Smoky Quartz Stucco Wall

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Smoky Quartz Stucco Wall is a Common Wallpaper that can be used to customize the Player's Housing Plot.


If you need a place to meditate, Chayne recommends simulating the feel of burning incense with this dark, stucco wall.

–In-Game Item Description

How to Obtain

Smoky Quartz Stucco Wall is gifted to the Player by Chayne Profile.png Chayne, at the Player's housing plot, after receiving a gift from the Player for the very first time.


Smoky Quartz Stucco Wall is not modifiable.

Bestowal Dialogue

 «  Chayne  » 
Tell me, have you heard of the Palian tradition of Starstones?

Never heard of them....
Well, then let me explain. We Majiri believe that our character and fate are at least in part determined by what moon phase we are born under.
I was born when Luna was Waning Gibbous moon which means I have traits associated with the Builder constellation. Builders are widely considered to be concerned largely with family and duty.
Do I embody those traits? I don't know, but I hope to.
Being born under the Builder means my Starstone is quartz. It might not be the most valuable gem, but it sparkles just the same.
If you have further questions, perhaps you can check out a book in the library on the subject.

I've heard of them, but I don't understand.
Well, then let me explain. We Majiri believe that our character and fate are at least in part determined by what moon phase we are born under.
I was born when Luna was Waning Gibbous moon which means I have traits associated with the Builder constellation. Builders are widely considered to be concerned largely with family and duty.
Do I embody those traits? I don't know, but I hope to.
Being born under the Builder means my Starstone is quartz. It might not be the most valuable gem, but it sparkles just the same.
If you have further questions, perhaps you can check out a book in the library on the subject.

Yes, I know all about them.
Hm, then there is no need for me to go on about moon phases and seasons. But...I will still drop off this gift.belonging.[sic]
I got you a wallpaper the color of smoky quartz. My starstone, quartz, fills me with a sense of duty and belonging.


Update History

Build 0.173:

  • Introduced.