Casual Dialogue with Tish

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Tish.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
I know the Humans showing up freaks some people out, but not me.
I think it's exciting that you guys arrived to shake things up.

Oh, I'm just so happy you're here. Seeing your face makes me smile harder than getting a new pair of shoes.
And that's saying something...'cause I like shoes a lot.

I love the wistful willows that grow here.
Not only are they beautiful, but their bark is soft and pliable.
It’s super easy to make beautiful furniture if you’re working with willow bark.

One of the things I hate the most about being an adult is having to figure out what to eat every night.
When Reth and I were kids, our parents decided that for us. But once in a while, they let him choose what was on the menu instead.
That meant soup for breakfast, soup for lunch, and soup for dinner and dessert!
And he wonders why I never ask for soup anymore...

See this little book in my pocket? I use it to keep track of my design ideas.
I carry it around with me at all times. You never know when inspiration will strike!

When you're designing your home, it's important to come up with a color palette.
I like changing up the palette of my room to match whatever's currently in season.

Word around town is you're becoming quite the expert craftsperson.
I'd love to see what you can do sometime.
Who knows? Maybe one day we can even go into business together.

Do you like my hair clip? My brother gave it to me as a gift just before we moved here.
The style is super unique. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it.

Jel was the first friend I made after moving to Kilima.
After settling in, I went around introducing myself to everyone in the village. His shop happened to be my very first stop.
He complimented me on my hair clip, and I complimented his dreadful choice of curtains.

He must've been flattered.
He was! I still remember what he said to this day.
"It is not every day that I encounter someone who resonates so strongly with my creative spirit... Might I interest you in some equally dreadful designs I've been working on?"
The rest is history!

Sounds more like an insult than a compliment.

Thanks to Caleri, I was able to get my hands on some limited edition magazines.
I totally didn't request for the latest issue of the Trendsetter magazine just for the Bahari Boyz cover.
Oh my Dragon, they just get hotter and hotter every time I see them.
I dragged Reth to one of their concerts once, and you won't BELIEVE what happened!

Reth jumped on the stage to sing about soup?
That sounds like something he'd do. Not this time, though.

Did you get noticed by the band?
I didn't, but he sure did! He stood out like a sore thumb because of how pouty he was.

One of the Bahari Boyz noticed him sulking in the crowd and decided to serenade him right in the middle of "What Makes You Bee-utiful"!
I have a picture of it somewhere. I'll show you when I find it!

Possibly higher friendship required? Missing Fire dialogue.
I've been planning a trip to visit our relatives in Bahari City, except nobody wants to go with me!
Reth says he's busy with work, and Jel just outright refuses to go there!

I can go with you!

*gasp* How could they?!
I know right! It's not every day that we get the opportunity to make such a big trip together!
Oh well. There's no use crying over spilled Ormuu milk.
Hopefully you and I can go to Bahari City together one day. I just know you’d love it there!

Tish asks The Player Questions

How are you doing today?

I like your optimism.
I don't know if I told you yet, but growing up I was really sick. My parents didn't think I'd make it this far.
But when you treat every day as a gift...well, I guess the world has a way of giving back.

Come on! Don't let a few roadblocks set you back.
I don't know if I told you yet, but growing up I was really sick. My parents didn't think I'd make it this far.
But when you treat every day as a gift... well, I guess the world has a way of giving back.

I've been better.
I'm sorry things aren't going great, but maybe it will cheer you up if you try focusing on something you like?
I don't know if I told you yet, but growing up I was really sick. My parents didn't think I'd make it this far.
I focused on my craft... and well, the other stuff worked itself out.

Don't mind me. I was just daydreaming about taking a trip somewhere special.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Bahari Bay
Well, that certainly is practical. I have to admit even though Bahari is just over the hill, I rarely make it there myself.

A Tropical Island
Oh, that sounds so nice. I can just picture us now, (Player).
We've got a drink in our hand, sitting on the beach without a care in the world.
Oh, pinch me! I'm totally dreaming.

An Ancient City
Oh, that sounds exciting.
...But maybe a little too exciting for me.
Exploring usually involves camping... and camping usually involves bugs. Yuck!

Outer Space!
Well, I suppose anything is possible. If the Grimalkins went to space, why can't you?

Follow up to Earth.png Earth response

I took your advice and actually went to bay [sic] the other day.
I'm glad I did because I had just the best time.
I hung out on the beach and looked for oysters and shells. I even found a green pearl!

Follow up to Water.png Water response

So I will admit our talk about wanting to visit an ancient city actually got me thinking.
I talked to Sifuu about her travels and she said there is a community in the Painted Desert where people live in houses carved into the sides of canyons.
She said they even have a luxury hotel! Now, that's an ancient city I wouldn't mind visiting.

Follow up to Air.png Air response

So you'll never guess what I heard the other day.
There are some Grimalkin scientists working on getting one of their old spaceships running again.
Maybe your dream to visit the stars will come true after all!

