Badruu - Dialogue

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Première interaction

Voilà encore une tête qui m'est inconnue !
Je m'appelle Badruu. Je m'accupe de la ferme et je sens qu'on va être copains comme COCHONS, toi et moi.
J'ai oublié de préciser qu'en plus d'être fermier, j'fais du stand-up !


  • Tant que ça concerne le jardinage, je peux régler n'importe quelle situation. Tu f'ras pas CHOU BLANC !
  • J'espère que t'as eu de bonnes récoltes !
  • Salut, toi ! Tu passes une bonne journée ?
  • J'suis content que t'aies pas trop POIREAUTÉ avant de t'arrêter à la ferme des Daiya. Nos produits sont aux petits OIGNONS !
  • Ça faisait un bail ! Allez viens, ramène ta FRAISE ! Ça va, t'as la PÊCHE ?
  • Tu t'promènes ?
  • Si tu continues à venir me voir aussi souvent, tu vas finir par plus compter pour des PRUNES dans ma famille
  • On devrait discuter agriculture ! T'inquiète pas, j'te raconterai pas de SALADES.
  • Bienvenue dans la ferme familiale des Daiya ! Quand t'es pas là, on en a gros sur la PATATE !
  • Salut !
  • Oh, te voilà !
  • Je faisais le POIREAU ! T'as besoin d'aide ?
  • T'es peut-être PANAIS d'la dernière pluie, mais j'te parie que je peux t'apprendre un ou deux trucs sur l'agriculture.

Dialogue quotidien

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
My produce is getting so popular with the Humans, Zeki’s started to order more.
I think now is the time to act if I want to lock in a new price... I gotta turn that lettuce into cold, hard cabbage.
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You’re getting good at gardening.
I was wondering if you’d picked up any new tilling techniques, because I am all tilled out...
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I just restocked the shop with a fresh harvest of carrots.
I have it on good authority from the local chapaa in this region that my carrots are pretty tasty.
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Man, my back is aching today. But I still gotta work. The crops aren't gonna water themselves.
Unless I can train a tomato to hold a watering can...or I invest in a sprinkler system.
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Why were the baby sweetberries crying?
Cause their ma and pa were in a jam!
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Do you know why it's so hard to harvest a spring onion?
Because they keep bouncing away. Boing boing boing!
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Potatoes are the worst crop to harvest. They're so low to the ground, they really throw out my back.
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I’ve got a joke for you. Why did the musical farmer only grow corn?
'Cause he liked to play by ear!
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Why are tomatoes the proudest veggie on the farm?
Because they are simply de-vine.
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It’s been a great harvest year… if you happen to be a cactus farmer.
I don’t remember the last time I saw rain.
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Why do ormuu ranchers always have the best legs?
Because they’re used to raising their calves!
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I always like to have a few fried potatoes before, during, and after a hard day’s work.
Why? Because they are SPUDtacular.
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I’d say it’s time for me to get an award for all this farming.
Why? You ask.
Because I’m out standing in my field.
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I always have a headache after I harvest wheat all day.
I call them "my grain" headaches.
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I told a joke earlier that actually made Hodari laugh. Want to hear it? Why did the bard perform on a ladder?
...He wanted to hit the high notes.
I don’t know if Hodari was laughing with me or at me, but either way, I appreciate the chuckle.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Nai’o and Auni told me I need to cool it on the dad jokes.
What do you think? Do I take the veggie puns too far?

It doesn’t matter what I think.
You’re right. I shouldn’t worry so much about what others think about me. It only matters that I like them!
Hold on. I got one more for you. What did the stalk of wheat say after a night on the town?
I’ll sleep when I’m bread! Ha ha! I love that one!

Maybe a little.
Okay then, I’ll make like a loaf of bread fresh out of the oven and cool it.
What? I had to get a last one in didn’t I?

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
It’s hard to be mad at life when the sky looks like this. Don’t you think?
Look at that cloud. What do you think it looks like?

An adorable ormuu

A Head of Lettuce
A head of lettuce...I see it.
I was gonna say a big circle, but I guess you’re more of the creative type.
Or maybe you’re just hungry...

Uh...a cloud.

