Another Way

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Another Way is a Friendship Quest given by Tish upon reaching Friendship Level 5: Friends 'Til the End.


Tish thinks she has a way to save her and her brother from the cartel.


Part 1

  • Talk to Tish to find out more.

Part 2

Tish needs to use Tamala's cauldron to craft a spell. Put the ingredients listed on the spellbook fragments into the cauldron to create a brew for Tish.

  • Brew the health potion.
  • Optional: Read the ingredient list to see what you'll need to bring to the cauldron.
↷ Return to Tish

Part 3

Wait to hear back from Tish.

  • Find out if Tish's plan worked.

Part 4

Tish hasn't figured out how to talk to her brother about the cure she found for her condition. Progress both Zeki and Reth friendship to find out more.

  • Wait to find out more.

Part 5

Go talk to Tish, Reth, and Zeki in Zeki's Underground office to discuss the conflict between the three of them.


During Quest


  1. Receive a letter from Tish about her latest information about the cartel.
    • Go find out what she's learned.
  2. Gather the required ingredients to make the potion for Tish.
  3. Bring Tish's Brew Tish's Brew back to Tish.
    • Wait a day for the results.
  4. Learn the good news from Tish at your home. She is still uncertain how to tell Reth, though.
  5. Receive mail from Zeki about a meeting between the three of them to talk about their issues.
    • Go to the Underground Office and start the conversation.
    • Witness the trio work out their differences.

Dialogue and Mail


Letter from Tish

Dearest (Player),
I've been doing some digging, and I think I might have a way to save both me and Reth from those awful fluffy-faced meanies! Pardon my language, but I'm just really steamed up by this whole situation.


Tish Profile.png Tish


Upon speaking to Tish

So about those fluffy-faced meanies...
Don't even get me started on the Underground. What they did to my brother is just plain...well, it isn't polite to say it outloud.

You know Reth signed up for this, right?
Reth was in trouble, and the cartel took advantage! He may have made a deal, but it was under duress!

Player are you going to get out of this mess?
Good question! Luckily, I have a good answer...

Good thing I'm not polite!
I love how you speak your mind, (Player), but right now isn't the time for complaints. It's time to take action!

Is it polite to whisper?
I love your sense of humor, but now's not the time for jokes.

While I was listening in on Zeki, I heard him mention that Caleri keeps secret magic books in the restricted section.
The locking mechanism on her doors is similar to the one I use on my storage chests.
So I may have just used a pick to pop it open just a little bit...

YOU picked a lock?

I see Reth's not the only criminal in the family.

I may be good and into shoes, but that doesn't mean I'm a goody two shoes!
I know desperate times call for desperate measures.
Besides, it's not like I was stealing the books. I was just taking a little peek.

Crime's a slippery slope...
If that's true, then my brother's already pushed both of us down the hill. Besides it was worth it...

And what did you find?

I found a recipe in this old spell book that says it will cure any ill. If my illness is cured, then my brother won't have to work for the cartel anymore.
I have the ingredients, but I need a cauldron to make it.
Cauldrons are banned by the Order, so I can't just go out and buy it. Do you know where I could find one?

Tamala's House
Oh you mean the cranky old alchemist that lives in the woods. Maybe...
I would just be too nervous to go out there. She might turn me into a toad! And I could never help Reth as a toad...

Maybe ask Zeki for help?
You want me to ask a Grimalkin for help getting out of a Grimalkin cartel? No thanks. There must be a better way.
You know I think that alchemist who lives in the woods might have one. I would just be too nervous to go out there. She might turn me into a toad! And I could never help Reth as a toad...

I'm sure I could make a deal with her.
I'm sure you can. You're always so smart. You know how to get out of any situation.

Don't worry. I got this.
Oh thank you, (Player)! I don't know what I'd do without you. You're my knight in shining armor.

I could sneak in.
I hate to think you'd resort to deception for me, but I suppose I can't judge your tactics after I broke into the library.

I think I'd look cute as a toad.
Oh, you would look SO cute. But I kind of like how you's sorta hard to kiss a toad after all.

I think I'd look cute as a toad.
I love your sense of humor, (Player). It's enough to brighten up any situation.

