This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Chayne.
After First Gift
At the Player's Housing Plot
- Chayne
- Tell me, have you heard of the Palian tradition of Starstones?
- Player
- Never heard of them...
- Chayne
- Well, then let me explain. We Majiri believe that our character and fate are at least in part determined by what moon phase we are born under.
- I was born when Luna was Waning Gibbous moon which means I have traits associated with the Builder constellation. Builders are widely considered to be concerned largely with family and duty.
- Do I embody those traits? I don't know, but I hope to.
- Being born under the Builder means my Starstone is quartz. It might not be the most valuable gem, but it sparkles just the same.
- If you have further questions, perhaps you can check out a book in the library on the subject.
- Player
- I've heard of them, but I don't understand.
- Chayne
- Well, then let me explain. We Majiri believe that our character and fate are at least in part determined by what moon phase we are born under.
- I was born when Luna was Waning Gibbous moon which means I have traits associated with the Builder constellation. Builders are widely considered to be concerned largely with family and duty.
- Do I embody those traits? I don't know, but I hope to.
- Being born under the Builder means my Starstone is quartz. It might not be the most valuable gem, but it sparkles just the same.
- If you have further questions, perhaps you can check out a book in the library on the subject.
- Player
- Yes, I know all about them.
- Chayne
- Hm, then there is no need for me to go on about moon phases and seasons. But...I will still drop off this gift.belonging.[sic]
- I got you a wallpaper the color of smoky quartz. My starstone, quartz, fills me with a sense of duty and belonging.
- + Smoky Quartz Stucco Wall
Given Quartz
- Chayne
- This is an incredibly lovely gift, Player.
- I shall keep it on me and think of you..
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Requesting Apple Jam
- Chayne
- If you happen to make any jam and have some to spare, I would gladly accept the offering.
- I don't eat the flesh of animals, so I'm always searching for fresh fruit to incorporate into my diet.
Requesting Apple, Blueberries, Carrot, Potato, Wheat
- Chayne
- If you happen to have any (blueberries / potatoes) in your garden, I would be appreciative of the gift.
- I don't eat the flesh of animals, so I'm always searching for (fresh fruit / vegetables / healthy grains) to incorporate into my diet.
Requesting Blueberry Bush Seed, Potato Seed, Rice Seed, Tomato Seed, Wheat Seed
- Chayne
- I don't know if you've noticed, but I've started a small garden in the back of the Dragon Temple.
- I would love to add some (potatoes / wheat) to the garden if you find any seeds.
Requesting Dari Cloves, Dragon's Beard Peat
- Chayne
- To make a strong healing draught, one must first possess (Dari Cloves / Dragon's Beard Peat).
- If you find any, be sure to let me know.
Requesting Green Pearl
- Chayne
- I rarely have things of monetary value, but when I do I offer them to the Dragon.
- I believe he is particularly fond of Green Pearls, which are known colloquially as "Dragon Pearls".
Requesting Blueberry Jam, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Creamy Carrot Soup, Hearty Vegetable Soup, Palian Onion Soup
- Chayne
- If you happen to make any (jam, mushroom/carrot/vegetable/onion soup) and have some to spare, I would gladly accept the offering.
- I don't eat the flesh of animals, so I'm always searching for fresh (fruit / vegetables) to incorporate into my diet.
Requesting Pearl
- Chayne
- I rarely have things of monetary value, but when I do I offer them to the Dragon.
- I believe he is particularl[sic] fond of Pearls.
Requesting Samara
- Chayne
- One way to honor the Dragon is to honor nature. I like to honor nature by planting trees. Particularly samaras, as I have a particular fondness for birch trees.
Requesting Wild Ginger
- Chayne
- A hot cup of tea would be delightful right now. If you happen to find any ginger, would you be so kind as to share some with me?
Requests For Other Villagers
Missing dialogue for Specific Rejection.
General Acceptance
- Chayne
- Maji thanks you for your generosity, Phoenix's child.
General Rejection
- Chayne
- ...I would hope that you have learned by now, such items are not suitable offerings for the Great Dragon.
Duplicate Weekly Gift
- Chayne
- As kind as this offer is, I'm afraid I must decline it.
- I have received too many similar offerings and I am afraid the Dragon abhors waste.
Specific Rejection
Given ?
- Chayne
- (TBA)
Specific Responses
This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
Given Carrot Seed, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Creamy Carrot Soup
- Chayne
- I am honored at your generosity!
Given Dragon's Beard Peat
- Chayne
- This will make a powerful healing draught indeed.
- I thank you for bringing me Maji's bounty!
Given Glass Pane
- Chayne
- Glass for the temple windows! How spectacular!
- I thank you for your reverence.