Scintillating Centipede/de

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The Scintillating Centipede is a Selten bug in Palia.


A rare centipede with a shiny hard shell.

–Gegenstandsbeschreibung im Spiel



Scintillating Centipedes have a 5% chance to spawn when breaking Stone, Iron, or Palium nodes anywhere in Bahari-Bucht, including inside the Pavel Mines.

Scintillating Centipedes can also be occasionally be found naturally on top of cliffs and mesas in south Bahari Bay, including Hideaway Bluffs and near the Windy Ruins during any time of day.


Although Scintillating Centipedes are mainly found when Mining, they can occasionally be found naturally up on ledges in southeast Bahari Bay.

Because they spawn after a node has been broken, Scintillating Centipedes will immediately attempt to flee in a straight line away from the player. They are relatively fast, so players should quickly switch to their Belt to throw Smoke Bombs before they disappear.


In addition to the bug, Scintillating Centipede grants 0 - 7 Silk Thread when caught.


In Sternenqualität kann dieses Insekt als Dekoration platziert werden.

Größe des Terrariums: 5x4 (Mittelgroß, Rechteckig)

Experience from catching Scintillating Centipede counts towards the following accomplishments:


Current weekly wants of Scintillating Centipede for 1. Juli 2024 - 7. Juli 2024
  • Nobody

Dorfbewohner*innen, die Scintillating Centipede immer als Geschenk mögen:


Scintillating Centipede is used in the following Quests:

  • Quest Icon.png Jel's Pin (Quest)


Scintillating Centipede is not required for any Bundles.



Version 0.180:

  • Values changed:
    • Base: Gold.png 120Gold.png 130
    • SQ.png Quality: Gold.png 180Gold.png 195