Jel's Style Tips

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Jel's Style Tips is a Main Quest given by Jel after you have built your house.


Sick of wearing the same thing day in and day out? Let Jel introduce you to a whole world of fashion finds.


Part 1

  • Use a wardrobe on your plot.

Part 2

Sick of wearing the same thing day in and day out? Let Jel introduce you to a whole world of fashion finds.

  • Visit the register in Jel's shop.
↷ Return to Jel


At Quest Completion


  1. Kilima's tailor, Jel, made a surprise visit to teach you about fashion! Talk to him on your plot. He wants you to familiarize yourself with your personal wardrobe as well as his shop's cash register.
  2. Interact with your wardrobe to see the latest selection of clothing lines.
    • You need to interact with the wardrobe by pressing or and try on any outfit to complete the objective.
  3. Then head over to Jel's shop in town and look at his selection of clothes.
  4. After a nice fashion showdown, go talk to Jel.

Dialogue and Mail

Upon speaking to Jel on your plot

How exciting! Tish told me this drab little plot was getting a delightful makeover, and I just had to come see for myself.
I am so thoroughly pleased by your efforts that I wish to offer my services as your tailor!
After all, with your plot coming along so beautifully, you should be equally exquisite as well, no?
All you need to do is install a wardrobe and open its doors! Feel free to try on any outfit that suits your fancy.
Once you’ve done that, do visit the register in my shop in Kilima. Ah, my eager heart flutters at the very thought at you laying eyes on my latest work!

Upon returning to Jel

I checked out the wardrobe and the shop.
And wasn't it a spectacular experience? You can have one trademark outfit or one for every fleeting mood!
In the future, if desire strikes you and you crave something new, simply open your wardrobe or return to my shop. New clothes will be delivered post-haste wherever you are.
Ah, I've been so inspired by meeting you. I simply must give you a token of my appreciation. Call on me whenever you need a fellow artist's eye!


Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.