Specific Time

In the evening

Have you seen Reth around? We were supposed to have dinner at the Inn, but he didn't show. I hope he's alright...

The sunset's so pretty.
I wish I could capture all those colors and make them into a blanket...or maybe a throw pillow.

At Night

*Yawn* Do you mind if I sleep just a little longer?
I was having the cutest dream about taking care of a baby kitsuu.

Specific Location

In the Furniture Store

Do you like the furniture? I made most of the pieces myself.
My family comes from a long line of carpenters, going all the way back to the time of the First Council.

Do you like the "makeshift collection"?
It was inspired by some pieces Reth and I tried to make as kids.
There's something just so homey about imperfection you know?

I wish my parents could have been around to see this shop.
I think they would have been proud of me...and Reth too, despite his non-traditional path.

Well, if it isn't my favorite customer.
I got a few new things in today that I think you'll really like.

I've been busier than ever since Humans started showing up in Kilima.
Thanks to you guys, business is booming and I've made TONS of new friends.
It's amazing how much I've learned about Humans along the way, too!

In the Tailor

I'm helping Jel work on his latest looks.
I like having a preview of what's coming out next season...

The day's finally winding down.
It's time for me and Jel to do our nightly design sharing.
He has no idea I've been tinkering with a secret project on the sidelines. I'm going to surprise him when the time's right.

Aren't you worried he'll find out?
Not really. Jel gets too absorbed in his own thoughts to notice anything going on around him, even if it's right under his nose.
I can't wait to see the look on his face when I give him this wearable throne.
It's made of thorniest and darkest enchanted wood I could find. [sic]

What are you making?
It's a wearable throne made of thorniest and darkest enchanted wood I could find.

It's going to look PERFECT on him, I just know it!

There's this experimental set I've been working on for a while. The style is way different than what I'd usually go for, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try something new.
...I was wrong.
No matter how many times I rework the designs, I can't seem to get them right.
I'm stumped about what to do next.

Trash the project.
That's what Jel told me.
He said that if my work drains me rather than fuels me, it's as good as dead.
I'm going to take your advice and call it quits. Into the trash these sketches go!

Take a break from it.
I've tried, but every time I step away from my workstation, all I can think about are those unfinished sketches.
...Maybe I should listen to Jel and shelf this set.
It never feels good to abandon a project, but sometimes it has to be done!

Friendship Level 3-4

Friendship Level 3 or Higher

What's your favorite flower? I have a hard time deciding between Sundrop Lilies and Heartdrop Lilies.
Although...I have to admit, nobody's ever given me a Heartdrop Lily.
In Palia, if you give somebody a Heartdrop Lily, it means you have romantic feelings for them.
While giving someone a Sundrop Lily means you want to be their friend.
I guess I'm more of a Sundrop girl, than a Heartdrop girl.

Every time I see you, my worries just melt away like butter on a frying pan.

Reth, is that you?
Can you tell I've been hanging out with him lately?
If I'm not careful, his habits are going to start rubbing off on me too,
Then we'd have TWO Reths. One is more than enough!

I could say the same about you
Aww! That's so sweet of you!
Have I told you want an amazing friend you are, (Player)?
Talking to you always puts a big smile on my face!

I know I've probably said this a thousand times by now, but I'm SO glad we met.
It feels like just yesterday, I was teaching you how to build your own furniture. It's been a while since then.
Time really flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?

It sure does.
Sometimes I wish I could slow things down, though, especially when I'm spending time with you!

Time has been inching by for me.
Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that.
If you ever need someone to kill some time with, I'm your girl! I can't promise it'll make time pass faster, but at least you'll be having fun!

Friendship Level 4

I'm so glad you came to this village.
Who could have guessed my very best friend would be a member of a formerly extinct ancient race?
Life's funny sometimes...

When Reth and I moved here from the city, I was excited to meet new people and learn new things.
At the same time, I was pretty nervous about starting my entire life over.

Have you thought about moving back?

Enjoying your new life?
I have, even more than I thought I would. And it's all because of you.
Player (Water)
Yes you, silly Kitsuu!
You've made my life here SO much fun. I can't thank you enough for that!

You wanna know my deepest, darkest secret I've never told anyone?
...I...I don't actually think chapaas are that cute!
I only pretend to because I know everybody else in the village besides Hassian thinks they are totally adorbs, but not get it.
There I said it. I hope you don't hate me now.

Higher Friendship With Other Villagers

With Kenyatta Profile.png Kenyatta

I said hi to Kenyatta the other night, and she looked at me like I was weird!

She probably has a crush on you.
You think so?!

But I thought she had something going on with Nai'o... Maybe I was wrong.
She isn't really my type, but I'm going to say hi to her again tomorrow and see how she reacts. If she blushes, then you're probably right!

Well, too bad for her. My heart's already taken by you!

