Инструменты используются различными способами для добычи ресурсов.
“ |
Когда вы начнёте путешествие по Палии, вы обнаружите, что есть ресурсы, которые нельзя разрубить или разломать. Вы можете наткнуться на ресурсы, для добычи которых нужны инструменты более высокого уровня, или встретить редких существ, которых слишком сложно поймать, используя ваши стандартные инструменты. Совершенствуйте их, чтобы получить лучшие впечатления от своего приключения! |
” |
–Almanac of Palia |
Все инструменты делятся на четыре класса: «Самодельные», «Стандартные», «Отличные» и «Великолепные».
Игроки начинают с самодельных инструментов, которые могут быть улучшены на Worktable с помощью досок и слитков металлов.
Рецепты для улучшения инструмента можно купить в соответствующих гильдейских магазинах после достижения определённого уровня навыка. Инструменты нужно улучшать в порядке возрастания, так как для повышения класса требуется инструмент на класс ниже.
Доски и металлические слитки, необходимые для каждого повышения класса:
Класс | Материалы | Доступно на |
Стандартный | Уровень навыка 3 | |
Отличный | Уровень навыка 6 | |
Великолепный | Уровень навыка 9 |
Все классы инструментов кроме Самодельных подвержены износу во время использования и должны быть отремонтированы на Repair Station.
- Стандартный — 1000 очков прочности
- Отличный — 2000 очков прочности
Великолепный — 3000 очковмпрочности
Каждый инструмент будет терять:
- Pick: 4 очка прочности за удар
- Fishing Rod: 18 очков прочности за пойманную рыбу
- Bow:
7 очков прочности за выстрел из лука
- Belt: 7 очков прочности за дымовую ловушку
- Hoe: 10 очков прочности за каждую расчищенную клетку почвы
- Watering Can: 5 очков прочности за политую клетку почвы
- Axe: 4 очка прочности за удар
Удары, ведущие к поломке | Pick | Fishing Rod | Bow | Belt | Hoe | Watering Can | Axe |
Стандартный | |||||||
Отличный |
Великолепный |
Ремонт ===
Инструменты можно отремонтировать в трёх локациях:
- На наковальне в Blacksmith, используя для оплаты Золото или наборы для ремонта из инвентаря игрока.
- At the Central Stables Fast Travel point in Bahari Bay using Repair Kits from player's inventory.
- At a Repair Station on a Housing Plot using Repair Kits from player's inventory and storage.
Количество золота или наборов для ремонта пропорционально тому, насколько повреждён инструмент. Прочность отображается в виде круглой шкалы вокруг иконки инструмента. Шкала окрашена в жёлто-зеленый, когда уровень прочности полный или почти полный, и меняет цвет от оранжевой до красной по мере износа. Если прочность полностью исчерпается, инструмент ухудшается до предыдущего класса и может быть улучшен заново на рабочем столе.
“ | Your best friend for chopping trees! You’ll need to upgrade it if you want to cut down the bigger trees that can be found in Bahari Bay. | ” |
–Almanac of Palia |
Axes are a Foraging tool used to chop down bushes and Trees to collect wood, fiber, and the occasional tree seed.
The type of wood collected is determined by the type of tree chopped down. Larger trees require higher tiered axes. Some trees infused with Flow may also require cooperation with other players, despite using the highest tier axe. They can also be used to clear away certain wooden debris on the Housing Plot.
Recipes for axe upgrades can be purchased from the Foraging Guild Store run by Ашура.
Axes | Описание | Редкость | Рецепт | Ингридиенты | Requires | Durability |
A starter axe for chopping trees and bushes. | Обычный | N/A | N/A | N/A | Infinite | |
An exquisite axe for chopping trees and bushes. Deals more damage than the Fine Axe. Can chop medium and large trees. | Эпический | Foraging Guild • 3000 Gold |
Собирательство Уровень 9 | 3000 | ||
A fine axe for chopping trees and bushes. Deals more damage than the Standard Axe. Can chop medium and large trees. | Редкий | Foraging Guild • 1500 Gold |
Собирательство Уровень 6 | 2000 | ||
A standard axe for chopping trees and bushes. Deals more damage than the Makeshift Axe. Can chop medium trees. | Необычный | Foraging Guild • 250 Gold |
Собирательство Уровень 3 | 1000 |
“ | Need to mine rocks? Luckily you have a pickaxe! Palia is rich with resources like stone, clay, iron, and even silver and gold! You’ll need a stronger pickaxe to get those precious metals. | ” |
–Almanac of Palia |
Picks are a Mining tool used to break up rock nodes to collect stone, clay, ores and rare Starstones. The type of ores collected is determined by the type of node that is mined. Larger nodes require higher tiered picks. Picks can also be used to clear away rock debris while exploring certain ruins.