Okay, here's the ingredients list. Find these and put them in the cauldron, and I guess we'll see how things go?
I gotta admit, I'm really nervous, but having you here to help me makes everything so much easier.

Upon reading the Spellbook Fragment

Scrap From a Spellbook

To cure any ill, you will need the ingredients written with this here quill.

  1. One aquamarine, cool to the touch
  2. A butterfly with wings like dusk
  3. A pie containing crust of crab
  4. A sprinkle of silver, not a dab

Once you have the ingredients four, stir in a cauldron. Then stir some more.

Optional: Upon speaking to Tamala

Can I use your cauldron?
No...why would that be "okay"? If I see you touching my things without my permission, you'll learn why folks around here tend to avoid me.

Upon returning to Tish with the brew

I have your potion.
Oh, gosh! Wow! It looks so pretty...and so dangerous.
Now I just have to drink, sleep for the night without my flower, and see how I feel in the morning.
What could go wrong?

Are you sure you want to do this?
I'm sure. After everything my brother's done for me, this is the least I can do for him.

You could die.
Don't worry, one night without the flower won't kill me. It should be just enough time for me to tell if I start feeling sick again.

Everything will be fine.
I'm sure you're right, I'm just getting a teensie case of the nervous Nellies. Nothing some positive thinking won't cure!

I could watch you sleep...if that's not too creepy.
I appreciate the offer, but you've already done enough. I'm sure I'll be just fine.

I'll come talk to you tomorrow, but in the meantime, maybe you could say a few words to Maji for me? I think I'm gonna need it....

Upon speaking to Tish at your plot

Tish do I look?

Like the potion worked!
I couldn't believe it! When I woke up this morning, I felt normal. Or actually...better than normal.

Gorgeous as usual!
You charmer!
But seriously, I don't want to get my hopes up too much but I think the potion worked. When I woke up this morning, I felt...normal. Can you believe it?

Great! Now Reth can stop working for the cartel.
He will... in time... if he's sure it worked. Which is why I can't let there be any doubt.

So...problem solved?
Not quite. I still need to give it time to be 150% sure it works.

Also, I need to figure out how to tell Reth we've been doing this behind his back.
I know he'll be happy about the news, but he might feel a bit miffed I didn't include him.

I'm sure he'll understand.
Let's just take a breath and give it time. I'm sure the right answer will come to me.

Thanks for dragging me into this.
I know, I feel awful about that. It's actually part of the reason I don't want to tell Reth right away. It's one thing for him to be mad at me, but I don't want him to take it out on you.
Let's just take a breath and give it time. I'm sure the right answer will come to me

Oh, I almost forgot. I made you this. Just a little something to say thanks! I hope you like it!


Letter from Zeki

Information needed: if letter always comes from Zeki or if it changes depending on order of quests progressed.

Yo Kid,
Tish is coming to confront me about that whole situation with her brother. I may have reversed the little singin' stone trick she played on me and used it ta find out she discovered a cure. And then I may have told Reth, just so he wouldn't get himself into any more trouble. I thought while she was here, it might be the prime opportunity to talk to her about the whole fallin' star situation. Come by the Underground later and help me make her see reason.

Yours truly,

Zeki Profile.png Zeki

Upon speaking to Reth, Tish and Zeki

Missing dialogue for Fire Non-Romance
Finally, the voice of reason arrives.
I don't know how these two had a single conversation with each other before they met the likes of rational folks like us.
Seriously, I don't know how they've lived their entire lives like this!
All I want is one teensy tiny fallin' star to fix my machine, but they can't get over their squabble about how she didn't tell him that she found a cure, and he didn't tell her that he sold his freedom and his potential livelihood to save her life.
I mean, jeez, get over it already. These things happen!
These things happen? Are you kidding me? He was hiding the truth from me for three years!
But that's only because I didn't want to burden you with the responsibility. I'm supposed to be the big brother. Mom and dad would have expected me to take care of you, not the other way around.

Reth was trying to save your life, Tish!
That's the problem. I'm not a damsel. I don't need saving!
This isn't about your heart being in the right place, Reth. I know you were trying to help me, and I also know what you risked to do that.
But, I don't just want love, I want respect. That means involving me in decisions about my own life.

