Mottled Gobi/ru

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The Mottled Gobi is a Обычный Fish in Palia.


An under appreciated fish that feeds on excess pond algae. Found in ponds using glow worms.

–Описание внутриигрового предмета

Как приобрести


Mottled Gobi can be caught in Ponds using Glow Worms, at any time of day.

Kilima Valley Ponds.png
Bahari Bay Ponds.png


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Комментарии: Info about whether the fish jumps, moving pattern and tips for jumping/difficult to catch fish. Doing research about this.
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Mottled Gobi is not known to be rewarded by any means.


Current weekly wants of Mottled Gobi for 9 декабрь 2024 - 15 декабрь 2024
  • Nobody

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The following require Mottled Gobi:

  • Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector
  • Master Kilima and Bahari Fish Collector


Mottled Gobi is not used in any Quests.


Mottled Gobi не используется ни в одном наборе.


Starred versions of this fish can be placed as a decor.

Aquarium size: 5x7 (Medium, Rectangular)

Experience from catching Mottled Gobi counts towards the following Accomplishments:

  • Advanced Angler
  • Expert Angler
  • Master Angler
  • Catching Fish

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