Recipes for upgrades can be purchased from the Mining Guild Store run by Ходари.
Picks | Описание | Редкость | Рецепт | Ингридиенты | Requires | Durability |
A starter pick for mining minerals from the land. | Обычный | N/A | N/A | N/A | Infinite | |
An exquisite pick for mining minerals from the land. Deals more damage than the Fine Pick. | Эпический | Mining Guild • 3000 Gold |
Горное дело Уровень 9 | 3000 | ||
A Fine pick for mining minerals from the land. Deals more damage than the Standard Pick. Can mine Palium. | Редкий | Mining Guild • 1500 Gold |
Горное дело Уровень 6 | 2000 | ||
A standard pick for mining minerals from the land. Deals more damage than the Makeshift Pick. Can mine Iron. | Необычный | Mining Guild • 250 Gold |
Горное дело Уровень 3 | 1000 |
“ | Now you don’t have to dig with your hands! This tool is used to till your fields so you can plant your gorgeous crops. Upgrading this can help you cover more ground. | ” |
–Almanac of Palia |
Hoes are a Gardening tool used to till Soil and remove unwanted Crops on the Housing Plot. Tilling soil may yield seeds, precious ores, or a few other random items.
Recipes for upgrades can be purchased from the Gardening Guild Store run by Бадруу.
Hoes | Описание | Редкость | Рецепт | Ингридиенты | Requires | Durability |
A starter hoe for gardening. | Обычный | N/A | N/A | N/A | Infinite | |
An exquisite hoe for gardening. Tills a larger area than the Fine Hoe. | Эпический | Gardening Guild • 3000 Gold |
Gardening Уровень 9 | 3000 | ||
A fine hoe for gardening. Tills a larger area than the Standard hoe. | Редкий | Gardening Guild • 1500 Gold |
Gardening Уровень 7 | 2000 | ||
A standard hoe for gardening. Tills a larger area than the Makeshift hoe. | Необычный | Gardening Guild • 250 Gold |
Gardening Уровень 4 | 1000 |
Watering Cans
“ | You’ll need to water your plants every day, and this watering can is how you do it! Once you get it upgraded, you can cover more area in a single pour. | ” |
–Almanac of Palia |
Watering Cans are a Gardening tool used to water Crops, Flowers and Trees that have been planted on the Housing Plot. They can be filled with water from the small pond near the main entrance of the plot, from the shallows at the back of the plot, or from a Well if one is available.
Recipes for upgrades can be purchased from the Gardening Guild Store run by Бадруу.
Watering Cans | Описание | Редкость | Рецепт | Ингридиенты | Requires | Durability |
A starter watering can for gardening. | Обычный | N/A | N/A | N/A | Infinite | |
An exquisite watering can for gardening. Holds more water than the Fine Can. Waters up to nine crops at once faster than the Fine Can. | Эпический | Gardening Guild • 3000 Gold |
Gardening Уровень 9 | 3000 | ||
A fine watering can for gardening. Holds more water than the Standard Can. Waters up to nine crops at once. | Редкий | Gardening Guild • 1500 Gold |
Gardening Уровень 6 | 2000 | ||
A standard watering can for gardening. Holds more water than the Makeshift Can. Waters up to five crops at once. | Необычный | Gardening Guild • 250 Gold |
Gardening Уровень 3 | 1000 |
Fishing Rods
“ | Need some fish for cooking? Palia’s rivers, lakes, and ocean are full of beautiful fish. Many are tasty, and all of them have charm. Upgrading your fishing rod will help you catch rare fish. | ” |
–Almanac of Palia |
Fishing Rods are a Fishing tool used to catch Fish from ponds, rivers, and lakes. The type of fish caught is determined by the Palia Time of day, the location and type of body of water being fished, and the kind of Bait (or lack thereof) being used. Non-fish items, such as a Waterlogged Chest, also have a chance to be reeled in.
Recipes for upgrades can be purchased from the Fishing Guild Store run by Эйнар.