She's just being a hater.
Really? Why would she hate me, though?
I'm going to say hi to her again tomorrow and see how she reacts.
If she gives me that look again, I'm just going to ask her what her problem is!

Maybe she didn't hear you?
She turned around when I called her, so she definitely heard me.
Maybe she was just having a bad day.

Don't worry. She's like that to everyone.
Is she? She seems pretty friendly with you, though.
She's so grumpy sometimes I could just kill her...with kindness. That's my secret.
If you're nice to someone, it's hard for them to keep being a meanie.

When I first moved here I was super intimidated by Kenyatta.
Like she just gives off this super cool vibe, and I thought she would think I was just some basic bumpkin.
But then, we got to talking and I realized we actually have a lot in common.
Did you know she's also into fashion pamphlets?
I've actually been helping her sneak some while she's at work.

With Nai'o Profile.png Nai'o

I'm glad you’re here, (Player). I'm in a bit of a pickle. Nai'o decided to show me some of the music he was working on lately and it was...not good.
He asked me how it was, and I don't know how to respond. I don't want to be mean, but I don't want to lie either. What should I do?
What should I do?

Tell him the truth.
You're right. I have to tell him the truth no matter how difficult it is.
Sending him down the wrong path would be crueler in the long run...

Tell him how he can improve.
Hm...I don't know much about music.
But his dad does! Maybe I can encourage him to take lessons AND encourage father-son bonding time.

Be nice. A little white lie never hurt anyone...
I suppose you're right. It's not like music is his career. It's just a hobby.
So if he's having fun that's all that matters!

Distract him by talking about Roundball...or shiny objects.
...I suppose Nai'o is easily distracted.
Last summer he thought he was going to become a fashion model. He had Kenyatta paint his portrait and everything. But then he forgot to send them in to the magazine!
Hopefully this whole music thing proves to be just another harmless phase.

With Reth Profile.png Reth

I don't know if Reth has had a chance to tell you this, but he really appreciates your friendship.
Most of the folks around here aren't too kind to him, on account of the fact he strayed from his Path.
I think he really likes that you see him like I see him...

Quest Related

During Friendship Level 3 Quest Quest Icon.png Rage Redecoration

Jel needed me to model for him today. So I guess my "rage redecorating" will just have to wait...

After Friendship Level 4 Quest Quest Icon.png Make 'Em Sing

Did you know that Zeki sends flowers to his mother every week?
Being that close to your parents is a bit frowned-upon in Grimalkin culture.
If Zeki weren't blackmailing my brother, and threatening my life, I'd almost feel bad for the fuzzy little guy.

I FINALLY picked up on something useful via the singing stone we planted.
Zeki needs something super rare to finish an invention he's working on.
And if I can get it first...well, then...he'll have to bargain with me.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my digging gloves.

During Level 5 Friendship Quest Quest Icon.png Another Way

Hey, I hate to ask, but have you had time to brew that potion yet?
You know what, never mind. I shouldn't be bothering you with my problems.
I'll just have to focus on the positives. I got some new flower pots in today. They're really lovely, you should check them out.
I'll be here focusing on the flower pots and definitely NOT on the potion that might save my life and my brother’s future!

Missing dialogue for Water, Fire.
I know I really should tell Reth about the potion, but how do I bring it up?
Do I just walk up to him and say, I know you've been keeping secrets from me for years, but don't worry it was all for nothing 'cause I'm fixed now???

Explain your thought process.

Start with the good news.

Cut the ormuu crap and be honest.
Ooof. You really tell it like it is, don't you (Player)?

Get him drunk.
I know that was a joke, but it's honestly not the worst idea I've ever heard.

Unfortunately, I'm so deep in Ormuu crap right now, I don't know how to dig myself out.

After Level 5 Friendship Quest Quest Icon.png Another Way

I don't know if you heard, (Player), but the douplifier works!
Reth's working on the distribution plan and I'm working on making the casing more attractive.
It wouldn't do to have a wonderful magic-crafter only for it to be too ugly to put in someone's home!

I have to admit, (Player), I was a bit nervous about this alliance with Zeki at first.
But the more I hear him talk about his plan, the more I think it might actually work.
Thanks for talking me into listening to him. Whether this works or not, he's got his heart in the right place.

After Found Item Quest Quest Icon.png Masthead and Friendship 4+

I didn't figure out a way to free Reth yet. But I did learn that Zeki's apprentice, a Grimalkin named Zoraya, cheated him out of his fiscal freedom.
Maybe we could use that?

Pin Reactions

Jel's Pin Jel's Pin

OMG! [sic] Is that Jel's pin? Please tell me it is. You two would make the CUTEST couple!

Reth's Pin Reth's Pin While also Romancing Tish

Wait, I recognize that pin! That belongs to my brother... are you and Reth... oh, I see.
Well... uh... I don’t want to get in the way of you two doing whatever it is you’re doing.
But I don’t know if we should see each other anymore.
Going out with somebody who is also seeing my brother is just a little weird.