Proudhorned Sernuk Plush

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Proudhorned Sernuk Plush is a Common Customization item that can be used to decorate the Player's Housing Plot.


Sick of chasing magical sernuk through Bahari Bay? Now you can take one home by buying this plush.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Proudhorned Sernuk Plush is a rare drop when Hunting Hunting the Proudhorned Sernuk in Bahari Bay.


Proudhorned Sernuk Plush is not modifiable.


Similar Items

  • Elder Sernuk Plush Elder Sernuk Plush
  • Sernuk Plush Sernuk Plush
  • The Order Sernuk Plush The Order Sernuk Plush


Update History

Build 0.179:

  • The Proudhorned Sernuk will now properly drop the correct plush at a rare chance.

Build 0.178:

  • Announced as available, but there is a bug with the Proudhorned Sernuk giving out the Order Sernuk plushie.