you will also be more capable of assisting her in her work.
I only ask that once she has deactivated me and placed me in storage that you ensure she is properly nourished.
My Jina often forgets to consume adequate nutritation. She is most particular to edible fungi-

What do you mean, "deactivate you"?

Wait, what?!

When I was no longer of use to my first family, they naturally retired me to storage.
I expect when Jina realizes you are objectively the better choice, she will do the same.

You should really talk to Jina...
According to my preprogrammed educational runeworkings, clear communication skills are the basis of a healthy relationship...

She would never do that to you!
The first family I was a caretaker for did so. It was perfectly in keeping with protocol...
You are correct, however, that my Jina is very different from my original family.

That... is really messed up.
Many Humans of the time would have done the same thing. It was expected behavior when I no longer became useful.
It is true, however, that my Jina is unlike the Humans of the time. Perhaps she shares your sentiments.

You're making a lot of assumptions.
...It is correct that assumptions are the basis of many interpersonal misunderstandings.

I have often taught Jina that miscommunications and misunderstandings should be rectified.
Even if one believes none has taken place, it does not do harm to check regardless.
I believe my Jina is currently excavating within the University Library. I will go speak to her.
As the subject of our conversation, I encourage you to join me.


Upon speaking with Hekla and Jina inside the Ancient Library.

(Player), you're here! AND you brought Hekla!
Are you finally ready to tell me what I did wrong? I've been tearing my hair out over it. I thought everything was going okay.
You did not make any mistakes. It is only natural that you would gravitate more towards a capable archaeologist like (Player) eventually.
As a caretaker, this should be a very joyous time. You have outgrown what I can offer you.
Offer me? Hekla, what are you talking about.

Hekla thinks you're going to deactivate her.

Hekla, this one's all you.
Naturally you will be retiring me to a storage unit for deactivation.

Why in the world would I do something like that? Where is all of this coming from??
You have replaced me as your assistant with a more capable partner in (Player).
As I can no longer provide you with value, it would only be natural to rid yourself of me.
What the heck, Hekla! You're my friend, I'd never just turn you OFF! I don't think I even know how to-
There is a hatch located on my back chassis-
Ahhh, I don't want to know, because I'm never going to need to use it!
Look friendship isn't about how useful you are to each other. It's about... about...

Spending time together!
Exactly! Who else stays up with my all night when I'm working on my papers?
Or has dinner with me every single night, even though she doesn't eat?
Or... Or makes me sad, when she's avoiding me, because she's one of my best friends?

Making each other happy.
Yes! And you do that every day, Hekla. Just... being there, by my side.
Remember when I first got the thesis rejection letter? You're the one who made me dinner, even when I wasn't very hungry.
And then you gave me a big hug, and told me that it didn't matter what the Institute said, you were still proud of me.
You make me happy, Hekla.

Sharing ideas and conversations.
Exactly! I love talking to you, Hekla. You're probably one of the best listeners I've ever met.
And you're always so thoughtful. Maybe we disagree about things sometimes... but I even like that!
You give me new perspectives I've never considered before. There's nothing more exciting to a scientist!

Looking out for each other.
Exactly! Hekla, you literally do that all the time! Not just my physical wellbeing either, but my mental.
You've always encouraged me to grow and get out of my comfort zone. And as much as I struggle... I know it's good for me.

I mean, you're even the reason (Player) and I got close in the first place.
I would have never had the courage if you weren't there backing me up every step of the way.
...I do not understand. Can (Player) not serve all these functions for you now?

The more the merrier!
That's what I'm saying. I want both of you in my life.

I wouldn't want to.
And I wouldn't want you to! Nobody can be everything for someone.

Why don't we have both?
Exactly! There's enough friendship to go around. I don't want to have to choose between you.

That's a lot of pressure on one person...
It is! I would never want to put that kind of pressure on you, (Player). But maybe...

Maybe I've been unfair to you, Hekla.
For a really long time, I guess... you WERE my only friend. And I got used to that, and I started to put a lot of pressure on you to be my everything.
When you started telling (Player) things that you wouldn't even tell me... I got jealous, too.
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I was just grateful you had someone to talk to.
You know, as long as you tell me eventually. Like you did this time!
I see...
(Player) and I have become friends, but I still want to spend time with my Jina as well.
I have not wanted to replace you with (Player)... or (Player) with you.
I... have TWO friends.
Exactly! And that's okay. Three, even, if you count Einar. I know you talk to him on your Galdur network, right?
That is correct. I have learned much about the aquatic inhabitants of Kilima.
That's great! I don't know anything about fish, so I couldn't do that for you even if I COULD talk to you with my mind.
So friends can offer... different things. Having more of them does not mean every interaction is interchangable across friendships.
...I am so proud of you, my Jina. You have grown so much, and now you and (Player) are educating me!
Hey! I taught you how to play Chezuu too, remember?
A-anyways, nothing would make me happier than having both of you join me on my digs.
So... what do you say?

I promise it'll be fun!
I would enjoy engaging in archaeological activities with my two friends, Jina and (Player).
Well, your two friends and also Subira. She still has to oversee our activities...

If you're okay with it, Hekla...
I would enjoy engaging in archaeological activities with my two friends, Jina and (Player).
Well, your two friends and also Subira. She still has to oversee our activities...

Two's company, three's a party!
Well, technically it will be four. Subira still has to oversee our activities...
I would enjoy engaging in archaeological activities with my two friends, Jina and (Player).

Yeah, sure.
I would enjoy engaging in archaeological activities with my two friends, Jina and (Player).
Well, your two friends and also Subira. She still has to oversee our activities...

Perhaps Ser Watcher can become a third acquaintance and then friend.

Subira's REALLY nice!
R-really? I mean, I wouldn't want to impose on her...
But that might be nice...

She's a good person to have on your side.
True... she was really helpful with the whole thesis situation too.
And there's so much I want to ask her! S-still, I wouldn't want to impose.

Anyways, why don't we meet back here in a little bit for our first dig as a real team? Oh, I can't wait to see what we'll find!


Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Introduced.