Special Dialogues with Tish

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This page consists of written dialogue lines during romance and special events for Tish.

Unlocking Furniture Making Guild Recipes

Glass Furnace Glass Furnace Recipe, Fabric Loom Fabric Loom Recipe, Homestead Furniture Set at Furniture Making Furniture Making Level 2

I've heard your furniture making skills are just...mwah!
But there's always something new to learn! I've got a bunch of new recipes available for you to buy.
Pretty good deal, huh? You get rewarded for your hard work, and I get a buddy to talk shop with!

Silk Silk Recipe, Ravenwood Furniture Set at Furniture Making Furniture Making Level 6

Dear (Player),
I've got some new Ravenwood furniture recipes in I think you're just going to LOVE! Come see them (and me!) when you get the chance.

Tish Profile.png Tish


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Voice Acting Lines

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Entering Conversation

Missing Romance Level 1-2 Voice Lines.
Romance Level 1-2
Romance Level 3-4
  • My heart's fluttering like a bluebird.
  • I've been practicing my... flirting.
  • My day is so much better now that you're here.
  • Your smile's sweeter than a baby ormuu.
  • I dreamt we decorated our house together.
  • Did you do something different today?
  • You're making me blush!
  • Do you.. like how I did my hair?

Exiting conversation

Missing Romance Level 1-2 Voice Lines.
Romance Level 1-2
Romance Level 3-4
  • Talking to you makes the day sweet.
  • You always make me feel like a princess.
  • We're the cutest couple!
  • Chatting with you is better than pie!
  • You're my fairytale ending.
  • I can't wait for you to come back.
  • I could just wrap you up in a little bow.
  • You're everything I dreamed of.
  • Counting the seconds until our next chat.


I was just thinking about you, and here you are!
It's like you read my mind, cutie.
Quick, what am I thinking about now?

I don't know, what?
How cute you are, of course!

I don't know, what?
How lucky I am to have met you, of course!

Oh, (Player)! Do you need anything?
Just your company.
Oh! I think I can help you with that...

Are you in a good mood today? You're practically glowing!
That's just how I look when I see you.
(Player)! Stop, you're making me all flustered!

Missing path for Water dialogue.
Sorry, cutie, I'm just so worked up today.
Reth promised he'd be home for dinner last night, and then he just BAILED! Can you believe that?

I'm sure he's just busy.
Information needed

Who would bail on YOU?
Oh, well! I'm not that special, I mean-
Well now I'm too flustered to be mad!

Missing paths for Fire, Water, and Earth dialogues.
Hi, cutie! What are you up to next?

Taking a nap.
You work so hard, you definitely deserve it.
I've been working on a design for a comfy new bed, maybe I'll ask you to try it first!

I might go to Bahari.
Information needed

I'm not sure yet...
Information needed

Same thing I do every day.
Information needed

You're here! Yay!
That's my line.
Oh! (Player), you charmer!

Gifting Chocolate/Heartdrop Lily

When trying to start a romance with Tish:

Missing dialogue for Friendship Level 3+

Giving Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates or Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily:

Oh geez...
You know I really like you...
...but not "that" way.
I hope we can still be friends!

Information Needed

After a romance with Tish has already started:

Given Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates


Given Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily


Special Events

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Summer Maji Market

  • The Maji Market is just magical. I could stay here all night!

I heard that this is the first Maji Market that Kilima’s held in ages.
It’s nice to see the village come together like this, even if not everybody could make it.
I made sure my evenings were free ahead of time just for the market. I plan on enjoying every second of it!

The only thing that would make the Maji Market even better is a live performance from the Bahari Boyz. I’d do anything to be in the front row if they did.
I wonder if there’s a way we could invite them to perform in Kilima sometime.

I bought so many fireworks from Hodari and Najuma. I’m saving all of them for the last day of the market.
I’m going to set them all off at the same time right before I leave. It’s going to be amazing!

I couldn’t stop petting the chapaas on my way into the market. They’re so sweet and full of love!
And oh my Dragon, their adorable little hats!!! Whoever put those on them knew what they were doing!

Missing path for Water dialogue.
I’ve been trying to get Jel to try some of the food from Reth’s cart, but he refuses to get anywhere near my brother. He won’t even say hi to him!

Do they not like each other?
I don't think that's it. They're both the types to make it obvious if they don't like somebody.

Maybe Jel’s just shy?
Information Needed

Ooh, sounds like drama.
Right?! I don’t know what happened between them, but something had to.

He probably hates Reth’s cooking.
I thought that too, until I saw Jel eyeballing what my brother was cooking earlier.

Either way, Jel’s coming with me to Reth’s cart later, whether he likes it or not! I just know he’ll love what he’s selling!

Luna New Year Maji Market

  • Oh, (Player)! Happy Luna New Year!

Last year, I spent most of my time at the Maji Market with Jel and Reth. This time I'm doing things a little differently and seeing what the experience is like on my own.
It's different, in a good way. I'm noticing a lot of things I wouldn't have noticed before, and I'm chatting with a lot of people.
Of course, I'm reserving quality time to spend with family and friends, too- you included!

If the player was not present at the previous Maji Market

The Maji Market is just wonderful, isn't it? Especially for Luna New Year!
I don't think you were at the first one, but it was magical then, too.

If you haven't already, you should take some time to look at everyone's wishes.
Most of them are hanging on the main wish tree, but a few of them are posted on some of the smaller trees around the market, too.
What did I wish for? Well, you'll just have to read mine to find out!

I couldn't get enough of last year's Maji Market because of those adorable chapaas. It's safe to say I still have a soft spot for those little ones.
One look at those adorable faces, and you're going to melt. I guarantee it.

I'll be at the Maji Market tonight celebrating Luna New Year with everyone! What about you?

I'll be there!
I'm so glad to hear that! Make sure to say hi to me there, okay?

I'm not sure if I'll go.
Aww, really? Well, if you end up changing your mind, say hi to me, alright?