Dialogue with Ashura about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Ashura.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

Hey there. A lot of folks around here have been noticing how generous you are, myself included. I know it's not much, but I thought I'd drop over a little gift to say thanks.
You might not be able to tell by looking at me, but my Luna Sign's actually The Watcher. They say the Watcher's cursed by greatness, so our Starstone's mysterious, magical, onyx.
I'm not one for magic, but I do find onyx to be an oddly empowering color. I felt, as a Human, you might be cursed with a little greatness yourself. So I got you this.

+ Inky Onyx Stucco Wall 1 Inky Onyx Stucco Wall


Given Onyx Onyx

This onyx is for me?
Of course you'd give such a thoughtful gift. I shouldn't be surprised at your kindness.
Thank you, (Player). I'll cherish it.


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Requesting Channel Catfish Channel Catfish, Kilima Catfish Kilima Catfish

When I go out fishin', I'm always hoping for a (Catfish).
Fried Catfish is my favorite meal.

Requesting Congee Congee

I've been craving something simple lately.
A nice warm bowl of congee would really hit the spot.

Requesting Golden Salmon Golden Salmon, Sushi Sushi.

When I go out fishin', I'm always hoping for a golden salmon.
They make the best sushi.

Requesting Prism Trout Prism Trout

When I go out fishin', I'm always hoping for a prism trout.
The classic prism trout dinner is my favorite meal.

Requesting Rainbow Trout Rainbow Trout

When I go out fishin', I'm always hoping for a rainbow trout.
A good old fashioned trout dinner is one of my favorite meals.

Requesting Silver Salmon Silver Salmon

When I go out fishin', I'm always hoping for a silver salmon.
They make the best sashimi.

Requesting a Tree Seed: Acorn Acorn, Juniper Seed Juniper Seed, Pinecone Pinecone or Samara Samara

Next time you're out chopping wood, keep your eyes peeled for a/an (tree seed).
If you plant it, it will grow into a tree.
It's important to give back to nature more than you take.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Grilled Food: Grilled Fish Grilled Fish, Grilled Meat Grilled Meat, Grilled Oyster Grilled Oyster

Even though she works for as prestigious an organization as the Order, Subira's taste in food is more like that of us village folk. Turns out she likes grilled (fish/meat/oyster) as much as I do!

Requesting Glow Worm Glow Worm

I recently convinced Subira to go fishing with me. She's interested in reeling in some rare catches. I bet she'd appreciate some glow worms to use as bait.


General Acceptance

I've been looking for one of these. How did you know?


General Rejection

My pockets are a little too full right now, but thanks for thinking of me.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

As much as I hate declining such a fine gift, I must say I hate wasting it even more.
I've already received more than my fair share of this item, perhaps you should try giving it to someone else.

Specific Rejection

Given Heat Root Heat Root, Wild Garlic Wild Garlic

I'm a hard man to disappoint, but I must say, somehow you managed to do just that with this gift.

Specific Responses

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Given a Tree Seed: Acorn Acorn, Juniper Seed Juniper Seed, Pinecone Pinecone or Samara Samara

Thanks! I'll get these planted to help regenerate the forest.
You always have to give back what you get after all.

Given Celebration Cake Celebration Cake

Cake! You know sugar is one of my weaknesses...
But it couldn't hurt to indulge just a little, could it?

Given a Plank: Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank, Heartwood Plank Heartwood Plank or Sapwood Plank Sapwood Plank

How did you know this is just what I needed to fix up that leaky roof?

Given Kilima Catfish Kilima Catfish, Silver Salmon Silver Salmon

What a delicious looking catch!
I've been feeling my tummy rumble all day.
I don't think it could hurt to stop for a little snack break, do you?

Given certain Dishes

That looks delicious!
I've been feeling my tummy rumble all day.
I don't think it could hurt to stop for a little snack break, do you?

Given Sushi Sushi

Sushi! Why thank you! This is one of my favorite meals!
I've been feeling my tummy rumble all day.
I don't think it could hurt to stop for a little snack break, do you?

Given Trout Dinner Trout Dinner

A whole trout dinner! Why thank you! This is my favorite meal!
I've been feeling my tummy rumble all day.
I don't think it could hurt to stop for a little snack break, do you?