The feeling of tranquility.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
You know I first got this ocarina when I was a kid.
I actually thought I was good enough at one point to join a troupe of traveling bards if you could believe it!
Good thing I got rejected though, or I never would have had my life here.
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If you spend enough time at the Inn, you'll no doubt encounter Tarkaa, the traveling bard.
They're pretty popular around these parts...a bit overrated in my opinion. Their songs aren't nearly funny enough.
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Ça fait un bail qu'on a pas vu de barde dans le coin.

Pourquoi pas Tarkaa ? Il a bonne réputation.
Tarkaa ? J'ai dit un bon barde. Pas un barde surévalué.

Tu devrais te produire !
Non, j'y arriverais pas. Ça fait des années que j'ai pas joué devant un public.
Si je chantais la sérénade aux habitants du coin, Sifuu risquerait de vouloir me briser les os avec mon luth.

Je préfère quand c'est calme.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
(Player)! You’ll never believe what I just heard!

Two ormuus having an... intimate moment?


I went by City Hall to drop off some paperwork and Kenyatta was humming my music.
It was a song I used to perform in Bahari City back in the day.
I thought everyone forgot it, but apparently some new bard brought it back "ironically."
Anyway, it feels good to be remembered. Regardless of the reason.
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In the afternoon, I make a quick stop in town to make my deliveries.
But it doesn’t hurt to stop by the Inn and have a pint while I’m out.
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So... unfortunately, Ashura was not declared the victor of the arm wrestling match the other day.
Sifuu beat him out at the last minute. I’m gonna nurse my wounds with another ale.
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You know, sometimes being around this place is hard for me.
It reminds me of when I used to play in joints like this.
Don’t get me wrong... I love my life now. But I also miss my life then.
Sometimes I wish I could have both. That life could be more of a circle than a straight line, ya know?
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Auni picked up a joke book for me in the library the other day.
When I went to return it, Caleri mentioned that Delaila has had "The Passions of Jabari" checked out for three weeks.
I never knew she liked reading romance.
I’ll have to check it out after she returns it... maybe it could give me a few pointers.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Hey, your home is looking mighty swanky.
If you need decorating tips, ask Delaila.
She really knows how to make a house feel like a home.
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You know, I don’t really like my Path as a farmer.
The act of growing and raising food doesn’t really bring me joy the way it does for Delaila or Nai’o.
But it puts three meals a day on the table, and makes my family happy.
So I suppose things could have been worse.
I keep trying to convince myself that things will work out for Auni, even if he doesn’t like what he ends up doing, just like they worked out for me.
Only thing is... I don’t really want that. I want things to be better for him.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Thanks for supporting my musical endeavors.
Delaila’s always had complicated feelings about my musical aspirations.
I originally turned down her proposal 'cause I thought I was gonna run off with a traveling band, and I think she’s still a little sore over it.
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Bessie wanted to thank you for fixing my lute.
She was over the mooon for my performance.
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I’ve been practicing with my old ocarina… and I was wondering…
Do you think Auni might like to play? It would be a fun father and son thing we could do together.

He’d love that!

You shouldn’t push him.
Eh, you’re right. Auni’s his own kid with his own interests. I shouldn’t try to force my hobbies on him.
I’ll talk to Nai’o instead.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
I wrote a new song the other day, and I want to try it out on you before anyone else.
Okay... ready, let’s go!
"I’ve got a girl who makes me smile. She makes me want to stay for awhile. Her hair is long and her horns are big...
...She’s a much better friend than a wild pig. Her name is... FLUFFFFY!
...She’s the cutest ormuu in the world. FLUFFFFY!
She’s my chonky, hairy, little girl." ...
(sigh) I think I’ve been spending too much time in the barn.
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Do you reckon me and Delaila have lost our spark?

Of course not!

...she does bring up planks when I talk about you.
Bored...board...plank...I get it. Now you’re starting to learn from the master.
You didn’t answer my question... but I will forgive you.
I’ve just been worried 'cause she doesn’t look at me the same way she did when we were younger.
But... it’s on me to fix that.

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
So I’ve been thinking about ways for Delaila and I to spice up our marriage.
First, I thought paprika might due[sic] the trick and then I realized she’s allergic.
But then I thought maybe we could have a romantic weekend away just the two of us.
Where do you think I should go?

