Casual Dialogue with Chayne

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Chayne.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

If you wish to bathe in Maji the Dragon’s glory, might I suggest a walk out in nature?

Welcome to the temple. If you need a place to heal your body or your spirit, I am always here to help.

The Dragon teaches us to seek inspiration in his favorite element... the very waters around us.

I’ve seen over a hundred Dragon shrine sites in my time.
But this one is my favorite. This one means home.

Sometimes, it is difficult to keep the faith when no one has spoken to the Dragon in thousands of years. Even for me.
When I was a new initiate, no matter how many texts I studied or nights I spent observing the moon, my devotion wavered.
So I traveled to the Wellspring, where he used to converse with us Majiri, to see the answer for myself.
Its waters were silent. It gave me no answers.
I realized then that I alone had to determine how I would walk my Path, and I chose to believe there was something in store for my future.
Because I knew in the end, whether the Dragon spoke directly to me or not, it would still be my duty to care and provide for others.

It must be tough, simply appearing out of thin air, without other Humans to turn to.
We Majiri are so tied to our families and our communities, it is difficult to imagine our lives without them.
But we also believe that family and community are things that can change.
I am looking forward to our collective future with you in it.

There are four Orders of sages in Palian tradition.
The Brothers of Earth and Air, the Brothers of Rite and Ritual, the Brothers of Moons and Stars, and the Brothers of Writ and Word.
They each have a special role to play, but between you and me the Brothers of Moon and Stars always have their head in clouds.
My apologies, just a little monastic humor there...

My fathers were from the Brothers of Air and Earth.
Their job was to travel and maintain the natural shrines the Dragon, Maji, has given us to enjoy.
I decided to join the Brothers of Rite and Ritual.
It is my duty to take care of the physical and spiritual wellbeing of those in this valley.
It is a sacred duty I hold very dear.

I just came back from my fathers' remembrance sites.
I try to keep in mind that death is another stage of life and the veil between here and where they walk is thin… but, still, I miss them.

I’ve noticed many Humans are confused by why a sage is also a healer.
We Majiri believe that a man or woman’s spiritual health is not separate from their physical health.
After all, it’s hard to have one in isolation of the other.

I believe it is important that the children of the village are brought up experiencing the same rites as their forebears.
That way, they can move forward in life already prepared by the knowledge of the generations before them.
When I was young, I developed immense gratitude to the authors whose books I read.
Their advice helped me avoid quite a few potential mistakes!

Don't be too hard on old mayor Kenli. I do think he tries his best.
And governance is his Path, even if it's not the one he seems suited for. "It's best to walk your own Path poorly than another man's well."

Once when I was a child I found a bird.
This bird had a special call that could give whoever heard her sing the most pleasant dreams.
As I slept under her grove, I dreamed that I wasn’t a lonely nomad, but I lived in a village with other children. I had friends.
I tried to take the bird with me when my fathers and I moved to the next down[sic], but my Papa Bakar showed me the bird had eggs.
If I took her from her nest, they would never hatch. So I did the right thing and left the bird.
Still, I think that dream in some ways lead me to my life here.
I don’t know what reminded me of that just now...

Clear your mind of all distractions and you can almost hear Maji the Dragon's voice in the silence.

Come sit with me if you wish to meditate.
I find sometimes when I clear my mind, I can almost see across the veil that separates our world from the Dragon's...

Even we Sages do not posses a complete understanding of the mysteries of Flow.
But I see its presence as a sign that the Dragon still watches over and guides us all.

Some Majiri think of Galdurs as simple machines.
But I do not, their pursuit of Oneness has always seemed to me a sort of spiritual endeavor.
And what sort of machine is capable of that?

My favorite constellation is the Oak Tree. There you can see it's roots taking substance from the cosmos and it's fruit dipping just below the horizon, giving life to Palia. [Sic]

I’m looking for Heat Root.
It’s needed to heal one of my patients who keeps exacerbating an ankle injury by continuing to lift heavy barrels against doctor’s orders...
I love everyone who grew up in this village as if they were my own children.
But still, sometimes children can be exhausting.

If you wish to pay your respects to the ancestors of this village, you can find their shrines at the Remembrance Garden.
Unlike many other cultures, Majiri do not actually bury our dead.
The families of the newly departed go on a sacred pilgrimage to a Wellspring, where they can return their loved one to the birthplace of Flow.

The seasons and phases of the moon influence a Majiri's life from the moment of their birth.
Those born in the spring have souls flowing or turbulent as water, and those born under a new moon are mercurial and care free.
My charts say I am optimistic and dutiful. Can't deny that!
I wonder if appearing fully-formed out of nowhere, as you Humans do, would still constitute a birthday.

I picked this valley to settle down in partially because of the mountains.
I make a journey to the highest peak once a month to get just a little closer to the moons.

My fathers were both monks for the traveling Order of Air and Earth.
They devoted their lives to spreading Maji the Dragon's wisdom throughout Palia.
Traveling as a child was...exciting.
But I always knew I wanted to settle down and become a village ritual sage.

Possibly at friendship level 3-4
I always knew I would follow the Path set out by my fathers. But it was a winding Path indeed.
I began as they did, in the Brothers of Earth and Air. But my time was filled with frequent and lonely days of travel... I was exhausted, disconnected.
I was ashamed at first, believing I would never live up to the road my parents set before me. But they are wise men, and they sat me down to talk.
I [sic] inspired by their words, joined the Brothers of Rite and Ritual and eventually became this town's healer. I found purpose here.
That is when I realized walking one's Path is not about being good at something, but rather about becoming good at something and making the world better.