Reth, you should have involved Tish. It's her life.
You're right. I should have. It's clear she would have found a better solution. She always does! Because she's good at everything! And I'm good at nothing. Not even being good.
This isn't about your heart being in the right place, Reth. I know you were trying to help me, and I also know what you risked to do that.
But, I don't just want love, I want respect. That means involving me in decisions about my own life.

The whole thing's solved now, who cares?
That's what I'm trying to say. Let's move on and let bygones be bygones.

(Silently grab popcorn)
This isn't about your heart being in the right place, Reth. I know you were trying to help me, and I also know what you risked to do that.
But, I don't just want love, I want respect. That means involving me in decisions about my own life.

I kept telling myself that I kept the truth from you for you, but I think I really did it for me. I guess part of me didn't want to tell you because I wanted to be a hero. You know?
You're already a hero. I've always looked up to you. Some of my best memories are just laughing with you, mom, and dad while we ate a meal you cooked. (Player) and I are lucky to have you as part of our lives.

Speak for yourself, Tish.
You're right, (Player). I really screwed up, but hopefully I can show how sorry I am by doing better in the future.

You're lucky she's taking it this well.
You're right, (Player). I really screwed up, but hopefully I can show how sorry I am by doing better in the future.

I love you just the way you are.
Oh, guys...all this positive affirmation is turning me magenta.

It's the everyday things that count.
Oh, guys...all this positive affirmation is turning me magenta.

I don't know what I'd do without you.
Oh, guys...all this positive affirmation is turning me magenta.

Yeah! You're a hero no matter what!
Oh, guys...all this positive affirmation is turning me magenta.

Zeki that we've got that out of the way, and we're all friends. What about that fallin' star, eh?
Not so fast. I forgave Reth for keeping his cartel activities from me. I didn't forgive you for roping him in.
I didn't rope him in. He SIGNED UP. And unlike me, he was a grown man when he made that choice -- unlike most Grimalkins.
The only "choice" we get after we're kicked out of the house as kittens is sign up or starve on the street. I'm the one trying to change all that.
Come on, kid. Back me up here.

Zeki needs the star to take down the cartel.
So he says, but how do I know that's true?

Zeki did pay off Reth's debt.
True, and I usually do like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but how do I know that's not part of some elaborate scheme?!

I'm not askin' you to take this on faith. I know you wasn't born yesterday. No offense, (Player). I got proof of how the douplifier works.
So what? Even if your machine really doubles things, how's that gonna take down the cartel?
Think about it, Reth. Use that tiny little brain of yours. The cartel don't make most of its money offa magic. It makes it offa exclusive goods. Scarcity.
What happens if everybody can take a one of a kind masterpiece and turn it inta two like it ain't nothin'?
...the scarcity goes away.
And the price of exclusive stuffs goes down.
If the cartel loses money, it means they lose power.....
Now, you're pickin' up what I'm puttin' down, sister!
Okay, I'm in. I'll help you.
Me too.
Whoah! Whoah! I get how sis is gonna help. She's got the star. But what are you gonna do, pretty boy, throw soup at Zed?
What I do best...distribution. Think about it. I know every secret drop spot from here to the Umbraan mountains. You're gonna need that kind of knowledge if you want to keep your actions from the Underground.
And your business is gonna need a legitimate face if you want to sell to the Majiri.
And I suppose it don't hurt if that face is pretty.
Whoo hoo! Finally, my striking good looks give me an advantage.
Now all you gotta do is get a hair cut.
Or maybe Jel could give you a makeover!
...I'll think about the haircut.

So you're all working together now?
Looks that way, kid.

So are you guys, like, good?
Looks that way, kid.

And we have you to thank for it, (Player).
Yeah, thanks for helping us get out of our own heads and finally talk to each other. Who knows? You might have just changed the future of Palia.
And if not, you at least changed our future.


Update History

Build 0.182:

  • Requirements has been adjusted from a Ruby to an Aquamarine
    • We’ve let Tish know Tish’s Brew was very difficult to make and she’s adjusted the requirements for this request.

Build 0.179:

  • Introduced.