The beach.

The mountains.
Hmm.. I did hear about this new ski chalet in the Umbraa Mountains.
We haven’t been skiing since we were Nai’o’s age. That would be just the thing to make us feel young again!
Unless one of us breaks a hip.

A big city!

Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Do you think I should do anything different with my hair for my big date night with Delaila?
Player (Fire)
No, you look perfect.
You’re right. She fell in love with this mug, exactly like it is.
Information nécessaire. Traduction manquante
Delaila's always worried about how Auni is gonna turn out, but between you and me, I'm more worried about Nai'o
That kid acts happy, but he takes on so much. If I so much as slump when I sit down at the dinner table, he starts insisting he takes care of my chores so I can rest my back.
He needs to learn that he's not responsible for other people's happines.
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Auni thinks me and Delaila are tougher on him ‘cause we like Nai’o better.
I wish I could help him see that isn’t true.
We’re only tougher on him because we can see he needs some extra guidance.
But it seems like the harder we push, the faster he runs away.
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I can't thank you enough for how much you've done for my family and our farm.
You're welcome over for supper anytime.
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Your acceptance ceremony was the most beautiful one I've ever seen.
I was crying so hard you would think I was making onion soup with a side of onion rings.
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Thanks for helping out Delaila with her jams for the county fair.
Now I know who to count on when I'm in a jam-related jam.

Dialogue sur les cadeaux


 «  Engrais  » 
Je n'irais pas répandre cette information, mais Delaila s'est inquiétée ces derniers temps de ne pas avoir les moyens d'acheter de l'engrais. Si nous n'économisons pas assez vite, nos récoltes seront décevantes cette année.
Personnellement, je préfère qu'elles soient au moins rassurantes.


 «  Nourriture  » 
La soupe de pommes de terre chargée, ma préférée !
Qu'y a-t-il de mal à aimer une soupe de légumes qui n'est composée que de fromage et de glucides ?

Événements spéciaux

Maji Market

La seule raison pour laquelle je ne travaille pas avec Delaila au stand du Maji Market est que je dois garder un œil sur les animaux et sur Auni.
Le garçon me demande toutes les cinq secondes s'il peut aller au marché avec sa maman et son grand frère.
Je me sens mal de le garder à la maison, mais la dernière fois que nous l'avons laissé sortir après l'heure du coucher, il n'a pas dormi pendant une semaine !

Parole du doubleur

Les paroles ci-dessous sont en anglais dans le jeu.

Début de Conversation

Niveau 1-2

  • HAY, can I help you out?
  • Well howdy, sproutling!
  • What brings ya around here?
  • Grow any new vegetables? Animals? Minerals?
  • Hey, what’s poppin’?
  • Nothing BEETS Daiya family produce.
  • How are your crops doin’?

Niveau 3-4

  • You brighten my day, pal. Hope that wasn’t too CORNY.
  • Here’s to good... THYMES ahead.
  • Got time for a tight five?
  • LETTUCE do our best.
  • Well, hello there.
  • HAY there.
  • Nice of you to TURNIP.
  • Always nice to see y’around these parts.
  • Well, look who made it out here.
  • I’ve BEAN thinking of you.

Fin de Conversation

Niveau 1-2

  • LETTUCE make this day a great one.
  • See ya later, hot potater!
  • Happy trails!
  • Looking forward to our next roundup!
  • Let’s make like bananas and PEEL out!
  • Have a GRAPE day.
  • I’ll have some new material for you next time.

Niveau 3-4

  • Call me a beet. Cause I’ll be ROOTING for ya.
  • I’ll see ya around. Unless I see you a SQUARE.
  • Good talk.
  • Call me an orange. Cause I’ll see you a ROUND.
  • Oh, I see you’re KALE-ing it a day for now.
  • Remember, ROMAINE calm, and farm on.
  • Yup, back to the same ol’ for me.
  • May your gardens be weed free.
  • LETTUCE talk all things farming!
  • I always a PEACH-iate your visits.
  • Watch out for those pesky chapaas.
  • I’m always BLUE when you leave, BERRY.