Chayne asks The Player Questions

I am glad to see you. Come, speak to me. What do you know of Embra, the Phoenix?

Embra was an ancient Human deity.
From what I've gathered of Human origin myth, it seems as if Embra created the Humans, just as Maji created the Majiri.
Thought to be honest, most sages had thought the Phoenix had died with the destruction of the Humans.
I suppose we were wrong. It appears she was just sleeping...or waiting.

Ancient Humans worshipped her.
Yes, Humans built monuments to their creator, just as we Majiri built monuments to ours.
I do wonder why she brought you back and for what purpose.
But I suppose only time will reveal that mystery.

I think she created me...
I think so, too.
Others like you have told me they came from a void where they heard a comforting female voice... I don’t see who that voice could belong to if not the Phoenix.

At night

Missing dialogue for Fire and Earth path.
Ignus has changed since the Humans arrived. It used to be still, now it is alive with fiery movement.
That has to mean something, right?

Maybe it's responding to us!
Information Needed.

I don't know, but it's pretty.
Yes, sometimes natural beauty is its own reward.

Not everything's a sign.
Information Needed.

Missing dialogue for Fire, Earth, and Water path.
Tell me, what is the first thing you see when you look into the night sky

The Moons. They stand out,
Information Needed

The constellations. I love their stories...
There are so many good stories up there, aren't there?
One day I'll have to tell you the story of Nyota and Dunn. Or better yet, I'll let Hassian do it. It's his favorite.

The Weather. I need to plan my day.
Information Needed

A feeling of existential dread
Information Needed

Specific Time

In the Morning

Maintaining the Dragon Shrine is as important for me as it is for the village's relationship with Maji himself.
It fills me with a sense of calm and wonder at the beauty of all things.

In the Evening

Tell me, Phoenix’s child. What is it you seek this evening?

Yes, I imagine you have many questions about your origins.
Don't worry, Embra and Maji shall make their intentions clear with time.

Yes, evening is a good time to meditate and reflect.
Sometimes I find the most pleasant thing to do is nothing at all.

A Sernuk
Well... you are direct. And I suppose it is healthy to focus on the now.
I do not practice hunting myself, but young Hassian may be able to direct you towards such a creature.

If you'll excuse me, I'm preparing to retire for the evening.
Maintaining a healthy body is an important part of maintaining a healthy spirit.

Sometimes, farmers will take a subset of stars from the constellation we sages study and give it a name more relevant to the task at hand.
There! Although most of us interpret that formation as the tail of the Dragon constellation, some farmers call it the Plot.
Its appearance signals it is time to turn the earth for new planting.

At Night

Luna is especially bright tonight.
If you look closely you can almost see the shadow of Maji's face across the Great Wellspring.

The insects sound so alive this time of night, don’t they?
It’s as if the Dragon, Maji, performs a concert just for us.

A lot of people think the stories told in the stars are just that...stories.
But sages know the Dragon, Maji, left those stories there for a reason, to remind us of the mistakes and triumphs of our ancestors.
So we may learn from them.

Nights like this remind me of the story of the Kitsuu who wanted to steal moon.
It's a long one, but a cherished favorite.
If you're interested, I think the library has a copy of the Ashar's fables version.

Specific Location

At the Inn

I have been friends with Ashura for a very long time. It is why I come to the inn so often. That, and the lettuce soup.
At first, when he still ran the inn alone, I had to patch him up every time he picked up a chef’s knife!
He is still shy about his past, but from what I gather, he possesses wounds that I cannot heal with herbs.
But I believe in due time and with the Dragon’s guidance, he will one day make a full recovery.

I always love a good meal after a day of hard work.
All good food, even the simplest lettuce broth, has healing properties. Even if not for the body, then always for the soul.
Sharing a meal with others, restores us even more. Maybe you will join me for a bite someday?

What would you recommend?
Reth makes a wonderful variety of vegetarian dishes.
My favorite is his lettuce soup. Can you believe it only uses two ingredients?

As long as it’s not lettuce soup.
The meal can certainly be your choice. I think I am the only person in town that appreciates the simplicity of Reth’s lettuce soup.
He tells me the secret ingredient is hot water!

Friendship Level 3-4

Friendship Level 3

When I was a boy, there weren’t many other children around.
Sages don’t typically marry, and they raise children even less frequently.
So I spent most of my days alone. I didn’t mind it, but now I find I enjoy the company of others. It’s very nice to have those I can call friends.
Yourself included, of course.

As a spiritual guardian of this village, it is my duty to the Dragon to love all those I care for equally.
That does not mean I am always able to fulfill my duty.
I have especially enjoyed my time getting to know you, and I am delighted that we have formed such a close friendship.
You are perhaps... first among my friends. Don’t go telling that to Ashura though.

Higher Friendship With Other Villagers

With Reth Profile.png Reth

I hear you have become friends with Reth, the cook? That's good.
From what his sister tells me, that boy could use more positive influences in his life.

With Ashura Profile.png Ashura

I heard Ashura told you about his son. I pray to Maji everyday asking that he send that child back.
The boy needs Ashura as much as Ashura needs him

With Hodari Profile.png Hodari and Najuma Profile.png Najuma

I'm glad to see you taking the time to visit Hodari and Najuma.
I know it's been hard for both of them to open up since Leta died.
Your friendship means more to them than you know.

Quest Related

After Kenyatta's Level 4 Friendship Quest: Quest Icon.png The Path Ahead

I’ve never had an apprentice before. It’s interesting.
I find I’m almost learning as much from training her as she is from being taught by me.

Kenyatta's care for the natural world makes her surprisingly well suited for the life of a sage.
Thank you for directing her my way.

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(Villager)'s Pin