Fishing Rods | Описание | Редкость | Рецепт | Ингридиенты | Requires | Durability |
A starter rod for fishing. | Обычный | N/A | N/A | N/A | Infinite | |
A standard rod for fishing. Moves faster than the Makeshift Rod. Has more line health than the Makeshift Rod. | Необычный | Fishing Guild • 250 Gold |
Рыбалка Уровень 3 | 1000 | ||
An exquisite rod for fishing. Moves faster than the Fine Rod. Has more line health than the Fine Rod. | Эпический | Fishing Guild • 3000 Gold |
Рыбалка Уровень 9 | 3000 | ||
A fine rod for fishing. Moves faster than the Standard Rod. Has more line health than the Standard Rod. | Редкий | Fishing Guild • 1500 Gold |
Рыбалка Уровень 6 | 2000 |
“ | A handy multi-use tool. You can use this to hunt the game lurking in Palia, or equip it with special arrows to light up the sky in celebration! | ” |
–Almanac of Palia |
Bows are a Hunting tool used to shoot Arrows at creatures to obtain furs, hides, meat, and other useful materials. The types of materials obtained is determined by the type of creature hunted. Bows can also shoot Fireworks or Flares to signal other Players to a specific location.
Recipes for upgrades can be purchased from the Hunting Guild Store run by Хассиан.
Bows | Описание | Редкость | Рецепт | Ингридиенты | Requires | Durability |
A starter bow for hunting creatures. | Обычный | N/A | N/A | N/A | Infinite | |
An exquisite bow for hunting creatures. Shoots farther than the Fine Bow. | Эпический | Hunting Guild • 3000 Gold |
Охота Уровень 9 | 3000 | ||
A fine bow for hunting creatures. Shoots farther than the Standard Bow. | Редкий | Hunting Guild • 1500 Gold |
Охота Уровень 6 | 2000 | ||
A standard bow for hunting creatures. Shoots farther than the Makeshift Bow. | Необычный | Hunting Guild • 250 Gold |
Охота Уровень 3 | 1000 |
“ | There are all sorts of critters to find in Palia, and you’ll need traps to catch them! There are a few different kinds of smoke bombs, so try them all to see which works best for your mark. | ” |
–Almanac of Palia |
Belts are a Bug Catching tool used to deploy Smoke Bombs to catch Bugs. The type of bugs available to catch is determined by location and the Palia Time of day. Certain bugs have a chance to drop Silk and/or seeds for Flowers.
Recipes for upgrades can be purchased from the Bug Catching Guild Store run by Ауни.
Belts | Описание | Редкость | Рецепт | Ингридиенты | Requires | Durability |
A starter belt for bug catching. | Обычный | N/A | N/A | N/A | Infinite | |
An exquisite belt for bug catching. Higher chance to daze bugs than the Fine Belt. | Эпический | Bug Catching Guild • 3000 Gold |
Ловля жуков Уровень 9 | 3000 | ||
A fine belt for bug catching. Higher chance to daze bugs than the Standard Belt. | Редкий | Bug Catching Guild • 1500 Gold |
Ловля жуков Уровень 6 | 2000 | ||
A standard belt for bug catching. Higher chance to daze bugs than the Makeshift Belt. | Необычный | Bug Catching Guild • 250 Gold |
Ловля жуков Уровень 3 | 1000 |
Tool Skins
Tool Skins are a type of cosmetic that the Player can purchase. These change the look of the Player's tools. They are obtained by spending Монеты Палии in the Premium Store.
История изменений
- Ongoing Work for Controller Support: Tool Wheel
- We’ve given this a new coat of paint, increasing the number of slots while also making unequip more accessible to all players.
- When a tool is equipped, quickly tap on the tool wheel button to unequip your tool.
- After unequipping a tool, tap the tool wheel button to re-equip the previously equipped tool.
- Unequipping tools is still supported on the mouse+keyboard (the X key).
- We’ve given this a new coat of paint, increasing the number of slots while also making unequip more accessible to all players.
Palia Wiki | |
Жители | |
Навыки | Ловля жуков • Готовка • Рыбалка • Собирательство • Создание мебели • Gardening • Охота • Горное дело |
Предметы | |
Локации | Долина Килима • Бухта Бахари • Ancient Human Ruins • Stores |
Игровые Механики | Игрок • Guide:Game Controls • Player Menu • Inventory • Инструменты • Currency • Focus • Квесты • Достижения • Social Panel • Housing Plot • Crafters • Gifting • Friendship • Романтические отношения • Emotes |
Premium Store | Premium Store • Premium Store/Outfits • Glider Skins • Pets • Tool Skins • Landscapes |